
Frank's Decision

"...and that's what happened." Lacey said. She looked at Frank nervously. "I promise."

Frank opened his mouth, looking like he was about to say something. But then he closed it.

And walked away...

Both Gerard and Lacey looked at eachother, very confused. Frank didn't look angry, or anything. He just...walked away. Gerard ran up to him, Lacey behind him.

"What the hell?!" Gerard asked. Frank turned around.

"What?" Frank asked. Gerard looked at Lacey.

"She finished explaining and you just...walked. Why the hell did you do that?" He asked. Frank's eyes went from Gerard to Lacey, then back to Gerard.

"Because...I don't want to lose my temper. Lacey seems like a nice enough girl, but what she did hurt me. Eventually I will be over it, and we..." Frank said, glancing at Lacey. "...for the most part, will be fine. But I will be the first to say that you can't reason with me right now. So don't try. We can get back to this later when I am less upset." Frank said. And he was off again. Lacey turned to Gerard.

"I...have new respect for that guy." Lacey said. She thought about it. She had done something that went against all of Frank's beliefs...and yet, he basically just said that after time, they would be alright. Gerard looked back and Lacey.

" too." Gerard said, looking on as Frank tended to the other chicken-ducks.

"...'cause love's such an old fashioned word, and love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night..." Ray sang to himself, in rememberance.

"Ha...I remember doing that song with the used." Mikey said. He himself then starting to hum "Under Pressure."

"Yeah...those were good times. I miss them." Frank said with a smile on his face. Gerard just looked on, frowning. Mikey noticed this and grinned.

"You know who I just LOVE? I love..."

"Shut it."

"...that Bert McCracken. He was a classy guy." Mikey said. Gerard glared at his brother.

"Shut up...I'm serious."

"Aw...c'mon Gerard. That was a long time ago...Bert's not that bad." Bob said.

"Well he's not that good either." Gerard said. The guys just rolled their eyes.

"Alright, enough about Bert McC....whatever his name was. The last thing we need around here is more drama." Carol said.

"Gerard...where's, erm, Lacey's her name, right?" Britney asked.

"Uh...she went back to where she was staying before. She prefers it there." Gerard said, eyeing Frank. He was petting Bert...(relax, I mean the chicken-duck!)

" did, uh, *that* go today?" Marty asked. Everyone gave him a "don't go there" look. He looked around.

"What?!" He asked. Carol nudged him in the arm.

"It went fine. Now...who wants to eat? I'm pretty hungry." Mikey said, getting up. Everyone agreed, and that night, things went back to normal.

Well, as normal as they could be.
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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile...I've been having this play. But it's over now and I'm back to writing.

I also know this chapter's not very eventful, but I have some stuff planned.