Sequel: Sweet Child O' Mine
Status: Sequel Now Up!! Read It!!

Help Me, Save Me

Some Say That I'm Going To Hell But I'm Already There


I pushed the bar doors open and immediately stormed over to the bar. The doors created such as racket that people turned their heads so see who just came into the bar. Most of the men there looked at me with gaga and drunk eyes. I shook my head at the men as their mouths dropped.

“Oh hey Amber!” I heard a familiar voice yelled from across the cigarette smoke filled bar. I finally saw Matt and the rest of the guys sitting at the far end of the bar. Well, every guy except for Jimmy and Johnny. That really scared me. Where in the fucking hell is Jimmy?

“Hey guys,” I said in a shaky voice when I walked by them. Matt seemed to notice it a little but the rest of the guys were too drunk off their asses to notice.

“Oh hey Amber-wamber! What are you doing here?” Brian asked in a severely slurred voice. Amber-wamber? Really? I noticed Zacky was leaning against the bar counter, appearing passed out.

“Yeah what are you doing here Amber?” Matt repeated in a lot of confused and normal tone than Brian’s. I didn’t want to worry the guys or ruin their night, so had to come up some quick lie.

“Um I was on my way home and I needed to use the bathroom extremely badly. I stopped in here quickly. Oh yeah…quick question. Where’s Jimbo?” I asked in the most convincing tone I could manage. Too bad I suck at lying. Thank God the guys were too drunk to notice my lying.

“In the bathroom throwing up,” Zacky suddenly popped up and randomly said. I had to stop myself from giggling at Zacky’s drunken expression on his face. Wow, how many drinks has that poor boy had?

“Okay thanks guys. See you later,” I told them as I walked towards the bathroom. Damn, how in the hell are those guys going to get home? I shook the useless question away and walked down the short, dark hallway down to the bathrooms. I checked behind me quickly to make sure no one was following me and then I gave a quick knock on the men’s bathroom door.

“Taken!” Jimmy’s slurred voice called from inside the bathroom. “Jimmy, it’s me Amber,” I called back in a voice just above a whisper. I heard him get up, stumble, and then yank the door open. I saw him leaning up against the door, using it to support his weight as he tried to stand up.

“Jimmy….what happened…?” I gasped. He just shook his head slightly, grabbed my wrist, and weakly pulled me into the restroom with him. He closed the door and then slid his back against it, landing on the floor. I just barely noticed him thought. I was too busy staring at the countless drugs and beer bottles laid out on the floor.

“Now you know the truth…” Jimmy breathed. My hand covered my open mouth and my eyes open wide. Oh please, oh please, why Jimmy? “Jimmy, please tell me this isn’t true! You’re so better than this! Please Jimmy, please!” I pleaded as I dropped to my knees onto the dirty bathroom floor. Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to look for reassurance in Jimmy’s. But Jimmy’s eyes were fixed onto the drugs that lay on the ground; his eyes filled with shame.

I scooted closer to him on my knees and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He hugged me back tightly and rested his cheek on my shoulder. He mumbled softly into my ear, “Amber, I miss my wife. I want her back. Amber, I’m truly sorry for all the stuff I did. I just want my pain to end.” Tears slid down my cheeks as I felt tears land on my shoulder.

“Jimmy, you need to stop what you are doing. You know it’s wrong and it’s killing you! Please Jimmy! I don’t want to lose you!” I pleaded into Jimmy’s ear. He just groaned and mumbled back, “I’m not needed in this life. Leana kicked me out of my own home until I get clean. Without her, I’m nothing…”

“That’s not true! You’re need in this world! You’re needed in this world more than you know! Please stop doing this to yourself!” I told him. Tears continued to fall from his eyes as I pulled him closer to me. The smell of marijuana came off of Jimmy’s clothes. I looked down to notice the track marks on his arms.

I heard Jimmy’s breath slowed. “Jimmy…?” I quietly asked. No response. I began to quiver as I pulled away from Jimmy’s grasp. He eyes were closed and his body was limp.

“Jimmy! Wake up!...Please wake up!” I yelled but he was still. I tried shaking him but he still wasn’t moving. His breathing slowed even more. I could barely see his chest move up and down. Panicking, I grabbed my cell phone that was in my jean pocket and quickly dialed 911.

A few more tears fell from my eyes as the phone rang. I prayed to God until the receiver picked up the phone.

God, please don’t take Jimmy now. Please. Let Jimmy live.


It’s funny how one incident can snap you out of your drunken state. Five minutes ago, I was wasted and laughing with my friends. At least until a bunch of men came racing in with a stretcher. I saw the flashing red and blue of the ambulance outside the bar doors. The whole became extremely quiet except for the yelling coming from down the hallway where the bathrooms were. What did somebody die shitting on the toilet?

That’s what I thought until I saw Amber come out of with the rest of the paramedics. They were rolling the stretcher extremely fast outside the doors. Amber was balling her eyes out as she held the person on the stretcher’s hand. I caught a quick glimpse of the face of the man on the stretcher. I jumped up from my seat when I finally recognized who it was. Jimmy!

Matt and Brian jumped with me, and we all tried to chase after the stretcher but a couple paramedics stopped us.

“Hey asshole, that’s our brother you’re taken away!” Matt screamed at the paramedic. We tried pushing the paramedics out of our way, but the cops showed up and held us back. The paramedics ran back to the ambulance and it quickly drove away in the flashing of red and blue and a loud siren. It drove away with our brother inside.

The cops finally let us go and we ran outside of the bar. We saw Amber balling her eyes out on the sidewalk. Brian wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. An awkward silence came over the group until Matt suggested that we go visit Jimmy in hospital. Matt ran to his car and Brian grabbed Amber’s hand and took her to her car. They both screeched away from the bar and sped down the street.

I wanted to go and join them but then I remember Johnny and Casey. The probably had no idea what was going on. I needed to go pick them up. So I ran to my car to go pick them up. Of course, when I got on the road my mind bean to relax and the reality that I had a few too many hit me. My mind became unclear and my vision became blurred. Where am I going again? Oh yeah, Johnny’s place. Where my sweet Casey was.

Her image came to my mind and the sweet memories that we made about every night. Johnny hadn’t found out yet that she had lost her job and so instead of going to work every day, she would come over to my home. We would have a few drinks and those few drinks turned into sex. A smirk came to my face. Tonight we could make more sweet memories.

I was so damn lucky that the police didn’t catch me driving all over the fucking road. I pulled into Johnny’s driveway and I stumbled out of car. Sweet Zachary Baker was gone. Hard party, heavy drinking, rock star Zacky Vengeance has taken over.


I sat and blankly stared at the hopeless people die on the TV. I was watching See No Evil, one of my favorite movies of all time, and doing my favorite things, drink beers. I swallowed the last of the beer in that bottle. Hmm how much was that? Oh yeah, five bottles…I think.

Johnny went to bed about three hours ago which allowed me to drink as much as I wanted. Ah, and did it feel good. I tossed the bottle on the ground and reached for another one. Before I got a grip on it, the front door burst open and in stepped in my boyfriend. He was covered in sweat and he had the biggest smirk on his face. I smiled back at him as he jumped onto the couch with me.

“Hey Johnny’s asleep in his room,” I mumbled to Zacky, but neither of us broke our dirty smiles. Zacky’s green eyes open wide and in a smart-ass tone he said, “So?” He crashed his lips against mine and well I think you can guess what happened after that.
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Okay this chapter wasn't the best. I'm sorry. :( I got writers block towards the end. Thank you to all my readers and subscribers. Lets see if I can get some more. :) Another big thank you to TwistedScars for commenting again! I tried making a better layout for this story (with a banner) but it didn't turn out. :( So I'm stuck with the Avenged Sevenfold layout. Oh yeah I forgot to mention this last chapter but I but up the characters for this story. Check it out! BTW: I'm thinking about starting a new story with Zacky V soon. Stay tuned for that. :)