‹ Prequel: You Can Be My Simba
Status: Updated: 26.4.11

A Smiling Stranger

It's been 7 years since Francis McAllister moved away and for Casper Ventresca, everything has just gone down hill. Francis attends University in his hometown Kounavades, and lives in a rented apartment with his bestfriend Makis. He seems happy as one can get living life in luxury, while back in England, Casper lives the same old life he did before. He goes to the closest University to home with his good friend Maisy and is currently working to becoming a Journalist. He has things going right for him, but he just can't seem to get something, or someone off his mind.

I recommend you read 'You Can Be My Simba' first. But i'm sure you'll understand anyway, even if you don't read the prequel