Status: Not writing until people read it.

This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream

Sweetheart You Are Sadly Mistaken

I had just managed to settle my stomach enough to roll over when I heard a loud, bloody horrific sound.


"LANAAAAAAAA!!! Wake up ye lazy arse sleepy head!!!"she called out to me.

I grunted and all of my previous pain came shooting back.
Shelly walked over to me and sat beside me.

"What's wrong lovely dearest." she asked sweetly. Huh, wonder who got some last night.

"I think I'm gonner be sick." I replied, and collapsed back on the lawn.

"Hangover that bad? It's ye own fault dearie, ye kept insisting on drinking the Russian vodka Kassandr brought over" she chattered

"No, your happiness is makin me ill." I retorted "Wait... WHAT???"

"Oh I see, you're jealous that I got a good fuck last night and ye didn't coz ye passed out and..." God. This girl just won't shut up.

"Shut up Shelly, the world doesn't revolve around you solely!!" I shouted, then regretted it as I started seeing stars.

Her mouth hung agape and she stared at me with wide eyes. I gave her an apologetic look.

"Listen Shelly, I didn't mean te snap at ye like that. It's just-- I have a bloody awful hangover and I want te know what the fuck Kassandr was doen' here last night." I sighed and rubbed my temples, wincing at the pain that was still going strong.

Shelli lied down next to me and propped her head up on her hand.
"Ye really don't remember"

I shook my head.
And nearly passed out again.

"Well, we were at the college party--"

I interrupted her, "I remember that bit. Up to Jasper picking us up, then...nothing."

She gave one sharp nod. "Right" she said annoyed that I had interrupted her, but realized it was necessary.

I gave her a look that said 'well carry on then' and she gave me a stern look that said 'don't rush me'. I loved how we could just communicate through looks like that.

She licked her lips and continued, "Well, Jason ran out of booze an' everyone was in a shite mood, so ye called Kassandr an' asked him ta bring some of his bloody amazin' vodka ta keep teh party going. Then ye all took turns with shots, then body shots, and then we played Never Have I Ever an' his best friend said 'I've never never seen a girl as pretty as Shelly Leyton' but I think he only said that cause he was plastered"

She sighed. I gave her a sympathetic look.

"Anyways, then Hayden came 'round with our auto an' gave it back, and joined the parteh -I think he smelled teh booze- and brought round some whiskey. Then ye got even more hammered than ye already were, an when Kassandr took ye outside for some air ye told 'im that ye wanted te take a nap unduh the stars so he left ye and ye passed out. Then I hooked up with one of Jason's friends, I think his name was Aurelian but I realleh don't give a fuck. Then Hayden left, plastered as shite. I swear that bloke went on one helluva bender. An....yeh. The rest of Jason's friends left, an' Kassandr, his best friend an meh stayed te check up on ye when ye woke up. Oh an' ye never answered me question, how are ye feelin'?"

I groaned and tried to get up, but flopped back on the floor. Shelly frowned

"Not so good I take it." I nodded, then it hit me.

"Wait. Icalled Kassandr over???" I cried

Shelly nodded.

" Shit."

I heard footsteps nearing us and a chuckle behind me. I jumped.


"Don't worry, love. You made sure to let me know it was only for booze purposes."

Despite Kassandr's snarky tone I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't want him getting any ideas, I wanted to be sure he knew we were over. O-V-E-R. Not to be bitchy or anything, I just didn't want him to think that I wanted him anymore.
As if reading my thoughts (which he might have been) he bent down to a crouch and locked his eyes with mine.

"I know that we are not going to be anything more than friends.We can no longer be."

His sincerity made me feel secure and I trusted him. There is one thing that I love about Kassandr, he honours people's wishes and relationships. I'm damn sure it never crossed his mind to try and get me back, once I told him I didn't feel the same way about him anymore. I think it's in his nature.

I just then realized he was waiting for me to acknowledge his words. I gave him a nod and he nodded back, eyes still locked with mine. I mentally thanked Shelly when she broke the building tension.

Shelly cleared her throat "Well, ye gave us a right scare there mate. Whachu want?"
She looked at him pointedly and Kassandr stood up.

"I came to see if Lana was feeling okay, and give her this."
He pulled a glass full of fizzling water out of nowhere and handed it to me.
I raised my eyebrow at him and swirled the cotent of the glass, looking at it suspiciously, earning another chuckle from Kassandr.

"Drink it, it's a tonic that Jasper make. He says it should make your stomach okay."
I smiled at Kassandr's word choice. I can't blame him though, English isn't his first language and he was still learning. I gulped down the tonic and made a face at the empty glass.

I stuck my tongue out and grimaced. "Ughhh wat was that!? That was positively manky! Eukkkk"

Shelly and Kassandr both erupted in laughter, leaving me sitting there making faces at the empty glass. At least my stomach felt better.

I heard some laughter coming from the house as well, and when I turned around I saw Jasper laughing at me through the window while doing the dishes. I them all the two finger salute and lied down on my back.

"Yuck" I said to no one in particular as I looked up at the sky. Clouds were coming in from the east, which meant rain probably tonight or tomorrow. Which reminded me...

"Oi! Wot time is't?"

Kassandr and Shelly stopped laughing and were discussing something. Kassandr pulled out his shiny silver wristwatch. "Three seventeen pm."

I shot up. "Are you bloody serious??? Dammit Shelly! We've gotta get te the shops!"
Shelly giggled and shook her head.

"Naw love, we're going go-carting with Kassandr, Maxim and some friend of theirs."

"YESSSSSSS!" I cried, then got up and did a little dance, punching the air. "We're going go-carting, we're going go-carting. Na nanana nana.....oh shite."
I suddenly got really dizzy and realized my hangover hadn't completely passed. Luckily, Kassandr was there for me -again- and caught me before I hit the ground.

"Cheers." I mumbled, he chuckled and set me right. Shelly, however, had erupted into another fit of uncontrollable laughter.

Kassandr bent down a little and whispered in my ear, "Kassandr is always there for you, Lana. It is my duty to keep you safe."

I looked up at him confused, was he trying something on me? Was he actually not as good as I thought? Should I worry? Was he bad news?

I thought about the time when we were together. He had not always been so angelic, he had been up to some dodgy things too. I pushed myself away from him and took a few steps back. He closed the space I made. "Sweetheart, don't run, you are mistaken." he said as he took another step.

"What-- What are you doing?" I stuttered, a bit scared now. He was smiling and his fangs were exposed, but as he saw the fear in my eyes his face fell and became soft again.
He put his arms around me,

"Shhh, shhh Lanya. I am not going to hurt you. I never would." I exhaled and he rocked me back and forth.
"Lanya" he whispered, "I am your zashhitnik."

I looked up at him and cocked my head. He smiled warmly.

"I am your Protector."
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