Weevil Hunting


Ianto found his father in the castle's library, reading books about numerous things. Most of them, he'd rather not know his father was reading. But he was relieved to see his father was fine, despite what the Beast had said.

The Beast.

Ianto didn't know what to think of him. He was funny, actually and not scary at all, unless you pissed him off, that is. And Ianto loved his name. Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack... he could say it a million times and never get tired of it.

The only thing he was missing was, why was the Beast so exaggerated? Why did everyone think he was evil, when he was merrily misunderstood? And why did Jack become a beast in the first place?

Those questions, the ones I just typed, were questions Ianto planned on getting answers to. He just didn't know how to get them.Seducing was out of the question.

"The castle is enchanted," Rice said, not taking his eyes off the book he was currently reading. "The live candlestick in my room explained a few things to me." This time his father did look, meeting Ianto's eyes. The expression in his father's icy irises confused him and bloomed many questions in his mind.

"What do you mean?"

Rice had a small, grim smile on his lips and he sighed. "Not everything is as it appears."

"I don't understand, what -"

His father stood and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You will learn the answer for yourself in the next few days," and then he was gone.


The Beast had invited him for dinner, but Ianto really didn't want to. Sure, it could give him some insight on the Beast's life and past, but over dinner? It was too formal for an interrogation.

And why did the Beast invite him at all? Surely, he wasn't hiding something from him too? The fact that his father was keeping a secret bugged Ianto. It wasn't like his father to keep things from him. Why? Why was his father not confiding him?

Was he trying to protect him?

Ianto chuckled lightly at the thought. Of course he was. It was the nature of most fathers to protect their child or children. But why? Was what nagged Ianto the most. What could he possibly be hiding?

Ianto sighed and started to pace his room, hands folded behind his back and teeth gnawing into his lip. The tea pot on the table beside his bed opened one, concerned eye, then both.

"Why are you pacing like that, dear?" The feminine voice was sweet and motherly.

"I'm stressed and confused," Said Ianto, sitting on his bed so he could talk to the tea pot without being rude.


Again he sighed. "Do you know why the Beast would invite me to dinner?"

"Hospitality perhaps?" The tea pot suggested.

"Yes, yes, but there's more to it. I saw the look in his eyes when he asked."

The tea pot pursed it's lips. "Beats me."

It was then that Ianto realized the tea pot was also keeping a secret.

Suddenly, Ianto felt very alone. He was the only one that didn't know something. It made his skin crawl and tears mist his eyes.

"So, what should you wear?" The wardrobe across the room asked, opening up his to doors. "Let's see, here... ah! This should do it!" He pulled out a suit with black pants and jacket, a white button down, silver waist coat and black tie.

"I'm not going to dinner," Ianto said, throwing himself down on the bed and closing his eyes. He suddenly had a head ache.

"Why not?" The tea pot and wardrobe both asked in surprised unison.

"I have a head ache."

"But -"

The door creaked open and a tiny tea cup with a little crack in it appeared. "Dinner is served!" It said excitedly with a childish tone.

"I'm not going," Ianto repeated.


"Because I have a head ache!"

"But -"

"I think you should leave now, Crack," The tea pot said. "Tell Master that Mr. Jones has a head ache and is resting."

Crack, the tea cup, lowered his eyes in disappointment. "Okay." And he hopped away.

A few moments later, a big booming "WHAT?!" vibrated the whole castle and Ianto's eyes snapped open. He sat up just as fierce knocking pounded on his door.

"What?" He called.

"I called you to dinner!" Screamed the Beast, only angering Ianto even more.

"I'm NOT going!" He shouted back. "I have a fucking headache!"

A growl was his response. "Come to dinner or I'll break down the door!"


The door was broken down and the Beast prowled through, sending murdering daggers with his eyes at Ianto. Who glared right back as the Beast got up in his face.

"I politely asked you to dinner," he ground out through his teeth. "please enjoy our food and hospitality."

"I'm not hungry," Ianto repeated, secretly wondering why he was denying food when his stomach was growling painfully.

"Damn it! I demand you go to dinner!"


The Beast let out a frustrated yell and lifted a clawed paw. Ianto flinched and pulled away, using his arms to protect his face. When nothing happened, he peaked through his limbs and saw that the Beast had retreated a few steps.

"If you won't come down for dinner, then you will remain hungry." And then he was gone, leaving Ianto alone with a broken door that could no longer conceal him in his own misery.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath and ran a hand down his face.

After standing there for several minutes, he walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out the suit from earlier. He quickly pulled it on and crept downstairs, finding the Beast at the dinner table and eating in solitude.

His shoes echoed once he was only a few feet away and the Beast looked up at him. The Beast narrowed his eyes, but didn't say a word as Ianto sat down.

"Headache any better?" The Beast asked with a strained voice.

"Yes, thank you."

The Beast scoffed and went back to eating the raw wolf on his plate, fur and everything.

Ianto's nose scrunched up and he quickly helped himself to some fruit and coffee, eating slowly and with manners. Unlike the Beast, who was shoving his food down his throat and even more into his mouth before he finished swallowing.

Ianto giggled, he couldn't help finding it slightly adorable, even with the Beast's ugly appearance and horrible smell. He grimaced when he thought about it and looked down at his plate, continuing to eat.

They finished about ten minutes later and the Beast said good night, turning away before Ianto could return it. He quickly grabbed the paw that almost struck earlier.


The Beast looked back at him, vulnerability in his eyes.



The blizzard started in the middle of the night and was still going strong in the morning. Ianto awoke well rested and hopped into the shower, putting on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a leather jacket over it afterwords.

He went downstairs and entered the library, saying good morning to his father. He then went into the giant kitchen, greeting the tea pot and cup from last night and everyone else that was in there. They made him some french toast and sausage for breakfast and he thanked them before digging in.

As he ate his fourth bite, the Beast entered the kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He asked for a bowl of oatmeal and tea as he sat down, blinking rapidly in effort to clear his vision.

The oatmeal was placed before him and he gobbled it down in a matter of fifteen seconds. It was then that he noticed Ianto.

"Oh... er, hi," He muttered, his thoughts on last night, but trying to conceal it from Ianto.

"Good morning," Ianto responded cheerfully. "Sleep well?"

"Uh.. yes. Quite well, thank you." When really, he had a wet dream about Ianto and woke up in the middle of the night. Not getting back to sleep until four in the morning. "You?"

"Great. The bed was very comfortable." Ianto grinned, standing up with his plate and cup and putting them in one of the large sinks. He then excused himself and went back to the library, sitting down in the corner and pulling out his Justin Beiber porn magazine.

Before he knew it, hours passed and it was already dinner time again. His father came to get him and they went down to dinner, eating by themselves. The Beast didn't show up and Ianto was all too aware of it.

Two Days Later

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my GOD.

Ianto ran around the room, trying to get ready for the romantic date the Beast had asked him on. He constantly fidgeted with his suit and fixed his hair, sprayed a little cologne and yanked on his dress shoes.

The wardrobe and tea pot, who's name is Mrs. Flowers, insistingly reassured him of his looks and of how the night would go itself. But no matter what they said, he was still nervous.

The past two days had been incredibly confusing, but also really amazing for Ianto. He spent most of them with the Beast, for the blizzard was still going. The more time he spent with the Beast, the more he referred to him as Jack and the more the thought of him as human.

He learned that in the West Wing of the castle was an enchanted rose that was the main source of the spell that hung over everyone at the castle. He tried to touch it and was almost shredded by Jack. They made up when Jack saved him from being eaten by wolves.

After that, every moment with the Beast had been fun and cute. Ianto felt things for the Beast that he's never felt for someone before. He was afraid of them, but he was also excited and happy.

Ianto sighed and looked at his reflection. He gave a small smile and nodded, leaving the room. He met up with Jack, who was wearing skinny jeans, a Metallica T-shirt, converse and smelled of Axe Cologne. Ianto's brows furrowed and he felt over dressed in his tux.

"Uh...," They both said when they met up, but the awkwardness was broken when slow dance music came on.

Ianto blushed as he held out his hand, looking into Jack's black eyes. Jack smiled and took his hand, leading him to the dance floor. They began to dance.

The night passed with beauty and romance thickly hanging over their heads, the light from the giant chandelier above them the only source of light. But it was romantic and beautiful.

When they were done dancing, Jack took him out to the balcony and Ianto sat on the thick wall, Jack taking a seat next to him. Jack held his hand and traced circles and lines on his palm with his fingers, his claws had been trimmed and dulled.

The moon was full and the sky was blanketed with winking stars.The blizzard was over and snow covered almost every inch of ground and castle. Ianto smiled, looked at Jack, then leaned his head on Jack's chest.

He listened to the fast beating of Jack's heart and realized that beauty truly is seen in the eyes of the beholder.
♠ ♠ ♠
yayy! Chapter two! There will be one more chapter and it will most likely be pretty short. It's basically summing up the actual beauty and the beast thing. U know, with the beast almost dying and the spell ending, etc/ Except, as always, it has a twist. |-)