Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Twenty-Three

I opened my eyes and it was dark. Tears began to pour from my eyes and down my cheeks like a river when I moved my arm. I was in pain. Everywhere hurt. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even inspect what damage Kellen had caused. I had to wait until someone found me. And there was this nagging fear, because of where I was hidden, no one would find me under I’d bleed out internally and was nothing but buzzard food.

I wanted to go home. I just wanted my bed, my Rhys. I wanted it all to be okay.
I closed my eyes and waited, for a miracle.

I heard Rhys’ voice first. Then I saw him. I let out a strangled cry of joy. He looked around for me but Kellen had cleverly hidden me behind a bush. I whimpered as loud as I could. He began to walk along.

No, Rhys, don’t go!

“Rhys!” I tried to yell. Nothing. He didn’t hear me. He walked away, leaving me there. I had already cried so much but tears came back to me as if I hadn’t cried at all. I pressed my face into the ground, as if it were pillow.

I clawed at the Earth, pulling myself slowly out from the cover of the bush. It was excruciating, especially with my bad shoulder and no doubted broken ribs. But I had to. No one was going to find me where I was. I had to at least get to the side of the road. I kept pulling, using my legs which had been left relatively unharmed to propel me. I had to stop, on more occasions than I care to say just to breath. I was a runner. I could go for miles without a break. But I could not crawl more than a few feet without crying. I was pathetic, and broken.

Hours later, I reached the roadside. I lay there, beaten and bruised and bleeding. I was sure I was dying. I was going to die. And no one was there to save me. Rhys wasn’t there, and all I wanted was him, to save me again. Too bad I didn’t have that kind of luck. I never did. Just watch as my life will fall apart. I got out of misfortune once, it won’t happen again. God wouldn’t be that lenient. If I died on this roadside, then it just proves this theory.
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It's gonna get worse before it gets better.
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