Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older



“Morning baby,” I smiled as Natalie walked out of her room, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

She just looked down at the floor, not saying anything. Whenever she woke up she was very quiet for the first few minutes.

“Want some yogurt?” I asked, still grinning at her. She nodded weakly. “Yeah?” She nodded again, this time more brightly. “Okay. Mommy go get you some yogurt, and I’ll turn on some toons.” I said, getting off of the couch and walking into the kitchen.

I opened up the refrigerator, and pulled out a strawberry yogurt that had Dora on it. After grabbing her favorite spoon out of the drawer, I stirred it up and went back into the living room where my daughter was attempting to pull her high chair out of the corner.

“Baby, I’ll get it,” I laughed, and she looked up at me, smiling. I set the yogurt down on the table so that I could lift the high chair off of the floor and into the middle of the room so that she could see the TV better.

I picked her up and placed her in the chair, putting the yogurt in front of her. I clicked the TV on to Nick Jr., and Wonder Pets was on. Although I hated that show, she loved it, so I was forced to watch it almost every day.

It was Saturday, so I didn’t have to work today. I worked at Aeropostale, and occasionally did modeling on the side, if I ever got a job offer for it. But today nothing was on tab.

Natalie finished eating and watching Wonder Pets in complete silence, giving me a chance to answer some of my e-mails. Once the show ended, Natalie was disappointed, as always. “Pet?” She asked me, pointing to the screen.

“Pet is all over Nat,” I said, closing my laptop and getting up to kiss her forehead. I knelt down in front of her.

“Whats dat?” She gasped, pointed to my nose.

“Nose,” I answered.

“What’s dat!” She pointed to her ear.

“That’s Natalie’s ear!” I exclaimed and she giggled. “All done?” I asked her, pointing to her half eaten yogurt. She never ate a lot. She nodded. “Okay,” I sighed, picking her out of the chair and setting her down. “Lets go get you dressed,” I suggested.

“No,” She shook her head.

“Natalie, yes, you have to get dressed.” I said.

“NO!” She screamed, already getting aggravated. I see why people call it the Terrible Two’s.

“Don’t make me call dad,” I threatened. Her eyes widened. I knew that if I ever got Alex involved, she would usually stop, because she didn’t want him knowing she was being a brat.

Just as I mentioned his name, my phone rang. His picture flashed on my screen, and I pressed the talk button.

“Hi daddy,” I said, so that Natalie would know I was on the phone with him.

“No! I get dessed!” She said in her baby talk, scared.

“What’s going on?” Alex laughed.

“Natalie didn’t want to get dressed, but she’s going to now, right Nat?” I asked her, and she nodded, running into her room. I followed after her slowly, knowing she couldn’t dress herself. “Alright, were all good. So what’s up?” I asked.

“The guys and I want you and Natalie to come to our practice today,” Alex told me; I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Here, let me put you on speaker so you can ask Natalie,” I told him, knowing Natalie would immediately say yes. I wanted to go too, in a way. I loved their music. “Nat say hi to daddy!” I told her, setting the phone on the floor.

“Hi,” She said.

“Hi baby,” He chuckled.

“Hi dad!” She repeated. I laughed quietly, shaking my head as I pulled a Pull-Up out of the drawer, along with a purple shirt with a cat on it, and a pair of white jeans.

“Nat, do you wanna come watch daddy sing?” Alex asked, his voice smooth.

She giggled loudly, smiling. “Yes! Mommy too?” She asked.

“Of course. It’s not a party without mom!” He cheered, knowing I could hear.

I got down on the floor. “Alex what time do you want us there?” I asked him.

“In an hour?” He asked. Natalie nodded fast.

“Alright,” I laughed at Natalie’s excited expression. “I’ll call you when we’re on our way, tell daddy bye,”

“Bye dad!” She yelled, grinning from ear to ear.

“Bye Natalie, I love you!” He yelled back. He really was a good father. “I love you too, Hannah,” He mumbled, before hanging up quickly.

Oh God.

“C-Come on Nat, arms up. Let’s get you… let’s get you dressed to go see daddy,” I said, still recovering from the fact that he said that.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO YEAH. Four chapters in less than twenty four hours? That's pretty boss, if I do say so myself.
Especially because my left eye is seriously FUCKED up.
I woke up at six this morning, and there was a bunch of nasty stuff coming out and my eyelashes were sticking together, and it was super red.
It's a little better now, but I'm going to the doctors in a few hours.
So I hope you liked that description of my eye.
Anyways, comment and subscribe?