Status: School is starting on next Tuesday, I'll have homework, but I'll try to update as much as I can.

Wait, What? You Want Me to Save The World?! What The Heck?!

Chapter One: A Mysterious Stranger

I was running away from a guy I didn't even know. I lived in Chicago
and had accidentally walked into the bad side of town. He kept chasing me.

“What does he even want with a girl like me?” I wondered. I turned
around and looked at him. He had an angry and determined look on his
“Wait! Stop running! Get back here!” he yelled.
“Never mind,” I gulped.

Just then, I tripped over my untied shoelaces. I had quickly slipped
my tennis shoes on, forgetting to tie them before I had walked out of
my parent's and my apartment.

The guy came running towards me. Now that he wasn't chasing me, I
could get a good look at him.

He looked to be a year older than me, seventeen. He had brunette hair
and green eyes.

He helped me up. Then he grabbed my arm and put handcuffs on us(one on
my hand, one on his) and we couldn't be separated.

“Wh-what the heck?!?! Why did you put handcuffs on me?!?!” I wondered.
“Because, I need you to come with me and I knew you wouldn't if I just
plain out of the blue asked you,” he said.
“What do you want?!?!” I yelled.
“Just come,” he replied, pulling me with him.
“Fine,” I pouted.

I followed him(well actually, he dragged me with him) through the city. After about twenty minutes of walking(and being dragged), the guy stopped walking in front of an old run down building.

“Close your eyes,” he said.
“W-Why? I-” “Just do it,” he said

So I did as I was told. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt the guy
jump off of the ground. When he landed back on the ground, he told me
to open my eyes. When I did, I realized that we were in a room in the
building I had just seen.

“H-How did you-” I started to say.
“Nah ah ah, you'll know soon enough, when the time comes,” he replied.
“When is that?!” I yelled.
How am I supposed to know?! All I know is that right now isn't the
correct time!” he yelled.
“B-But....,” I trailed off, seeing the angry look he was giving me. “Okay, so what did you want me to come here for?”
“I need your help,” he replied.
“ help??? My help? Why do you need me to help you?” I asked, confused.
“ do I explain this?” he thought aloud.

“Um...well if you don't know how to say that, can you at least tell me your name?” I asked.
“Oh, it's Blake, Blake Sanchez,” he replied.

I blinked and then suddenly, I was in my room lying in my bed.
“Huh? W-Was it all just a...d-dream?” I asked. “It must have been.” I said.

I lied down on my pillow and felt a piece of paper touching my skin. I lifted my head and looked at what it was. I gasped.

What I found, was a piece of paper with “I need your help, signed Blake Sanchez,” written on it.

“I-It was.....real?!” I yelled.


“Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh!!!” I said, running around the room. It was morning and I was late for school. I went to Chicago high school.

I ran to my closet and put my clothes on, I was so glad that I had picked clothes the day before. It was winter, so I put on a pair of jeans, a blue sweater, and a pair of black converse.

I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and ran downstairs to get breakfast. I grabbed a breakfast bar, put on my winter hat, gloves, and coat, and walked out the door.

I had my keys in my coat pocket. I got them out, started the car, and drove to school.

I made it to school with seven minutes to spare. I got out my language arts book and other materials, put the rest of my stuff away, and headed to language arts.

“That's the bell, end of class,” I thought to myself.

I got out my stuff for my next class which was....ugh....math. I was pretty good at math, but I still hated it.

I got there a few minutes early. The teacher, Mrs. Everford, was nowhere to be found.

I sat down and thought about what had happened last night. Was it all a dream? But what about the note? And if it was real, then how did I get in my room so fast?

Suddenly, I heard a thud beside me. I turned my head to see Lila. Lila was my best friend.

“Hey Lila, what's wrong?” I asked.
“Hi...Allison...I',...I r-ran...all the..the way and...I...totally missed...first hour,” she gasped.
“Well why didn't you call me? I could have given you a ride,” I replied.
“I overslept, I didn't have much time to get ready, eat breakfast, and get here,” she replied.
“Hey, I overslept too. But I had sixteen minutes to get ready,” I said.
“Oh...,” was all she said.

“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, I'm-” she started to say.
“Good morning, class!” exclaimed Mrs. Everford, walking into the room.
“Good morning Mrs. Everford,” the class replied.

“Today, class, we have a new student," said Mrs. Everford. “Come on in, sweetheart.”

“Wow! He's cute!” squealed a bunch of the girls.
“He is cute! Allison, look!” Lila exclaimed.
“Huh?” I said looking up. “OH MY G-G-GOSH!!!” I yelled.
“Miss Allison Rayburn, do you have an explanation for making an outburst like that?!” Mrs. Everford asked, angrily.
“I...I.....n-n-no.....I'm sorry,” I said.
“Well, don't let it happen again,” she scolded. Then I heard a bunch of girls whispering and giggling, probably gossiping about me. “Now, class, this is Blake Sanchez. He just transferred from Miami, Florida high school. Please be nice to him. Blake, choose any of the empty seats you see."

He walked towards me. My heart started beating really hard. He took a seat at the desk on the right side of me.

“Hi,” I said, shyly.
“Hello,” he replied.
“Class, please open your text books to page one hundred-ten,” said Mrs. Everford.

I opened my text book and suddenly, a small piece of paper landed in front of me.

“Hey remember me?” the note said.
“How could I not? You put handcuffs on me, brought me to an abandoned building, disappeared, and sent me back to my room,” I wrote back.
“Yeah, sorry about the handcuffs part. Hey, I want to talk to you. Meet me in the parking lot at lunch?” he wrote.
“Sure, I have some questions I want to ask you anyways,” I wrote.
“Good, see you after class,” he wrote.

Oh great, he's going to tell me again that I need to save the world or something. Well, we'll just see what happens.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like it. It's my first story posted online so go easy on me. I'm sorry if it's not very good; personally I don't think it's one of my best stories, but I still hope you enjoy it.