My Death Note Life in a Nutshell


One of the things I just love about the case was the fact that now I’m sleeping at the Yagami household, where a criminal supposedly lived, and along with that I was being protected on during this oh so important case by a criminal himself besides that I met a sugar loving detective as well. And here I thought Whammy’s was weird. Seems that I was dead wrong!

I was summoned to eat at the Yagami’s and I followed the orders presented to me to be polite. I knew that they must have wanted to know who I was or where I came from. Simple things like that. Still I can’t let my guard down here. Devils wear masks after all.

Outside my door was the person I expected to be knocking a moment ago saying “Morn I have supper ready” as if she was my mother. Although she wasn’t there?

She was washing dishes in the kitchen and noticed my footsteps and turned around. “Ah Morn it’s nice to meet you” she said while drying off a plate. “I’m Sachiko Yagami” she replied holding out a hand begging to be shook.

I took that hand and shook it easing some of the tension because of a job not yet fulfilled. “My name is May Williams but my nickname is Morn” I introduced with my fake identity.

“It’s nice to meet you. I hope you like ramen” she said with a warm smile across her face. “Yeah I do” I said with the same expression.

A loud par of footsteps came rampaging towards me and I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see that a girl about my age with dark brown hair and almost black eyes was staring at me.

“Oh hi” I replied awkwardly. “Oh sorry about that. It’s just that I thought you would be Japanese” the girl said to me. “No I’m German, Irish, Native American, Dutch, French, and Czechoslovakian though” I said holding up fingers as I held up one for each nationality.

“I lived in America but moved to England though” I explained and she listened intently. “Anyway my name’s May Williams but you can call me Morn” I said extending a hand out to her. “Okay then my name is Sayu Yagami” she said back with a smile and shook my hand. Why was it that I kept thinking I was at a business meeting or something like that?

She kept bombarding me with questioned that I had to lie about until Light came down from his room upstairs and she said “Light! Did your meet Morn?” curiously.

“I met her when I got home from school she was… sleeping” he said to his little sister and gave a quick glance to me. Thank god he didn’t tell her the rest of the story other wise people will be making assumptions or something.

“So you where watching her while she was sleeping then?” Sayu asked with a devious grin across her face. Both me and Light couldn’t hold back a blush.

“No I saw her on the couch sleeping and the TV remote was near her so she must have been watching TV” he said trying not to get angry at Sayu for the embarrassing comment.
“Okay then alright. I’ll just pretend that you aren’t thinking of things the average fan girl or teenage boy would be thinking right now” she said giving a small wink to Light.

Wow I never expected the little angelic looking girl to be one that would act like a demon and actually be able to control her brother like that! This only proves the theory that devils wear masks although Light must have just cared for the girl too much and she knew Light most likely all her life. At least I wouldn’t understand why she wouldn’t. Light is the one that looks like he was adopted!

That was the one thing I didn’t get about the genes pools in this family was how Light could have light brown hair and light brown eyes while the rest of his family has almost black hair and eyes. It bewildered me but I wasn’t going to question a pointless question like that.

“Hey mom where’s dad?” Sayu asked Mrs. Yagami. “Your father is going to be a little late tonight. He had to talk with a very important person” she explained.

“Who?” she questioned and Light jumped in to reply before his mother could “a guy named L. He’s the head person in the Kira investigation right now. In other words he’s the one trying to catch Kira by using the NPA” he explained in the most simplest terms he knew to present it accurate.

“Oh well I hope he catches him soon” she said back. Light just gave a small smile. “Hey Morn what do you think of Kira?” Sayu asked.

“Well..” I hesitated to try and map out what I was trying to say. “I think that Kira is both good and evil” I said plainly.

“What do you mean ‘both good and evil’” Light questioned. “As in I’m all for capital punishment and everything but only to criminals not others outside that class” I explained.

“But right now he’s being quite the pain in the ass” I muttered to myself or at least I thought I did. “What was that Morn?” Sayu questioned me. “Oh I think that right now Kira is a bit of the pain in the ass” I said trying to think or something to add to that statement to not let them know what I was really there for.
“Why is he such a pain?” Light asked me. I quickly babbled a little off topic. “Well it’s just that Kira the only thing that people talk about anymore is all” I said.

Why is Light asking me all these questions? I would have imagined Sayu to be the one asking a lot of questions but instead Light jumps right in whenever I mention Kira.

“Oh” is all Light said. Mrs. Yagami then came out with a bowl of salad for us to eat first. I didn’t like salad but I forced myself to eat it to be polite to the family hosting me.

Later after the salad was done Mrs. Yagami brought out a big bowl of ramen. Simple plain old not fancy or anything like that ramen. Just Ramen. Good thing because ramen is one of my favorite things to eat but I must not turn into animal because I’m hungry.

I waited until one of the other 3 would start to eat then I would. Seems Sayu was the lucky winner. After that I still hesitated before Light even beat me to it. Okay now I can eat.

I didn’t want to be known as the improper pig at the table but I also didn’t want to be known as the improper pig who was a guest either. Even although the people who held the title of improper pig Sayu and Light where far from improper pigs.

Once I was done I thanked Mrs. Yagami saying “thank you for the ramen Mrs. Yagami”. She responded a little impressed although there was nothing to be impressed about in the least. “Your welcome. I must say you have good table manners Miss. Williams” she said to me.

I blushed with embarrassment “no no I was just told to eat as such you know” I said back bashfully. “Oh okay then” she simply said.

Light was reaching for the covert in the middle and he pulled out a bag of potato chips. “No way Light your eating potato chips right after dinner? Your gonna get fat you know” Sayu said to Light. “It’s for later I’m studying till late” Light said back and walked up stairs to his room with the chips.

I couldn’t help but think that I was going to miss something epic but I guess I had other things to worry about at that time. L already had cameras in Light’s room so it wouldn’t matter.

I better get ready for tomorrow to. I sighed and said as I got up from the my chair “Mrs. Yagami I’m going to take a shower if it’s alright with you”.

“Oh you don’t need to ask me. You’re a guest you can take one whenever you wish” she said with a bright smile across her face. “Thank you Mrs. Yagami” I said back to her with a smile mimicking hers.

I got undressed in the bathroom which looked like it was cleaned just today. I took out some shampoo that I had in my bag and set it to the side of the shower.

I can’t wait for a nice warm hot bath after today. It seemed like today would never end but soon I’ll be falling asleep………

That’s right I can’t even sleep with my eyes closed! I have a serial killer supposedly in this house and a convicted one who’s job is trying to protect me!

Because of course you would want to live in a house where a serial killer lives and be protected by another one that lives off jam!

Also I came from a orphanage called Whammy’s where everyone wants to become L the greatest detective in the world and also one of the most smartest person I know……… Ack! Stop blushing!

When the water hit my skin I just made a sigh of relaxation. No matter where I go if the water is hot against my body when I shower it’s like paradise to me.

I scrubbed my body down with another personal item I call a mini towel. Then my hear went white with bubbles filling up every space they could locate on my scalp. It was cherry blossom scented. Ah it smelled so nice.

I stepped out of the shower after about 20 minutes had passed and I tried to dry my hair a little since it was long and even more wet then short hair would be. After that I wrapped myself in a towel and looked at the clock.

8:23 already huh? I better get ready for bed now if I want to wake up early tomorrow to make a good impression in front of L. I couldn’t wait to meet the taste force that Mr. Yagami was in charge of.

I turned my head and heard a rattle as I saw the door handle turn downwards. W-what! Don’t come in! I felt like saying but it was all too fast for me to respond.

Who? What? Who was it? Oh wait a minute…… I know now. That pale white hand and those big red eyes. Beyond Birthday. What the hell!!!

“Are you done yet Morn I need go to the bathroom” Beyond said completely ignoring the fact that I barley had the bath towel around my body and that I was a girl.

“You aren’t even supposed to be seen Beyond!” I hissed at Beyond quietly. Beyond just walked past me and stood in front of the toilet and said in a either sleepy or annoyed tone “I still need to urinate”.

He started to unzip his zipper on his pants. “Wha! Beyond!” I said back to him angered that he didn’t care for my presence.

“What?” he said back to me with that same annoyed face but this time his eyes a little more narrow. “Do you mind!” I hissed. Beyond’s annoyed face turned into a smirk.

This can’t be good! When a regular smirk is shone by any other person besides Beyond it’s just another way of saying either I’m pissed depending on how the eyes look or it means I thought of a brilliant idea! For Beyond this meant either murder or rape.

Oh fuck no I’m getting out of there before he mistakes me for a giant jar of strawberry jam! No no no no! I was getting the hell out of there! For one I was barely dressed! And Beyond apparently didn’t give a small piece of shit about that fact!

He unzipped a little more of his pants and at that point I left. No more like I bolted out of the room and just guess who I happen to bump into!

If anyone and in anyway I had to bump into Light where I was almost half naked. At least this was better then rape by Beyond. I can see the blood flying everywhere now.

Light tried to look away and said “um Morn why did you just come running out of the bathroom like a rabbit being cased by a fox and then bump into me half naked”. Okay that statement alone was more blunt then L could have ever tried to make it!

“Oh no I’m sorry!” I said frantically trying to apologize. Oh great now I’m panting myself a bad picture in Light’s mind! This might affect the rest of the Yagami’s too! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit cakes!

“It’s alright calm down. It’s fine just don’t do that again. Please just don’t do that again” Light said getting up. I got up as well and questioned where Light was going.

“Light where are you going? I thought you where going to study till late tonight” I babbled. “Oh I just have to go to the bathroom” he said looking at me with a ‘that was random’ face.

“No! Don’t go in there!” I said to Light getting in his way to the bathroom. Damnit Beyond! Your ‘protection’ is going to get me screwed big time!

“Why?” Light questioned. I had to think quickly. “The floor is a little wet and I was going to go and get something to clean it up. I didn’t want to use your towels to wipe it because they looked too nice and neat” I lied.

“Couldn’t you have got dressed first before doing that?” Light asked me skeptically. “Yes but I wanted to clean up the water first you see” I explained surprised that I could think up a story like that so quickly.

“Alright just use a towel or something. It’s not like anyone will care if you use a towel we got for less than 300 yen” Light said back to me.

“Oh alright then” I said. Damnit Beyond better get his ass out of there! If all else fails maybe I could just act like Beyond’s a burglar or something. God damnit Beyond do you try to do these things to me on purpose or something?

Light reached for the knob and opened the door leading to the still steamy bathroom do to it’s prior activities.

What? Where was Beyond? Wasn’t he just here or… oh I get it now. The window. Beyond is defiantly a pin in the ass sometimes

“It’s not wet in here. Steamy but not wet” Light said looking at me annoyed. “Oh I’m sorry I must have been paranoid thinking that you along with the rest of the Yagami family will dislike me” I explained although it wasn’t completely accurate but then again accurate.

Light smiled. “You worry too much. No one’s going to hate you over a floor” Light said. “Then I’m sorry about running into you like that” I said back although I was more pissed at Beyond then embarrassed in front of Light.

“No it’s fine but like I said don’t do it again” Light said trying to cover a blush with his hand. How is it that he is uneasy around his own girlfriend but not to a stranger he just met?

I left Light’s presence and walked back down to the guest bedroom with myself still wearing only a bath towel. Okay now Beyond it going to face my wrath big time!

“Beyond!” I hissed trying not to be loud enough for someone to hear me. Beyond was sitting on the bed eating strawberry jam. He stopped and turned to me.

“Yes my princess” he said in a sarcastic tone of voice. “You know what Beyond” I said back angered. “No really what?” he said back to me like I had nothing to be mad about.

“You walked in on me to go to the bathroom then I ran out and slammed into Light. Not to mention I was half naked!” I said pissed off about my impression.

“It’s not my fault. Nature calls when it calls” Beyond said and redirected his attention to the jar of strawberry jam. “Well you could have at least waited until I was out! As a matter of fact you aren’t even supposed to be here” I yelled at Beyond.

“No I’m supposed to be here remember Morn. That’s what L told me oh and I forgot to mention” he said cutting off and sticking his finger into the jar of jam and popped it in his mouth. “I’m going to be posing in Light Yagami’s school as well to keep you safe” he finished.

“Why exactly do you want to keep me safe? What deal did L make with you?” I questioned. “Lawli didn’t make any deal with me” he said turning his head towards me with a devilish smirk “I just don’t want to see you killed. Your pretty cute actually” he said with that smile that killed the mood ten times over and over again.

“W-what?” I said blushing. Beyond grew dangerously close to my face. “Joking” he simply said to me.

“What?” I questioned ready to kill him! “I was just kidding around” he said back to me with a little more of a cheerful carefree smile rather than the smile that looked like the devils or a grim reapers.

“What Lawly really said was that he would let me out of prison early if I worked for him. Just so happens that my job is to protect you from death. From what I can see you aren’t going to die soon anyway” Beyond said putting down his jam on the table beside the bed.

“And how would you know when I die and who’s Lawly?” I said confused. “Oh I can see your name and when you will die. There’s a timer above your head and your name below it. Morgan Weissbach” he said pointing just above me.

His mood suddenly changed to that of a little kid all of a sudden after his last statement and said “Oh and ‘Lawly’ is short for ‘L Lawliet’ or L’s real name. Isn‘t it funny it‘s like lollipop”.

“I guess so…” I said with a big sweat drop behind my head. Sometimes I felt like I was dealing with a kid rather than a criminal mastermind.

Maybe not even like a kid but maybe even a puppy. One that gets into a whole bunch a messes either for themselves or others around them. Then they would look innocent all the time.

“Do you mind letting me change at least Beyond?” I said recalling that I was going to change in the bathroom but…… “No I don’t mind if you get naked in front of me. You might be bothered though” Beyond said to me like he could care less.

“No!” I yelled and looked to the closet on the left hand side of the room. I got my clothes that I had in my bag and walked into the closet with them. You can call it ‘me being dignified’.

Beyond couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that I would be changing in the closet. Well I wasn’t going to be changing in front of anyone besides me myself and I and only those three!

I reappeared from the dark closet wearing a shirt that was at least one size too big and besides that no bra and just underwear. Opening up the door I just remembered.

Beyond turned to me with his eyes squinted and said “okay let me get this strait. You don’t want me to look at you when your wrapped in a bath towel but you can walk around in front of me with just a t-shirt and your panties?”.

I forgot Beyond was there! This wasn’t Whammy’s it was at the Yagami’s household! And not to mention Beyond was here! What was I thinking?

I closed the closet door behind me again in embarrassment at what I just did. An instead walked out wearing a bra although I found it uncomfortable to sleep in a bra and also I wore night pajama pants although I still was wearing the same shirt.

“Okay that’s better but still I didn’t mind your last look” Beyond said to me. “I bet you didn’t” I said making a sharp glare at Beyond although Beyond just smiled at me like a puppy with big eyes.

“Anyway where are you going to sleep anyway?” I asked Beyond. “In the bed of course” Beyond said emotionlessly. “Then where am ‘I’ going to sleep” I said trying to hold a smile. “In the bed” Beyond simply stated without giving a second thought about it.

“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you!” I exclaimed. “Well I’m not sleeping on the floor if your expecting that” Beyond said pointing to the floor. “Actually I wasn’t planning on you coming here at all” I said back.

“Well no matter where you sleep I’m still sleeping in the bed” Beyond said in a annoyed tone. “Fine then I’ll just sleep on the floor” I said crossing my arms and mentally slapping myself for having way to much pride and honor to let me lose to a criminal like Beyond.

“Okay then good night” Beyond said before burrowing into the covers. “Can I at least have a pillow and blanket?” I asked angered at how Beyond would treat me. I guess you can call it ‘me being a brat’.

At least he through me a pillow and the top cover of the bed although he still had about 3 more covers but still. “Here” he said as he tossed it to me. “Get a good night sleep or you’ll be tired tomorrow” he said as he turned his head away from my direction.

“Thanks Beyond” I said as I placed the pillow on the floor, turned off the light and then laid down pulling the cover over me.

I dozed off asleep. I had a weird dream that night. What was it again? I can’t seem to remember…… Oh yes that’s right I dreamed that I was falling into nothing.

Falling into nothing huh? I hope that doesn’t happen. That’s worse then death. I would rather go to hell where I would at least have something then to be drifting off into nothing.
I wonder who would get such a damned fate or why? I didn’t know but one thing’s for sure the next thing I saw wasn’t that of nothingness or oblivion or the abyss that everyone heard of so well.

What was that place? Everything seemed like it was dead. Barren and inhabited by intelligent monsters that looked like they where all a different spices.

No fruit could be bearded here. Nothing everything was dead. I wouldn’t want to go there I felt like for some reason although I was very curious about that place.

What could be there? All I see was death nothing more nothing less. No life. Not light. Not darkness. Not good or evil. Just a plain where there was no such thing.

Maybe this was a perfect world? It seemed like more of one then what our world was like now. Killing criminals and everything I’m all for but when you kill the innocent then you are no good entity. Maybe that’s where you go?

Life after death always made me think about a lot of things. Angels with their big white wings that spread across the sky. Demons who wicked evil would make the water they touch turn to blood.

This all fascinated me. I want to know more about these angels and demons that make up good and evil. I want to lean about death and life.

Most of all I want to learn about that hateful and those evil deeds we can’t resist doing even at the cost of our lives. I want to learn about……sin.

I guess you can see life as like a stage set for a caterpillar. The first stage the caterpillar will eat in our case we will either consume sin or not. Then it makes a cocoon like how we die. Then it will either die or become a butterfly. In our case we will either burn in hell as a demon or be sent to live in haven as a angel. Or at least that’s how I see it.

“Yawn” I said as I woke up. and stretched out my arms and my back cracked. There was some sort of residence though. Something was around my waist.

I looked down to see no one other than Beyond Birthday on the floor despite he wanted to sleep in the bed hugging my waist! His head was on my lap as well and he was wearing a smile as not a smirk but a smile across his face.

I shook Beyond and he didn’t wake up. I shook him again this time more violently. This time however he tightened his arms around my waist even more.

“Beyond” I said looking down at him. Beyond opened one eye and said to me sleepily “what just give me five more minutes please”. He fell back to sleep.
“Fine but only five” I said with a back to Beyond although I doubt he heard me.

He reminds me so much of a little kid sometimes like this for example. But hey when did he get on the floor? Or why I should say.

Five minutes had passed and I heard what sounded like a door close from another room and I panicked. “Okay Beyond wake up now!” I said shaking him.

He mumbled something that I couldn’t even hear. “What?” I asked. He got silent and I got mad about his reaction. “Okay you can get off now” I said to Beyond but he didn’t move.

“Beyond? Beyond? BEYOND! “ I yelled as I grew more frustrated with him. “Okay that’s it!” I said getting up or at least attempting to get up.

It was in vain however. But avast I had a idea! On the bed was a jar of strawberry jam. Yes this is how I can get him off me. If my damned arm reached it! Come on arm! Reach!

Finally I got it but it slipped out of my grasp and rolled over and the lid opened up with the force of gravity. Beyond must have not screwed on the lid tight enough. It fell on my and I had strawberry jam all over me.

Beyond instantly awoke when he realized that even he was covered in the gooey mushy substance that you usually don’t find on bodies and in Beyond’s case on bread.

Beyond looked up to me and said confused with big red eyes “why do you look like strawberry jam?”. “Oh no reason I’m just cosplaying strawberry jam for the day” I said sarcastically.

Beyond made a sly smirk and said “good because you look good all you need now is to be in a maid outfit”. “Beyond!” I yelled at his comment and blushed heavily.

“What? I’m just telling you what I think. Now why don’t you let me help you clean up” he said licking his lips. “No no no. Beyond you need to get changed too now I’m going to take a shower to get the jam out of my hair and I don’t want you coming in for random piss breaks” I said angrily at him in memory of the event last night.

“Morn… I morn for your lack of being a girl” beyond said letting go of my waist. “But please! It’s a waste of perfect beautiful lovely jam!” he said back to me.
“No”. “Please?”. “No”. “Please?”. “No Beyond”. “Please please please please please!” beyond continued to bagger. “For the last time Beyond ‘no’” I said as I got up from the floor.

Beyond grabbed my ankle and said again with big puppy dog eyes “please Morn please”. I squinted my eyes together and looked at him and said “no Beyond”.

“You really aren’t any fun are you” Beyond said pouting as he let go of my ankle. “Sure lets go with that” I said back to Beyond.

Beyond’s frown pricked up again as I grabbed my new clothes left the room and just before I closed the door and tried to sneak upstairs to rid myself of the jam all over me he said “maybe next time then”.

I took off my clothes as I did before when taking a shower although it seemed that me and Beyond where the only ones in the house.

I wasn’t going to be stupid this time so I locked the bathroom door before I undressed myself. That way didn’t have to worry about interruption from anyone.
The water was so warm but not warm enough to keep me satisfied so I made the water hotter almost to the point where I would reappear as red as a rose.
Although despite this I didn’t really care.

When I got out of the shower the cold breeze past by me and I woke up a little and got dressed this time inside the bathroom where I should have prior.

It’s still a little early maybe I could check out Light’s room again. Maybe I missed something.

I got on my jeans and put on a short sleeve green tank top. I didn’t bother to brush my hair although I did get my tooth brush from my bag that I must have forgotten about yesterday in her. I brushed my teeth for about five minutes.

The sleep still hung next to my blue eyes so I wiped it away and yawned again. My long silky brown hair should easily fix itself due to how it was made. Strait, flat, sulky.

My bangs however where quite the opposite. Since I didn’t dry my hair or anything my bangs sticked up into a position as if I was a unicorn.

They where a mess so I decided that unlike most part when my bangs where a mess I would comb them to day since today I would finally be meeting the Kira Investigation HQ.

I left the room and apparently I wasn’t alone. Mr. Yagami was sitting at the dinner table drinking a cup of coffee which appeared to be black and also he was reading a newspaper.

“Um Mr. Yagami?” I asked. He turned to me with a warm smile as if he known me his whole life and said “oh good morning Morn are you ready to go?”.

Oh yeah that’s right Mr. Yagami was head of the NPA who was currently working with L on the Kira case. I would be seeing him a lot that‘s for sure.

It also seems that with him around I couldn't look in Light's room for evidence against him. Seems I'll have to wait a while before then.
“Yes I’m ready shall we go?” I said politely back to him. He put down the newspaper he was reading got up from the chair he was sitting in and drank the last of his coffee.

“What where you reading about Mr. Yagami?” I asked looking down at the newspaper with the headline being: ‘Kira kills serial killer Ryusake Sato via heart attack’.

“I was reading about a criminal I helped put in jail who died last night of a heart attack. It apparently was Kira.” he explained and I simply replied “oh”.
“Well we shouldn’t keep the task force waiting now should we? Let get going before where late.” I nodded “alright”.

The car was as warm as the house was inside then again it was spring time. I sat in the front seat of the car next to Mr. Yagami as I did when I first came.

I hope Beyond wasn’t up to something childish again. Well at least he’s not off killing people. That would make another problem on top of the big bad Kira case.

Mr. Yagami turned on the radio to a news station that he must listened to before. “Kira has yet to be caught and now a mysterious detective named L has challenged Kira a week ago saying that he will find him. Kira has yet to respond to the message. Some citizens believe it is the FBI who are pulling off these murders due to the fact that they are the biggest organization in the world in which the USA has control over. The UN is still looking into this but no evidence has been…”

Mr.Yagami turned off the radio after hearing her go on. I looked out the window bored hearing the lady talk about nothing but Kira this Kira that. I was ready to fall asleep again.

“Morn where here” Mr. Yagami said and my eyes lit up with enthusiasm and excitement. I wanted to see who these men where. Who are the few that where brave enough to put their lives on the line like this? I want to see the few that L worked with. The few that knew his face. And also I wanted to see L.

Behind Mr. Yagami I walked into the Kira Investigation Headquarters. The room had a big door leading into it. A big metal detector stood in our way and we had to place belongings such as cell phones into a bin. I felt like the airport.

The next room was one filled with monitors and computers. Several men where sitting in the room. They all turned to me but one.

“L?” I say to the man who didn’t respond to my presence. He turned around and looked at me. His face grew from a strait forward face into a small smile.

“Ryuzaki do you know this girl?” one of the younger task force members asked. “Yes this is Morn. She will be assisting us in the investigation from now on” L said spinning his car around and redirecting his attention to the screen before him.

“But Ryuzaki she’s just a kid!” a older gentlemen with a afro said. “I agreed to go and I worked on several cases like this” I explained trying to show my maturity.

The task force here where real worry warts I had to say. I walk in and all of a sudden they freak out because I’m a kid who’s working alongside L.

“She’s vary promising and I thought she would do good for the case” L said emotionless still with his eyes glued to the screen.

The other task members just sighed about L’s excuse for having me around on a case where I could surly end up dead in no time at all.

“As L said I’m Morn it’s nice to meet you” I say to the other task force members with a bow. “I will be helping out with the Kira case and hope to work with you further” I said politely repositioning myself from the bow into a up right position.

“My names Touta Matsuda” the younger task force member said. “Hideki Ide” one of the taller men said. “And I’m Kanzo Mogi please to meet you” another man said who was built vary broad. “Shuichi Aizawa” another said.

“Nice to meet you” I say again. I walked over to L sitting in front of the screen monitor to a computer. “What is it that you want me to do?” I asked emotionless.

“Your not really needed at the moment. I just wanted to introduce you as a new member. A very important one” L said still looking through files on the computer in front of him.

“Your job here is to keep a tab on Light Yagami. If you haven’t already noticed Mr. Yagami has approved of this.” L continued. “Yes I have” I said plainly.

I turned my head to Mr. Yagami and smiled saying “thank you again” before redirecting my attention to L. “Just as long as it can prove my son innocent” Mr. Yagami said back.

“It may prove your son innocent but it may not” I said without thinking. Mr. Yagami didn’t say anything. “Oh I’m sorry for that last statement” I said back to Mr. Yagami as I realized what I had said.

“No I understand. My son may or may not be guilty. I just hope he’s innocent.” Mr. Yagami said back to me with a weak smile.

I know that Mr. Yagami wasn’t sure but he nevertheless still wanted to fight L’s hypothesis. The only thing is that it was L’s.

It didn’t take a Sherlock Homes to see that he had mixed feelings about the thought. The thought that his son was a criminal mastermind named Kira.

It seemed that everyone there but me and L where Japanese. I expected as much although the staring of the people who weren’t I wasn’t. Okay maybe when it came to L yes.

I could in particular notice the younger task force member looking at me. What was his name? Matsuda? Yes that it his name is Matsuda.

“Why are you staring at me?” I asked looking at the younger man who’s face turned red. “Oh it just that you look different from most girls I know” he said with embarrassment that he was caught.

“Because of my origin?” I asked. “No no it’s just that I think your pr-” Matsuda cut off. “Yes” I asked wishing for his to finish his sentence.

“Pretty nice” Matsuda said recovering from his last mistake. “Thank you” I say with a smile. He blushed. I could tell that Matsuda wasn’t so classy or sly when it came to dealing with people.

“Morn you may leave if you wish your job is not going to start until tomorrow” L said back to me STILL with his eyes glued to the screen.

“I understand then I guess I’ll be going. Mr. Yagami you don’t need to take me anywhere. I can walk back” I said turning to Mr. Yagami.

“Are you sure?” Mr. Yagami asked. “Yes I’ll be fine and I want to look around Tokyo too so this maybe my only chance.

“What about if you get kidnapped?” Mr. Yagami said to me. I took out my cell phone from my right pocket and pointed to the area where the battery was implanted into it.

“There’s a monitoring device inside my cell phone similar to that of which is in your belts. All I need to do is push down on the bottom part of the back to say that I need help” I explained.

“But are you still sure your going to be okay?” Matsuda asked me. “Yeah L will be monitoring me” I said simply. “Alright” Mr. Yagami said plainly. “Just come back soon okay?” Matsuda said with a smile.

“I promise you that” I said with a smile back to Matsuda who I could see was blushing a little. “L if you need me just call I’ll be waiting” I said back to L with my tone turned back to serious.

L didn’t say anything and with this I departed from the Kira Investigation Headquarters. I hope that was a good first impression. L didn’t have much to say except for explanations though.

I walked past buildings which sold clothes and other wear. Some buildings looked big and expensive and some where small shops and cafes.

Only one stood out. Yes the manga and anime shops! Yes jackpot that’s all I wanted! I could read manga that wasn’t even out anywhere but Japan.

Yes! Not to mention all the mangas that I missed dearly. Naruto, Bleach, Pandora Hearts, Soul Eater and all the others! Ahhh I found my paradise!

Ails of ails of manga where in the store. All this needed was a video game section and it would be perfect! Oh that would be so grand I would melt with delight at the sight.

And just when everything seemed to be at it’s greatest guess who I see. Then again he’s been randomly everywhere but who knew he liked manga.
Yes the 20 year old sickly looking clone of L with red eyes and a craving for strawberry jam. Yes no one other than Beyond Birthday.

He was reading a volume of Naruto I think it was volume 51 but I didn’t bother to try and examine it although I was ready to tackle Beyond for the book because I wanted to see what would happen in the new chapters.

I wasn’t going to leave the store despite Beyond was there. I was determined. I was going to get into that ail! I wasn’t going to get seen but I was going to get all those lovely manga! I am I will I must!

“Oh Morn what are you doing here?” Beyond turned to me with a smile. I didn’t even move how could he have noticed me? Shit. He’s everywhere isn’t he.