Status: finished! suquel will be out soon enough(:

To Go Outside Is to Take a Chance

Chapter Three.

Waking up early was never really for me,but since i went asleep early i awoke fresh and early.
After my morning shower i went into my walk-in-wardrobe and picked up torquiose skinny jeans with a white hello kitty shirt,and a plain black hoodie,but i didn't put on the hoodie just yet.
Now,the hair. I was graced with straight hair,so no need for a straightner. My hair was in a emo cut. I mean i could easily do it Scene,but it was my first day of school,i didn't want to attract un-needed attention to myself.
And then,the make-up. I applied a thin layer of eye-liner and some mascara. I didn't want to over do it,so that was all i put on.
I placed in my lip ring,it was the only face piercing i could convince my parents to let me get,with the help of Justin of course.
I slipped on my white and torqoise converse and went to the kitchen.
Since it was my first day of school, mom had gotten round to making breakfast for us,instead of the cooks.
"Morning"i said to everyone as i entered the kitchen.
"Morning" Justin and Dad replied.
"Hello honey! excited for your first day of school?" my mom asked.
She was quite hyped[as well as me] that i decided to go public with being Justins sister. It's not like i could hide it with the symilarity,and then the last name.
"Yup. can i just have a blueberry muffin and juice?"i asked her.
"Sure,but you're bringing packed lunch okay?" i sighed. This probably meant a real fancy lunch. But i couldn't argue against it,this whole thing could cause something for Justin's career. And, i loved my bro [most of the time] so i would hate to do that.

"What car we taking?"i asked my chaufer,Ron.
"You get to pick,it's your first day."he replied.
Since i didn't have my licence yet, i couldn't drive,hence the chaufer.
"Hmm....i pick..the Bugatti Veyron."i said and pointed at it.
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"Okay,hop in" said Ron.
And we were off,to school.
When we were nearly there,and earning MANY stares from passerbys, i texted Andy to make sure he was at the steps to the school. He texted back that he was ad waiting.
Once we entered the school gates everyone,and i mean everyone even teachers, were staring. Ron went up to the front car park and took a free place.
"Do you want me to wait here for you?"Ron asked as Andy came over.
"Can i drive it back?Pleaseeeeee!" asked Andy.
"Sure,Ron i just texted Paul,he's on his way to pick you up. Wait outside the gates for him." i said to Ron. I took the keys from him,and hopped out,locking my Baby.

"So.....where do we go?" i asked Andy.
"Well,lets get you to the office,then the nurse."
"Why the nurse?"i asked him.
"Because,at the office you gotta say your full name.And theres gonna be people there. Your brothers fans. They're most likely to trample you." he said,with a straight face.
I laughed and looped my hand into his.
Before we got to the main building where the office was situated,a group that i guess were Andy's friends came over.
A certain girl was glaring daggers at me and Andys looped hands. I hate jealous girls. Grrr....sure i mean, Andy was hot,and had a great perosnality. I wouldn't mind going out with him.But for now,we're just good friends.
"Dude,you Aaliyah?" asked a boy with a green beanie on his head.
"Yup. I'm guessing you know the last name...?"i asked him.
"Nope,and Andy doesn't shut up bout you! But he was right,your prettyyyyyy!"he said,dodging Andys hits.
I laughed,"Well i guess since your Andy's friends your pretty awesome,so my last names Bieber." good thing no -one else was around us.
The girl that was glaring laughed. The others beleived me.
"Look if you don't beleive me i'll call my bro." she still laughed.
"Okay then"i said and dialled Justin's number.
"Hey bro,one of Andy's friends doesn't believe your my twin,so i thought i'd call.Your on speaker."i said to him.
"Oh hey Andy! and yeah,Aaliyah my twin sister. Don't we look alike.Oh and Leeyah i'm gonna kill you! You took the car I wanted to take!" he said.
I just laughed and said good bye,then hung up.
Today was going to either go smoothly,or hell.
I think everyoner knows the answer to that.
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Sorry it's short,but i probably will post up another chapter later on today!