Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


Yawning silently I stretched my arms out as far as they could go making a lot of popping and cracking noises. It felt nice my joints doing that after sitting squished in the back lounge of the bus for the last who-knows-how-long; thought it did hurt a little as well but I ignored that.

I stretched my arms out in front of me and bent forward like I was to touch my toes if my legs weren’t crossed instead, I heard another lovely crack – it fixed my aching back up almost completely. I smiled before I yawned again.


I turned my head to look at Jack who had a soft smile on his face. You’d think after what happened today in his bunk would make the air around us awkward; but it didn’t. At least not with me at the moment. If I said I hadn’t thought about it all the way through one of the movies we saw tonight I would be shot for being a liar.

“Yeah, a bit,” I nodded. “What’s the time?”
“Ah...” He mumbled pulling out his phone looking at the screen. “Almost one.”

I nodded and moved my legs out in front of me. It didn’t surprise me at all being that time; I actually thought it was later. Guess now.

“Do you want to go back to your van, get some sleep?” He asked tilting his headcutelyto the side.
“Yeah I better; we have a photo shoot tomorrow I think.” I smiled.

Jack chuckled and stood to his feet stretching out a little like I did before. He held both hands out for me and I took them letting him pull me up to my own feet. I almost feel forward onto him but he managed to steady me before I did.

“Thanks.” I chuckled letting go of his hands.
“You’re welcome.” He beamed at me.

I smiled and looked around the lounge. Almost everyone that was here was sitting either awkwardly, oddly, laying across the floor or sitting pretty much on each other – like how Rhianna was sitting on Issac’s lap and Trent was resting his head on Issac’s shoulder looking like he was asleep. But what caught my eye though was how Issac was running his fingers through Rhi’s hair; it just screamed ‘cute!’ in bold lettering.

“I’m going to bed everyone, good night.” I smiled waving to everyone.

Pretty much everyone waved back and I turned walking through the bus with Jack on my heels. When I walked pasted his bunk catching a glimpse of it I couldn’t but blush a little. I shook my head lightly and focused on getting off the bus without tripping over the stuff that was everywhere. But that simple kiss was hard not to think of...

Once I was off the bus cold air slammed into me. I shuddered and crossed my arms over my chest. I heard the bus door shutting behind me and Jack place his warm arm over my shoulders. I smiled but said nothing as we walked over to the van parked not far away under one of the carpark lights. I pulled out the keys for the van Trent had given me earlier and hit the button unlocking the doors making a small clicking noise and the lights flash orange twice.

Before I had the chance to Jack pulled the door open for me.

“Thank you.” I smiled softly.

Jack smiled in a ‘you’re welcome’ and moved slightly to let me in the van. I ran my finger tips across the van roof looking for the small light switch – it took me a moment but I found it and turned the light on. That light was really, really bright.

“So how do all of you sleep in here anyway?” Jack asked looking around curious.
“I’ll show you.” I smirked.

I climbed over to the seat row I normally sleep on and sat down on it like normal. Jack looked at me confused. I reached over and hit the button. The seat fell back flat making me fall with it. I laughed; that was fun.

“Oh I see now.” Jack chuckled.

I sat up smiling and moved to the back row grabbing my pillow and other bedding. Anyone could tell it was mine because of the colour; white and orange. We all had our favourite colour bedding so we knew whose was whose; it was just easier that way. As I started setting it all up Jack got in the van and started helping.

“You don’t have to help you know.” I pointed out.
“I want to.” He shrugged grabbing my blanket spreading it out.

I moved again and sat in the middle of my now ‘bed’. Jack sat down on the edge of it. I smiled him a silent thanks; the third thankyou in around twenty minutes. Jack smiled back before looking around the van taking everything in. I did too; but noticing how much it needs a clean.

“You know this is the first time I’ve actually been in here.” He chuckled.
“Really?” I asked.

Jack nodded. I looked at him confused before nodding myself. That’s right that was Alex who stole the lollies from us last week. I watched as Jack looked around the van more, it was like he was looking for an answer for a silent question, if that makes sense. He bit his lip and looked at me before looking at his hands. Why was he suddenly so...nervous?

“Mariza,” He started before taking a deep breath. “I was wondering something since we were in my bunk this afternoon...”
“Yeah, Jack?” I asked my heart sinking suddenly.

He took another deep breath. I bet my lip.

Did he regret that kiss in his bunk? Was it awkward for me to be around him, even though he asked for it not to change our friendship? Why did my heart sink so much thinking that? Does he wish for that to never of happened? I’ll admit I liked it...

Ever since it happened he never spoke of it, so did he regret it? Or am I over reacting?I bet I’m overreacting.

“Would you like to hang out tomorrow or something? Like just us go do something after your band’s photo shoot.” He asked unsurely.

I made a ‘o’ shape with my mouth. He wanted for us to ‘hangout’ he didn’t regret that kiss right? I felt my cheeks heat up and I closed my mouth and bit my lip. Jack looked at me because I hadn’t said anything yet. Eh, I was overreacting.

I would love to spend time with him. I nodded smiling.

“Cool!” He smiled but still looked relived. “Well after your photo shoot we’ll figure out something to do, sound good?”
“Sounds great to me.” I nodded.

I smiled but that quickly turned into another yawn. Jack chuckled and leant forward – for a split second I thought he was going to kiss me again but instead hugged me. It kinda took me by surprise but I got over it quickly and hugged him back just as softly. It was...nice; not as nice as that kiss, but his touch was nice. Would it sound stupid or cliché if I said when our skin touched mine tingled?

“Get some sleep yeah?”

He pulled away kissing my cheek, lingering his lips there for a moment too long. My cheeks heated up again.

“Sweet dreams.” He smiled. “See you tomorrow.”
“Good night Jack.”

Jack smiled at me again before getting out of the van. He waved and I waved back before watching him walk back to the bus. I saw him take a quick glance at me before he walked into the bus. That made me smile; more that what I already was without noticing at first. My heart leapt in my chest, I could just do a happy dance sitting here.

I’m spending tomorrow afternoon with Jack!

I smiled lying down in bed pulling the covers up to my chin. It didn’t talk long before the others to come to go to bed; even then I was still smiling.

I think I’m too excited to sleep now.


I stabbed at my lunch not really interested with the boring looking sandwich as I watched Rhianna sit across from me eating a pie. Trent and Issac wanted to go somewhere else to eat down the street, which that shop looked busy so I guessed they’d be there for a while just to order – hence why me and Rhi got food here, those two are weird.

But that was quickly lost from my mind because it seemed that for most of today all I can think of was spending time with Jack later...and that kiss. Sure it was just a kiss, but I can’t stop thinking about it! It makes my heart thump. Is that a bad or good thing?

“Is watching me eating very interesting?” Rhianna asked amused.

I blinked snapping out of my little zone out and Rhi laughed before taking a sip from her coke bottle.

“You’ve been airy fairy all day, what has you mind so much?” She asked taking another large bit of her meat pie.She bloody loves those things.
“Just think about last night.” I shrugged.
“The movies or when you ran off with Jack tickling him to death?”

I laughed and she smiled taking another bite of her food.

“Yeah when I was tickling Jack.” I smiled. “After he asked to try something; he ended up kissing me.”

Rhianna choked and almost spat out the mouthful of pie. I burst out laughing at her almost falling off my chair.

“He kissed you? You’re not joking right!” She exclaimed wiping her mouth off.
“No.” I laughed. “He asked to try something, I said yes and he kissed me.” I blushed.
“Did he ask you out too?” She asking getting right to the point.

I reached over the small table hitting her arm. She poked her tongue out at me.

“No he didn’t ask that...but he did ask for us to ‘hang out’ this afternoon.” I said shyly.
“Like a date or just as friends?”
“Just as friends I think.”

I didn’t even think of it being a date, he never mentioned it so it would be as friends right?

“That’s cool.” She nodded smiling. “I guess I was right about you liking him.”

I blushed again and looked away as Rhianna laughed. Why is that girl so observant sometimes? Upon seeing something when I looked away from her I smirked.

“Talking about crushes, your boyfriend is coming.” I pointed out.

She turned around and saw what I saw; Issac walking towards us with Trent next to him. Rhianna looked at me with her mouth in a ‘o’ shape.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” She exclaimed.

Sadly for her the guys heard that. Trent looked straight as Issac who blushed looking confused as I started laughing – holding the table for support- at Rhianna who did everything but slam her head into the table with embarrassment.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe long chapter x3

I actually wasn't going to update tonight at all, but I got this finished so here it is.
Was the new chapter good or bad? What do yous think?

Also I'd like you ask yous something; I has a new story it's original but would anyone like to check it out?
AND can yous check out Marisa's stories? She has a John Ohh story, a Rob Michelsen story, Kennedy Brock story and a Jared Monaco one. :)

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