Stuck in the Moment. Dead at the Scene.

Chapter Fourteen

That next day came way to fast for my liking. I was dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black long sleeve shirt and I had on my black army boots. Those were Jamey's favorite pair of shoes that I owned. She'd always borrow them from me so I figured it would be a good idea to wear them.

"Hadley, are you ready to go?"

I nodded as I walked into the kitchen. Dad, Corey, Sid, Wednesday, Acey, Johnny, Mom, and even Keegan were standing in there.

"I'm sorry." Keegan said. "Reese and Dylan send their condolences, but they had to go to school."


All of us packed into our cars and went to the church.

I figured a lot of people from our school would be there and I was right. Jason came up to me and apologized for what he said at school.

"Please sit with me." I pleaded.

"Mkay." He took my hand and we walked to a pew.

I cried through the whole service and it was finally time for us to go up to the casket. Alyssa and Jack had decided against having a closed casket.

"Will you go up there with me?" I asked Jason.

"Yeah, I will."

"Will you go with me too?" I asked Mom and Dad. They nodded. Jason had one of my hands, Dad had the other and Mom was holding onto his hand. We walked up to it and I let go of their hands. I touched Jamey's face and I broke down. Dad had to carry me out of the church.

"Baby girl, its okay. Its okay." He said rubbing my back. I just sobbed harder into his chest.

"Bring her to the car." I heard mom say. Jason was still with us.

He rode with us to the cemetery and I didn't say a word the whole time.

I watched the pastor as he spoke, but I couldn't hear the words he was speaking. I was basically zoned out until they were going to lower her into the ground. I threw the Daffodil down onto her casket. Daffodils were always her favorite.

"Do you want me to stay with you for awhile?" Jason asked.

I nodded my head yes.

When we got back to the house, everyone went in different directions. Jason and I sat down on the couch.

"What's your favorite memory of Jamey?" He asked.

I sat in thought and then giggled, "Hm, it's probably when she went with me to Iowa to meet my Dad. She knew I needed her and she was there. We had so much fun that summer. My Dad even played Barbies with us."

"She sounds like she was a really good friend when she wasn't... " He trailed off.

"Even then, she was still my best friend and she always will be."

"No one will ever replace her." Jason said.

"No..they won't..Jamey was one in a million. The person who I'd run to if I couldn't talk to my mom or if I had problems at school.." I said, "I just don't know who I'd be without her."

"Me either." He replied.

Jason stayed with me on the couch and mom even let him stay the night.

I didn't go to school for the rest of the week or the beginning of the next week.