Status: right now my ideas are everywhere and real random so it might suck now but when i figure out what to do it will be AWESOME!!! just be patient humans?! the way these pic in the layout DO NOT belong to me they are pics i found on photobucket

Demons and Angels: An Un-Found Origin

These Issues, They Choke Me Like A Noose

“What?” he said, taking a bite of the sandwich he made.

“You just couldn’t help your self could you?” I asked, “You had to make yourself known!!”

He sighed heavily, “I didn’t mean for them to find out. They got here in the middle of the night
and I was by the door. I answered it and they wanted to know who I was…I did what I did to save myself!!”

“How was telling them that you were here saving yourself?!” I asked. Well more like yelled.

“Because Caleb was ready to kill me when I opened the door!!! When I opened the door and not you what was he supposed to think?”

I had nothing to say. I would’ve jumped to the same conclusion if it was his house…..or anybody’s house really.

“Okay you have a point.” I said

“Are you going to apologize to me? You know for being ready to kill me?” he asked giving me these pretend puppy dog eyes.

“Uh no.” I scoffed.

There was a silence as I went through what just happened in my head. I know that I have seen him somewhere before but I can’t remember where. I ran through my head, trying to
remember at least something.

“What was that all about?” I asked gesturing to the door, “What did they want with you?”

Suddenly Elijah’s tone changed, “What do you mean?”

“Where do you know him from?” I asked folding my arms, “Is there something that you aren’t telling me?”

He didn’t say anything he just stood there looking at me nervously.

“Go on. Explain.”

“Well,” he said eating his sandwich, “they are kind of trying to kill me….my first night on earth I caught one of their guys killing a human, we got into an altercation and I had no choice but to kill him. That kind of made them mad and they were looking for me….I did my best to run but they found me. I managed to get away and I found this place to lie low--”

“So basically you just used me to hide yourself? You put my life on the line because you’re too afraid to face your own problems?”

“I didn’t lie to you….I am bound to you until your debt is repaid!! I wouldn’t lie to you, I can’t lie to you, I just left out a few details.” He said finishing his sandwich.

“Okay then fill me in on all the details. I want to know what happened.”

He glared at me, “I already told you everything. I thought I would be able to run from this dude but you can’t run he will find you and kill you any way possible.”

“What does it matter if you die anyway?!” I was yelling now, “you’ll just come right back!!”

He shook his head, “I wish it were that simple but it isn’t! If I die then I can’t come back! I begged my boss to let me come down here and he told me that if I got myself killed in any way I can’t come back….I came down here to be normal, I never got that! Now I have this dude chasing me and no matter where I go, I can’t seem to get a break”

I nodded my head like I understood everything, when the truth was that he lost me at simple.

He shook his head, “I lost you at simple didn’t I?”

“I wasn’t trying to keep up, besides I was thinking about how dumb you are to not see the solution to this problem.”

Angel Boy looked confused, “I don’t get it.”

Rolling my eyes I replied, “Of course you don’t….it’s simple, if you really want to be rid of him the only way is to get rid of him yourself.”

“You mean kill him?”

I patted his shoulder, “Now you’re catching on!”

“How would we kill him? I don’t even know where he lives!!”

I shrugged my shoulders, “You don’t have to….if he really wants to kill you then he would come to you.”

He went to the fridge and grabbed a soda.

“Angel Boy Where is all this food coming from?” I asked, I knew I wasn’t the one buying it.

“Well not only did I head to the mall but I ended up stocking the fridge with food.” He said
popping the top off and drinking it.

“I wasn’t gone that long!!”

He laughed, “You may not think that you were gone long but you were gone in enough time for me to get out of the house.”

“Whatever.” I said, “So are you going to kill him?”

“No.” he said taking a long gulp of the soda

“Why not?” I asked

“I can't just kill him!” He said looking at me

“Why can’t you do it?” I asked

“I just can't!” he said

I jumped up excitedly, “Well since you wanna be a little girl about it I will do it. Where do we start?”

“With the dude that was just here, I mean the message must mean something.” He said.

“Well if we find Joshua then we’ll find this Kelvin. I know that dude isn’t going to show up!
They never do.” I said

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Hey.” I said, getting a sudden idea.

If he could read my mind…why can’t he use that to look for something.

“What?” he asked

“You know how you can read my mind right?”

“I know, I know….don’t do it.” He said rolling his eyes.

I hissed impatiently, “Listen…if you can read my mind then why can’t you put that to good use and look for some clues.”

He raised his eyebrow, “Huh?”

“I know I’ve seen Joshua somewhere but I can’t seem to remember…do you think that you can…”

He stood there for a minute before figuring it out.

“Oh! Well I don’t know I have never tried that before…”

I bit my lip nervously. That kind of changed what I thought about this whole idea.

If Angel Boy had never down this before then that opened up a door to a whole bunch of possible things that could go wrong.

But this was worth it because I felt like this Kelvin dude had did something wrong to me and
I had to take some type of revenge.

“I don’t care...let’s just try.” I said

He sighed and asked if I was sure that I wanted to try this.

After nodding to him, Angel Boy took my hand and led me into the middle of the floor.

He looked into my eyes, “Just picture Joshua very clearly.”

I sighed and pictured him very clearly.

Elijah put his hands on the side of my head.

“Wait.” I pulled his hands down, “Are you sure you can do this?”

“Kind of.” He replied.

“What does ‘kind of’ mean?” I said mocking him when I said kind of.

“Look just close your eyes and sit still.” He said.

“Alright, fine.” I said doing what he said.

Elijah took a deep breath and there was silence.

More silence.

I was becoming impatient.

“Look is this going--” I couldn’t say anything else because things had changed around me.

Everything was pitch black. I couldn’t see anything but in the background I could hear screaming. It was a girl and she sounded like she was in so much pain.

She sounded so familiar but something distracted me from thinking clearly.

I found myself feeling the same pain she was probably feeling. I started to scream with her. It felt like someone had set fire to my insides.

I was burning from the inside and nothing I did would stop. But that was the thing.

I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t move. I think I was bound but I it was dark and I couldn’t see.

I started to shake.

Just like that I was back in my kitchen.

The pain had faded but it wasn’t all the way gone.

It still hurt and I still screamed.

I could hear Elijah trying to calm me down but I didn’t want to calm down.

I wanted this pain to stop….I wanted to die.

I wanted Elijah to…

“Kill me!!!” I said, “Kill me…make the pain go away!!!”

The fire was in my bones. I started to claw at my skin, trying to get to the source of the pain.

Elijah took my hands and put them at my sides.

He whispered something in my ear but I was screaming too loud to hear it.

Suddenly everything but the pain faded to black.
♠ ♠ ♠
finally got around to this chapter so if you read it like yesterday or the day before that sorry it didn't make sense :|
anyway leave me comments and subscriptions