I'm in Love with a Guy that Will be the Death of Me.

6.Old friends

"You can run, but the larmnia will always find you." says the fortune teller.

"Isn't there anything we can do to stop this thing?" Says Mark (I forgot the real name)

"There are somethings you can do, make blood sacrifices, like cats, dogs or other animals." replys the fortune teller.

"I can't do that I volenteer at animal shelters, I take in sick animals I can't possibly hurt them" replys Rachel (again with forgeting)

"You will be suprised what you will do when the larmnia come for you." the fortune teller says ominously.

*creak creak creak*

I wip around faster than the spead of light with my wisk rased high.

"Ahhh" I hear my mom scream.

"Hunny what are you doing with a wisk?" asik my mom causiously.

"Augh!! I was watching a scary movie and no one else was home, so I got this wisk for protection." I replied.

"Well hunny, what ever I'm going to bed, " she tirned to my step-father "are yu going to be joining me?" she asks seductivly.

"I'll be right there, darling." he replys eagerly.

"Augh!! Gag" I yell loud enoiugh for my mom to hear.

"Oh hunny, you will understand when you get older and intamite with a guy." she replys.

"What ever, just don't make to much noise I'm going to bed, and I at leas am going to try to sleep." I say.


As I'm walking down the stairs, I can smell pancakes, ohhhh yummy I haven't had pancakes for a while.

"Hi Beth, how are you?" I ask happily.

"I'm good Anne. How was your sleep? Oh I know you won't like this but Alex is coming for dinner tonight, with his father." says Beth slowly.

"Well my sleep was good, and I'm happy about the guest tonight."I reply.

"Wow you took that alot better than I thought you would.. wait what aare you planning on doing?"

" I'm not going to do anything Beth." I reply with a sweet smile.

"You can't fool me I know you're up to something, but it's none of my business so you may do as you wish." she said.

"Thank you." I reply, as I walk up the stairs to my room.

Okay so if my small plan is going to work I need some help. Maybe I can call Jake we use to pull pranks like this when we were little but they were, kinda.... diffrent.


"Hey. Jake?" I said into the phone.

"Umm heyy, who are you?" Jaked replied.

"Ha HA hA its me Anne."

"Oh hey Anne." Jake said enthusiasticsly.

"Hey, its been a while since I last saw you. Would you like to hangout some time, maybe get a cup of coffee?" I asked.

"Sure that sounds great, ummm.. how about tomarrow at um noon?"

"Tomarrows to late, how about today at noon?"

"I think I have something but I can move it back, I would really like to see you." he said.

"Okay so I'll meet you at Caribue coffee, by the plaza at noon. Right?"

"Ya, I'll see you then."

