Status: Semi-hiatus, revising this story some before I update

Take Me to Infinity

Together and Alone

The next morning Autum woke to her roommate’s hushed giggles. The sun peeked in through the balcony’s sliding glass door as Autum squinted her dark brown eyes to see what exactly was going on. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand: 10:20.

“Kandi, what are you doing?” Autum groaned as she propped up in bed.

“Me and Logan are going to the pool. You should check it out, it’s amazing,” Kandi chirped as she tied the back string to her bikini top.

“Don't you have to work today?” Autum rolled out of bed and walked to the mirror to brush her hair.

“I don’t start until Monday. Also, a certain someone told me that they’re hiring at Epic Records. You should go down there today.”


“Yep, they’re looking for a front desk girl,” Kandi replied, grabbing her oversized sunglasses off of the dresser.

“Maybe I’ll go by there today. Did you have any plans for us today?” Autum asked as she walked into the adjoining bathroom.

“Nah,” Kandi shouted over the gush of the bathroom faucet. “I think it’s just a chill day today. Do you want to go out tonight?”

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Autum gurgled as she brushed her teeth in the next room.
Kandi sighed. “I guess we’ll just see what the guys are doing tonight. It’s not like we know anybody else here or anything.”

“I’m going to go ask about that job. Wish me luck,” Autum chuckled as she entered her bedroom.

“Luck, sall. Come down to the pool before you leave, okay?” Kandi grinned, leaning against the doorframe.

“Sure. Try to stay out of trouble, K.”

Kandi laughed. “Trouble? Me? You’re being ridiculous.”

Autum lowered her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later,” she replied and darted out the door.

Autum sighed as she sunk into her bed. She flipped the switch on the flat iron that sat on her nightstand before going into the next room to rummage through Kandi’s closet. One good thing that came out of having a fashion whore as your roommate was practically never having to buy your own clothes, especially since both girls were the same size in just about everything.

Autum couldn’t help that Kandi’s “room” looked completely awkward without a bed in it, only two nightstands, a dresser, and a vanity.

Note to self, call U-Haul…

“Damn K, do you have anything that isn’t completely skanky?” she muttered to herself as she flipped through the various hangers of lowcut tanks and short dresses. It wasn’t like Autum had any “professional” clothes of her own.

She finally settled on a slouchy white tank top, black blazer, and dark-washed bootcut jeans before strolling back to her own room to retrieve a pair of black flats. Her flat iron had heated up, so she got to work straightening her hair. Recently, she had gotten into keeping her hair short, so she could really only wear it straight anymore. In a few minutes, the room filled with the stench of burnt hair that Kandi complained so much about.

Autum kept her makeup pretty low-key, partially because she was still half-asleep and partially because, as much as she hated to admit it, she actually cared what people thought of her and didn’t want to seem like she was trying too hard.

The sun was now flooding through their living room window as Autum stopped by the coffee table to make sure her purse was in order. She yanked her cell phone from the charger and threw it in the side pocket of her black bag. She slung the bag over her shoulder, flipped off the lights, and grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen counter as she walked out the door.

The hall was amazingly inactive for a Saturday morning; everyone else must have stayed out so late partying last night that it was impossible to wake up before noon. Autum ran her finger along the white trim of the coral colored wall as she sashayed down the hall to the elevator.

When it finally reached the third floor, the elevator’s stainless steel doors parted to reveal none other than James, the guy from the night before. He greeted her with a bright grin.

“Hey, you’re just the girl I was looking for,” he said as Autum walked in.

“Um, hey. What’s up? Our friends are down by the pool, just to let you know.”

“Oh I know, I saw them on my way up. So what are you doing today?” he smiled.

Why is he so happy? It’s too early to be anything Autum groaned in her head. Why was he up there to see her anyway? She didn’t even really know him.

“I’m going to go see about a job, hence the look,” she laughed, waving towards her borrowed outfit.

“Nice. Any plans for later? A bunch of us were thinking about heading down to the beach. You should come, I’m sure Kandi’s coming with Logan,” he said, leaning against the back wall of the slowest elevator in the world.

“Maybe, sounds fun,” Autum flashed him a slight smile.

In all honesty, she didn’t like the beach and wasn’t looking forward to all of the sand Kandi would probably drag into their apartment. On the other hand, she really did need to meet some new people. She knew hanging out with Kandi (which apparently included hanging out with Logan now) would get old quick. Sure, they were best friends, but even best friends can’t stand hanging out with each other twenty-four seven.

“Yeah…” his voice trailed off, and he looked up at himself in the mirrored ceiling. “So what’s the job for?”

“Front desk at Epic, not very exciting. I mean, it’s not a television show or anything,” she teased.

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t hate.”

“I’m not hating, I’m just saying,” she laughed.

The elevator finally opened into the lobby, and the pair stepped out.

“So I’ll see you later?” James asked, holding the door open for Autum as they walked towards the pool.

“Yep,” Autum said before leaving him to go find her friend.

It wasn’t long before she found Kandi; Kandi and Logan were the only two people out by the pool that early. They had somehow found a way to both fit in one of the many teal lounge chairs enclosing the pool and were sharing a huge cup of Starbucks strawberries and crème frappucino.

“Well look at you two,” Autum laughed. “K, how do I look? Yes? No? Maybe?”

“You look like you’ve been in my closet!” she giggled. “But seriously, you look hot. Are you coming out with us later?”

“Yeah, James asked me earlier.”

Kandi looked at Logan before she gushed. “Aw! Double date fantasy success!” she squealed before adjusting her straw and taking a sip of their frap.

“Why didn’t you just get two drinks? Would’ve been a lot easier,” Autum said with a shrug.

“To make you ask questions, and because this is cuter,” she smirked, pushing her oversized sunglasses up on her nose.

“Okay, whatever. Cross your fingers that I get this job,” Autum said as she turned towards the exit.

“Will do!” Kandi shouted and waved as her friend walked off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments aways make my day, just saying.