Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Hey soul sister


We layed there, embracing eachother till we heard Kat's mom knock on the door. "Dinner's done, u guys hurry up and get downstairs.!" so we slowly pulled away and looked at eachother for a brief moment.

"wow sorry bout that emotional breakdown there" I said standing up and walking over to the door. when i turned around she was still sitting on the bed looking down at her hands she had resting in her lap. " whats wrong Kat?" she looked up.

"you dont have to appoligize for that kinda stuff, you know?" she "then stood up and walked over to stand next to me. "its okay to say that you need me!" she paused "i like knowing it." then she opened the door and smiled. "come on we better get down there before my mom freaks out."

i smiled back at her " alright" i said and we went downstairs to have dinner...

The drive home from Kats always in a way makes me deppresed, for a lil while its like i have a home, a family again. Then i get in my car to go back to an empty house, well it might as well be empty with my lifeless mother who just sits on the couch all day.

so i didnt drive home, i drove to the park like two streets over from Kat's house and sat in my car. I dont know why i had broken down at Kat's, i just, i mean i really do need her, more than she could possibly understand... what drives me crazy is the kiss, middle school she has always kissed me on the jaw or the cheek, but now it doesnt feel the same to me, it might to her, but not to me. so here i am a lifeless, famliless, useless, loser sitting in my car at the park at 12 oclock at night. i didnt mean to fall asleep there, but i did.
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Sidnee: we'll i blame our lack of progress on Kevin personaly...
Kevin: why me?
Kevin: thats sexist!
sidnee: ohhh well. anyways sorry you guys!!!!