Status: Finished :3

All Alone Is Where We Started, but We All Feel the Same

Here’s That Song You Wanted

The music blasted from the speakers as the band jumped and played their hearts out to the giant cheering crowd. Callie stood off to the side of the stage taking pictures every now and then of the five guys. A small smile stayed on her face from enjoying the show and what she was doing, but she was still shocked and scared about what happened earlier. She didn’t know what to think about it and didn’t let herself think about it yet either. Instead she focused only on what she was doing and not falling off the large black box she was standing on.

Lifting the camera to her face once again she snapped a picture of the front of the stage and the first few lines of fans. She smiled more as the picture replayed on the screen. She ran her eyes over it and after a moment her eyes landed on Beau in the photo, he had been looking at her, but she couldn’t read the expression on his face because most of his face was covered in his hair.

She looked up from the camera and after a flash of blue light she saw Beau standing on one of the speakers reaching out to the crowd as he sang not looking at her any longer. She snapped a quick picture of him, not bothering to check it or make sure if it even turned out, because right after she snapped it Eric caught her eye.

The song finished and the crowd cheered loudly. Callie sat down on the box she had been standing on. Quickly she ran the next best spot to stand for photos in her head. She had already stood everywhere, apart from on the actual stage and in the crowd. She didn’t feel like being squished in there tonight. Really she was trying to distract herself from looking at Beau.

Eric quickly walked over towards her and grabbed a bottle of water and drank half of it in one go. Callie chuckled watching him.

“Camel.” She laughed.
“You would be one too if you were under those lights.” He muttered before swallowing the rest of the water.

He threw the bottle in a random direction.

“Wanna come on stage? Take some pictures of the crowd? You haven’t done that for a while.” Eric suggested.

Callie smiled and nods her head. She could already see the picture in her head which made her smiled more; she already knew it would work out good. She hopped off the black box as Eric walked back on stage talking loud enough for the rest of the guys to hear what was happening. She got smiles from most of them.

Eric walked up to his mic and the crowd cheered waiting for what he was going to say. He smiled and Callie chuckled for a moment completely forgetting the whole Beau situation.

“How is everyone enjoying tonight?” Eric asked the crowd getting multiple replied yelled back. “Awesome! Well guess what? We have a guest that’s going to come on stage!” He yelled.

The crowd yelled again in a whole mixture of cheers and questions. Callie took a deep breath and walked into the stage. She felt her heart thumped in her chest hard. Normally she didn’t like being on stage in front of so many people, but to her if it meant good photos; that a little bit of stage fright was worth it. She smiled out at the crowd and walked to stand by Eric and Mike.

“Everyone who doesn’t already know, this is my sister Callie! Some of you may already know of her from her awesome band photos and being in our tour videos.” Eric said.

Once again the crown cheered and a few “Hi Collie’s” were yelled. She shyly waved out at the crowd.

“So who wants their picture taken?” Jared asked laughing.

Beau smiled and stood on one of the speakers.

“Ok, everyone I want to see your arms in the air and big smiles for the camera!” Beau yelled.

Callie chuckled blushing and lifted the camera and took 7 multiple pictures in a row of the crowd as they cheered, smiled, yelled and threw their arms in the air. She noticed a couple of people hiding from the camera that made her laugh.

“So Cal, the photo’s any good?” Jared asked.

She stood up to Eric’s mic taking a deep breath and pushing the blush off her face.

“Damn straight! You have been the best crowd for photos so far! Thank you!” She said getting great feedback from the band’s fans.

She smiled and moved away from the mic as Eric started playing his guitar starting of the next song after kissing Callie’s cheek. She kissed his cheek back and turned heading for the far end of the stage to take pictures over there again.

As she walked around Jared she noticed Beau looking at her. She looked down and tried to pass him fast. But Beau acted faster and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her to him. She was taken off guard but quickly gained back her calmness pushing away the shock. She looked at him in the eyes.

“Is it true?” He asked.

He knew this wasn’t the best spot or time to ask, but he really, really wanted to know. He stared back into her grey-blue eyes waiting for an answer as the music stopped. Callie bit her lip and her heart was beating so hard she through it was in her throat. She felt her cheeks get really hot. She was too busy looking at Beau to notice the crowd and band’s confused reactions. Beau just ignored him still waiting for her to say something.

She took a deep slow breath.

“Yes, it is.” She said quietly but Beau heard.

His eyes lit up in happiness and joy. Callie was slightly confused. Beau just smiled brightly.

“Well guess what? I’m in love with you too Callie.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock and her eyes went wide. She then heard Eric, Mike, Jared and Matt cheering and yelling, plus more confused reactions from the crowd who had no idea what was going on. Callie blinked.

“Really?” She asked making sure she wasn’t hearing things, though she knew she wasn’t.
“Really.” Beau smiled placing his forehead on hers.

Callie’s lips pulled into a smile.

“Kiss already!” Eric yelled while making a noise on his guitar.

Both Beau and Callie laughed and before she knew what was happening Beau placed his lips on hers. For a split second she was shocked, but then smiled and kissed back placing her hand that wasn’t holding her camera on his shoulder. Beau held her closer to him. After a moment they pulled back for air both smiling.

That’s when it hit her. Beau had kissed her, but not only that, but on stage! She mover her eyes away from him and out at the crowd. There were a few fan girls glaring but the rest was cheering loudly and yelled all random things. She blushed and hugged Beau to hide her face. He laughed and Eric burst out laughing using the mic stand to hold himself up. The rest of the band smiled watching the two holding each other.

“I guess I better let yous get back to playing.” Callie mumbled after a short moment.
“Yeah and so you can go snap happy.” Beau chuckled. “See you afterwards.”

Callie pulled away nodding her head and Beau let her go so she could walk off stage bitting her lip. Mike winked at her as she pasted him. He then laughed as she blushed.

She walked out of the view of the crowd and turned around looking back out to the stage. Eric beamed at her holding his thumb up. She smiled back and locked eyes with Beau before he turned and the band started their next song on the set list ‘Hey baby, here’s that song you wanted.’

Callie smiled and lifted the camera to take another picture as she remembered what had just happened to make her lips tingle and heart beat fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
So did you like it? D:
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The next chapter is the last chapter! This is only a short story.
So if you want the last chap out fast then comment and I will put it out right away!
Sound fair? I think it does :3