But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter ten

Our team tried their hardest to keep the dragon balls from The Ginyu Force. Vegeta tried throwing the dragon ball away but Burter grabbed it. Krillin then tried to destroy his, but Guldo grabbed it so quickly that nobody saw him move.

I sighed loudly, sounding very frustrated. I took a few steps away, running my hands through my hair as the Ginyu force all began to chuckle immensely at the actions of Vegeta and Krillin.

“Well I’m getting Vegeta. You all can fight over the remaining three.” Ginyu smirked.

“No one should fight Modesty. She’s…young. And female. And on our side.” Jeice quickly stammered to Ginyu, defending me.

“No I’m not. I’m on their side!” I protested, just as quickly.

“Whatever, I don’t care. I’m fighting Vegeta, Jeice can deal with fighting Modesty or not and Burter, Guldo and Recoome can decide on the last two.” Ginyu sighed moodily.

Suddenly they all began to argue over who got Vegeta first. The arguing shifted to them all playing paper, scissors, rock to determine who would fight Vegeta. However, they all kept choosing the same thing.

“Well this is boring and counter productive.” I huffed loudly, crossing my arms across my chest.

“I agree Modesty. You four can fight over who fights who, but I have to deliver these dragon balls to Lord Frieza. Leave Vegeta to me though.” Ginyu hissed, and began to fly off.

Ignoring Ginyu’s wishes, the remaining four continued to play paper, scissors, rock to determine who would fight Vegeta.

Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin and I groaned and complained loudly about the time this was taking.

I decided to go sit on a rock a distance away. This was going to go on for a while, and they wouldn’t want to come after me for a while. Even when that chance comes up, Jeice will probably try and make sure they don’t fight me.

I noticed Gohan gathering energy in his hand as Ginyu was flying away, but Vegeta said something to him and he stopped. If this kid was going to fight and wasn’t afraid of battle, does that mean I should step in and help them?

No. I had only done exercise, but no training. Whilst I had done vigorous workouts, I hadn’t learned any martial arts. I didn’t even know any moves. I would only get in their way. I don’t want to mess up.

Finally Recoome won the game, but he let Guldo fight anyway. Pointless! Couldn’t they have just let Guldo fight in the first place?

I overheard Krillin tell Vegeta that “Goku” was coming soon. Kakarot is coming? This is going to be awkward, well for me at least… he might be an alright guy, but I wanted to know the reason why he killed Raditz before I could trust him.

After knowing these people and knowing how kind and pure they were I had a feeling there was a good reason why Goku and the Namek defeated Raditz. But as I said, I wanted to know the reason why. But I saw the look of hurt on Gohan’s face, it wouldn’t be appropriate to just walk up to him and say ‘Hi, why did you kill Raditz?’

I guess I’ll just cross that bridge when he arrives.

All the warriors in this battle (Gohan, Krillin and Guldo) had now powered up and were ready to begin their battle. I sat back on the rock, ignoring Jeice blatantly staring at me instead of the battle and got ready to watch an intense match


As the light that decapitated Guldo’s head faded, the first thing I could do was breathe a sigh of relief as the shock faded. But then the shock came back.

Guldo had special powers, he was able to stop time when he held his breath and he had paralysed both Gohan and Krillin and I was sure he’d kill them easily.

But Vegeta had hit Guldo from behind, saving both Gohan and Krillin. Although Vegeta wasn’t fond of Gohan and Krillin, it was obvious they were both needed in order to defeat the Ginyu Force.

I jumped off the safety of my rock and inched myself more towards the group. Guldo could not be heard, even by my heightened Saiyan senses from the rock. He was now barely able to talk, his head being chopped off and all.

“You’re a cheater Vegeta. The fight was between me and the two brats.” Guldo said, sounding very raspy and having difficulty forming his words.

“There’s no such thing as being fair and unfair in battle.” Vegeta calmly replied.

“Exactly! Do you think the things YOU did were fair? You paralysed your opponents so they couldn’t attack. Besides, I’ve heard many stories of the Ginyu Force sneaking up on enemies. So keep your mouth shut, and hurry up and die.” I shouted at Guldo, anger washing over me.

“You are BOTH just two dirty Saiyans.” Guldo shouted at Vegeta and myself.

I went to attack Guldo’s head out of anger, but Vegeta held me back.

“You won’t get away with this Vegeta. You’re nothing but a stupid monkey. I belong to the GINYU FORCE.” Guldo shouted at Vegeta.

“You don’t anymore.” Vegeta smirked, as light filled the area.

When the light disappeared, there were no traces left of Guldo’s head. Vegeta had defeated Guldo.