Status: Active :)

Can't Stop, Won't Stop, I Must Be Dreaming

Chapter 1

I'm sitting on my light blue colored sofa watching John Ohhh interviews on the internet. Oh my gosh I freaking love John Ohhh and the rest of The Maine. “DING DONG” that’s weird why would someone be here at 8:00 on a Saturday morning?

Putting my laptop on the coffee table that was in front of me and getting up from the sofa I walk to the door and open it. “HELLO KELSEY!!!!!” Alex screams.

“Hey Alex what are you doing here, aren’t you on Warped Tour for another four months?” I ask surprised. “Ya well you see we’re still on Warped Tour but my band and I need you to do a favor.” He says smiling.

Ok he is so up to something, I love Warped Tour but I don’t really like all those screaming girls and Alex knows that.

“What kind of favor?”I ask raising my eyebrows up. He smiles and asks “Will you please be All Time Low’s merch girl, our merch girl quit after she broke up with Zack.”

I knew it, well I don’t want to go that much I still want to have my hearing and I seriously hate sluts especially how they dress. “No” I say not hesitating.

“But please, I will pay you, you can meet my band mates finally.” He walks over to my sofa and looks at my laptop screen “Now I remember what else I was going to tell you, you can meet a lot of your favorite bands and I know how you like John Ohhh.”

My eyes widened and asked him “John and the rest of The Maine is in this year’s Warped Tour?” “Yup” he said popping the ‘p’ in yup.

That’s all I needed to hear; I ran up the wooden stairs and ran into my bedroom.

Half an hour later I am downstairs with my big luggage standing near the door, looked at Alex, and asked smiling “So when are we leaving?”

Alex grinned at me and said “I knew you liked John so much that you would go”.
“Shut up” I murmured blushing.

He just laughed and says “Let’s go now , ATL’s tour bus is outside.” I just smile thinking about the good things that is going to happen on this tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please go easy on me :). This is my first story and I really like the plot of this story though.
Subscribe and Comment please. Leave a comment who you want Kelsey to be with Jack Barakat or John Ohhh? Don't worry both John and Jack will be in the next chapter :)