Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Dreams Only Last For A Night

Stephen's P.O.V

"Flight 102 to Maryland is now boarding" called the lady over the speaker,
I looked at Jess, her make up was running down her face, as well as tears,
I pulled my hoodie sleeve over my hand, and wiped the tears from her face.
Before quickly moving my hands around her back and pulling her close one last time,
"It's going to be okay baby" I spoke and then kissed her forehead,
she didn't say anything, she just cried into my shirt, gripping it with her hands,
I rubbed her back hoping that it would make her feel better,
but it didn't.

"Can all those catching the flight to Maryland please board the plane" said the lady again.
I sighed and looked at Jess, framing her face in my hands,
I pulled her head slowly towards mine and kissed her lips lightly,
"I will call you as soon as I can" I promised, and that was a promise I didn't want to break.

I pulled away from her, and grabbed her hand and kissed it "Goodbye" I said sadly,
she started to cry again, I went to say something but a lady walked out.

She had a orange, ratty hair, that looked like it hadn't been washed for months,
when she walked over closer, I noticed she had this big mole on her nose, and it had hair on it.
I was too grossed out to even count how many, all I know is, there was more then one.

"Excuse me miss, and sir" muttered the lady, her voice sounded like a John when he tries to talk with food in his mouth,
and that' not a good thing.
"Uh sorry I was just saying goodbye" I said, quickly, at the hope that the lady would never, ever, open her mouth again.
"Hurry up" she said, ruining my life completely, and she walked away.

I sighed and looked at Jess, and then took off my hoodie.
"What are you doing?" she sobbed.
I smiled and walked behind her, and slipped her arms through it, "There" I said smiling "Now you will have me on the plane with you" I said.
She smiled and then looked at her arms, and started to slide off a bracelet,
she grabbed my hand and slid it over my hand and made it go with the rest of my bracelets,
"I did it on the arm you hold the bass with, so when you play on stage you think of me" she said smiling.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek quickly "You better go" I said sadly,
she nodded, and started to cry again, but didn't say anything, she didn't have to.
The way she looked, it basically said everything.

I watched as my girlfriend left me.


I was walking out of the airport, and passing by families and couples,
I saw one couple. It made me feel kind of lucky.
There was a girl around my age, she had long blonde hair, and she was wearing high waisted shorts, and she had a black shirt on.
She was crying, and hugging her boyfriend goodbye, he was wearing army uniform.
Which probably means that he is going to war.

I am really glad I wasn't sending Jess off to somewhere dangerous.
I sighed and kept walking before I started wanting to board the next plane to Maryland to be there with her and keep her safe.

Jess's P.O.V

The next day.

Waking up in my bedroom felt, weird, I looked around. My room was a shrine dedicated to Stephen,
oh how things have changed since I left this house with Jack.
I sighed and climbed out off bed and slipped my slippers on. It was around 4pm.
Stephen and I spent the whole night on the phone, and he had to go not long ago, since he had a flight.

We were talking about everything, but part of the phone call we sat in silence, both afraid to talk, just incase it became upsetting.

I was still wearing his hoodie, I was never going to wash it, I know that is gross, but it will make me miss him alot less.

I walked downstairs, to see my mother in the kitchen, she looked at me up and down "Oh hello Jess" she said and smiled.
I nodded and didn't say anything, I walked over to the sofa and slumped onto the couch.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, to see a picture message of Stephen,
he had sent me a photo of him holding a 'I miss you' sign.

Oh how much I am missing him right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
horrible update again.
I had to write a update for Stephen's birthday.


comments= updates

Jess x