The Truth in the End

The truth in the end Part 6

She found herself on a flight back home, still unsure of what was really going on with her. She missed him already. She had this gut feeling that she had made the wrong decision about leaving Zack, and returning back home. It was too late to think about it now. He was hundreds of miles away now. She couldn't go back. The feeling terrified her." What is gong on with me." she thought. "Why can't I shake the feeling that something horrible is going to happen to Zack?" She couldn't overcome it. It overtook her.She knew that something was wrong. She faught the feeling til she arrived at the airport. When they landed she quickly got off the plane and phoned him. After a couple rings... "Hey baby." she heard him say. "Did you make it back..." Are you ok?" she cut him off. "I'm fine, babe.' he replied. "What's wrong" he questioned. "Nothing." She replied. "I just had a bad feeling, and wanted to make sure u were ok." "I'm just fine" he said. " You need to find out what's goin on with your tummy." he said sweetly. "I am. I'll get one before I go on to mom's." "Get three." he said giggling. "I will baby." She replied. "I'm keeping my fingers crossed." he said. "You would have." she laughed. He chuckled. "I just wana see this one grow up." he said. "Look at that," she shot. "You already have me pregnant," "You said yourself that you felt like you were." he argued. "I know. I really feel like I am." she stated. "Yay!" he said in an excited quiet tone. "Zachary James, I heard that." she said. "What are you gona do when I wana get married before the baby's born?" she asked. "Well, We can just getr married before the baby's born." he shot back at her. They laughed. "It better be soon too. There's no way I'm walkin down that Isle looking like an OOmpa Loompa." "Baby," He said. "Don't talkabout yourself like that. You're beautiful and amazing, and you're still gona be beautifula dn amazing when you do look like an OOmpa Loompa." he giggled. "Ok, Zack, That wasen't funny." she shot. "I'm gettin off the phone." "Babe, I'm Sorry." he said. "You know I'm gona love you no matter what." he assured her. "Yeah." she replied, "I know. "So stop worrying about it." he said. "Ok. I love you." he said. "Call me when you make it to your mom's" he said. "I love you honey." he said sweetly. " I love you too ." she replied. 'Bye" she hung up the phone and grabbed her bag. " come on ,Zander she said holding her hand out for him to take it. They walked toward the door, where they saw her mom standing outside the entrance. She ran up and hugged her. "I've missed you." she said, almost crying. 'I've missed you too, mom." she replied "So, how was everything on the road with Zack?" her mom asked. "It was hectic." she replied, throwing her bag into the trunk. "I need to go by the store and pick up some things before we go home." "Ok." her mom replied, "I need to pick up some things myself." They got into the car and got back on the freeway on the way to the store. When they got there. Missy jumped out of the car and ran into the store straight to the bathroom. When her mom got in there, she was emerging with the look of sickness all over her face. "Missy, Are you ok? her mom asked. "I'm fine." she replied. "It was probobly just the plane ride messing with me, that's all." Her mom did;t buy it she knew something was up. It wasen't long after that she found out she was right.

When they arrived back at the house the urge to vomit took over again and she dropped her bags and headed for the bathroom. Her mom looked down at the overturned bags. There they were. The tests. She had known, that this might happen again, She just didn't expect it to be this soon. She darted off toward the bathroom. "Missy," she yelled. "What's going on?" she demanded, "Nothing, mom, I'm fine." "No, You're not!" she shot. "You're pregnant?" she questioned. She opened the door and looked at her with tears in her eyes. A disappointed look came across her face. "I'm sorry, mom." she said sobbing, as she fell into her mothers arms. "You know what happened last time." her mom said. "He didn't know" she shot. "Well, Do you think knowing has anything to do with the way he is? her mom asked. Her rage kicked in to overdrive. "You don't know how he is." she said, with pain in her eyes. "I'm not gona stay here and listen to your pitty antics about what you think you know about Zack." She ran into the livingroom. and grabbed Zander. "Come on baby." She said. "We're going back to daddy." She took her bags and stormed out the door. When she gon in the car she ws crying so hard she seemed to shake the whole thing. Ahe calmed herself down enough to call Zack. When he answered.... "Baby, Can you come and get me?" For a moment for him it felt like old times when her mom would piss her off and she wouldd call him crying to come get her. Thank God. If it wasen't for that then they would have never met. After telling him the story about what happened.. "I'm stayin in a hotel tonight." she told him. I'll be there in the morning." He replied.
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Aren't u just dying to know what happens next?