Status: Active! (I hate the orange bar the status creates. Why can't it be red?)

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

Chapter Eighteen: Don't Reget This Life Chose For Me

Dear Riley,
Do you remember the last Sunday before you "died"? You took me to Seattle and we went sailing. God, that was so fun. And then a storm hit and you made me climb the pole and undo the mast, so it wouldn't get ripped. One of the worst experiances of my life. If only we could have it back.

After Riley was gone, I lazily stomped around the house. I just sat at the kitchen table reading a book I had picked up on the counter.
"Whatcha reading?" Sam asked, coming in the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"Oh, um..." I started flipping the book over to see the title. "Parenting 101," I laughed.
"What makes you so restless all the sudden?" He asked, picking up the milk, sniffing it, and putting it down while making a face.
I shrugged. "I'm just bored. Where's your mom?" I asked.
"Oh, god, I forgot. They told me to tell you that they were taking a vacation for the next three days over in Seattle." He said picking up a box of Jello. "Can Seth come over?"
"Sure." I mumbled, flipping threw the boring book.
"Okay. Oh, yeah, when you were with the Cullen's Drake called for you." He muttered leaving with a thing of Jello.
I stood up snapping the book closed and grabbed the phone dialing in the numbers quickly. "Hello?" The familar voice asked.
"Hey Drake." I said happily into the phone.
"Oh. Hi." He snapped. My eyebrows furrowed together. What was wrong with him?
"What's wrong, Drake?" I asked.
"Ah, nothing Mell." He said with a slight pssh. "Except for the fact that you've kinda abandoned your friends."
"What?" I seethed. Abandoned my friends? What is he talking about? I sat on the counter and put the phone on my right ear.
"You heard me. You just abandoned Josh, Erin and I. Erin said this would happen, as soon as you started hanging out with the Cullens. Just like Bella." He growled.
"Just like Bella? Drake what are you talking about?" I asked.
"Mellana, your being just like Bella. Remember how Bella hung out with Mike? Well, after she started talking to the Cullens she just abandoned them. And guess what, your doing the exact same thing." He said.
I twirled my hair in my fingers. "So what? Maybe, I like hanging out with the Cullens, they aren't bad people Drake."
"Neither are we."
"Well, you aren't me and I like hanging out with the Cullens. I like hanging out with you guys too, but oh well." I contradicted.
"Just don't bother with us anymore, Mell." He said sadly. "I think you know who your real friends are." He snapped then the phone line went dead.
"Wow." I said putting the phone up.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I woke up early. It was only Wendsday, so I still had to go to school, sadly. I got ready quickly and went downstairs.
"Hey Mell." Sam said, shoveling cereal into his mouth. "You don't have to drive me to school today, Seth and his friend Jacob are gonna."
Seth, who spent the night, smiled at me. He had a secretive gleam in his eyes, I grinned back.
"Jacob?" I asked, playing dumb.
"Yeah, he's younger than you Mell. Don't get your hopes up." Sam smiled.
I laughed under my breath. "I wasn't getting my hopes up."
Seth grinned. "Jacob likes Bella Swan anyway."
"Bella?" I said stunned. Seth nodded happily and Sam stood up putting his bowl of cereal in the sink.
"Anyway, Jacob'll be here any minute now. Bye." Sam said breifly hugging me.
The door bell rang then and I skipped over to it. "Jacob?" I asked opening the door.
"Hey, are Seth and Sam here?" He wondered glanceing around me.
"Yep," I said. "Play it dumb." I mumbled as he came inside. He nodded briefly and handed me a white piece of paper that I quickly slid in the pocket of my forest green sweater.
"Ready to go?" Jacob asked as Seth and Sam walked in.
"Yersh." Seth joked.
"Yersh? What is that?" I questioned.
"That's his new way of speaking. He says he knows a girl named Callie, he has a crush on her and she talks like that." Sam taunted.
"Wow, Sam just tell them everything then." Seth whined.
"Callie Hall?" Jacob asked skeptically. "Nice choice." He said doing a knuckle touch. "Anyway, let's go guys. Bye, uh...."
"Mellana." I corrected as the opened the door.
"Mellana." He repeated.
"Just call her Mell." Sam added. I nodded.
"Okay, bye, er, Mell." Jacob smiled as the boys ran out the door kicking each other.
"Bye." I said closing the door. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the peice of paper:

If you need another lift somewhere call me. It's like a taxi service put awesomer.

I looked down it had a phone number on it. I smiled and ran up to my room, sticking it in the box with Riley's letters.
I shoved on my favorite converse and darted back downstairs grabbing my backpack and going outside into the rain. I backed up and grabbed my blue rain coat, that looked like a trench coat but only went to my hips.
Then I hoped in Mr. Biers Corolla and started towards the school at a resonable speed.
When I arrived at school the Cullens seemed to be waiting for me. But then to my left were my old friends. I sighed and banged my head on the headrest.
He said not to bother anymore My mind reminded.
I know.
And have they even been that great of friends to you? The Cullens top them by a moutain.
Am I abandoning them? I asked my head.
Does it matter? All Erin's ever done was be unsupportive to you.
But she was my friend since kindergarten.
And haven't you put up with her long enough? Compare her and Alice who would you rather hang with?
That's not a fair comparison. I argued.
My point is proven. Because you can't even begin to compare Erin to Alice. Erin was never a true friend, even you know that.
That doesn't make it right to not even talk to them though.
Well what does? And anyway, Alice wears shirts that offer free hugs. What does Erin's say?
Die hard.
See? Go to your true friends. You know who they are. My mind commanded.
Your right.
You bet I am.
How do you know these things?
Hey, I'm you. I don't know how I come up with it.
I shrugged and got out of the car, avoiding the death glares I recieved from Erin, Drake, and Josh and walked to the Cullens.
"Hey," Emmett said as I walked over. It was only him and Edward.
"Where is....?" I asked.
"They went hunting" Emmett said casually. Edward socked him in the stomach. "I mean, camping, god Edward." He said, rubbing his gutt.
"Made new enemies?" Edward asked, leaning against his Volvo.
"Seems as if so." I smiled.
"Who?!" Emmett asked excitedly. "Can I beat them up?"
"No." Edward and I snapped.
"They were my old friends." I said shrugging.
"Convinced yourself they don't matter huh?" Edward smiled.
"Please, just read Emmett's mind, not mine." I complained.
"No thank you." Edward said taking a side step away from Emmett.
"Why?" I griped.
"Because he's stuck between to day dreams: killing your friends and eating them, and making out with Rosalie. Not my favorite things to watch."
"Hey! It's mind I'll think what I want. Keep to yourself." He said poking Edward in the temple.
"Shut up." Edward snapped, pushing him.
"You!" Emmett growled shoving Edward back.
"Hey! Hey! Stop it." I said getting between them.
"Never get between fighting vampires." Edward chided as the bell rang and we walked towards class.
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Yay! Most likely last chapter for awhile!
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