Sequel: Our Solemn Hour
Status: This is the first story in a series of about five

We All Have Our Secrets...Including Me

Its been fourteen years since E-Day...the day that the Locust burst forth from the ground and have been destroying human civilization on Sera. And Evelyn Reznack has been through it all. After emerging a year after being declared dead Evelyn finds herself facing challenges she's known...and challenges she's forgotten. Walking through the destroyed landscape of her home Evelyn is revisited with her past. The past where she was just the daughter of a high end military commander and the friend of Marcus Fenix and Carlos Santiago and the war wasn't with the Locust but with other countries. Not only does Evelyn get flashbacks to a time before E-Day but she also has a deep secret that everyone knows except for the one person who truly needs to know: Marcus Fenix.
  1. Same War, Different Day
    Evelyn Reznack just emerged from enemy territory after a year and everyone thought she was dead. Except for one...
  2. Mysterious Shot
    Evelyn tags along with Delta but news of her returns is soon found out by the Higher Ups
  3. Someone From The Past
    Who was the mysterious shot from?
  4. We All Have Issues On Our First Day At School
    It's twenty years ago and six years before did Evelyn meet Marcus and Dom and Carlos?
  5. We're Here To Help You, And That's What We're Going To Do
    Hiding out in the Tomb of the Unknowns has some nasty surprises
  6. Thrashball And Unpleasant Surprises
    Its seventeen years ago now and Evelyn talks about an event that even to this day is still unanswered
  7. You're Hiding Things From Me
    A trip to the nearby Stranded settlement gives more insight into the relationship between Evelyn and Marcus...and a lot of Baird's whining
  8. We'll All Be Sticking Together
    The months before basic training are filled with nothing but chaos
  9. I Wont Fail You Again
    Marcus tells Evelyn that he will tell Dom about Carlos if Evelyn will tell the truth about what she is everyone has some issues with exploding Wretches
  10. Following Your Doctrine
    Evelyn is posted in the far north on the COG where she meets Bernadette Mataki, meets up with Carlos and Marcus, and finds herself in a situation that doesn't bode well for anyone
  11. This Could Be Romantic...
    The old mine has some few surprises and everyone gets their own nickname...insulting nickname
  12. What Am I Dealing With?
    While Evelyn is being held as a POW in Maranday, Will and the others are told by the Chairman they can't do anything about it...but they aren't going to listen to that
  13. Operation: Classified
    While Evelyn is dealing with sick people in Maranday, Carlos and the others put together a top secret plan to get her back...with complications
  14. Stop Wandering Away
    Evelyn is getting into worse and worse shape and her and Marcus have another confrontation
  15. Where The Hell Do I Even Begin?
    After an intense fight with a Corpser and Theron Gaurds, Delta manages to get out of the underground with some very upsetting news
  16. Coming Clean
    Storming the Fenix Estate, Marcus comes across items and places he hasn't seen or thought of in nearly four years...and he suddenly realize he needs to tell Dom everything about Carlos
  17. Can't Tell If This Is True or Dream...
    What happened to Carlos and how did the COG ever get the Hammer of Dawn? The truth lies in the battle of Aspho Fields
  18. Saying Goodbye Is Always The Hardest
    Evelyn finds herself wandering through the events after Apsho Fields...things are about to change for her
  19. The Truth Behind The Lies
    Marcus finds Evelyn and tells Evelyn its her turn to tell the truth. How will Marcus be able to handle what she has to say?
  20. I'll Find You Somewhere
    Its been a couple months after E-day, a time when most of Evelyn's pain began
  21. I'll Be There, When There's Nothing Left
    How did Sera become so scorched and destroyed? How did the Stranded become to be? How did Evelyn and Marcus get into a complicated relationship? Answers lie in one of the Coalition's most drastic desicions
  22. You're Eyes Are Haunting Me
    Its been six years and shit is still the same...until Marcus is arrested.
  23. No Longer Myself, Only You
    Under all the stress, Evelyn goes and makes one really bad mistake: lies
  24. Nobody's Home
    Despite being three years old, Carlos begins to question why he's the only one of his friends without a father...and it takes one boomshot to shatter Evelyn's fragile life
  25. Why Do You Keep Pushing Me Away? Finale
    After telling her story to Marcus, Evelyn finds herself catching up with people she hasn't seen in a year...then she tries to get a response out of Marcus