Forever and Always...


Forever And Always

Chapter Eleven

“What is it, dear?” Denise asked, Annie and Joe were now standing in front of her, they were all standing upstairs in Joe's parents bedroom, Nick being home and down stairs made Annie run for the hills once she had arrived.

“Just tell her....” Joe trailed off, once Annie had looked at him.

“I'm...I'm pregnant.”

“You are?” she asked,d her eyes darting to Joe.

“Hey... don't look at me... I'm just the censored best friend here.”

“I didn't think you were invalid.... but the baby Nicks?” Denise's eyes widened. “I didn't know you two were.... doing that.”

“Are you mad?” she asked, tears burning her eyes.

“No... I'm not, but does he know?”

“No... and please don't tell him.”

“Why...why not?” Denise asked. “He has to know.”

“He...I...I don't want him to know yet, he seems to busy with Sam now.”

“Oh, that is ridicules, he will drop her like a hot cake when he finds out.”

“I don't think so...”

“How could you say that?” Denise asked.

“Let's just say someone sent me a conforming video” Annie stated. Denise just looked at her, but dropped the subject.

“Do your parents know?”

“I'm to scared to tell them.”

“They also have to know... me and Joe will come with you to tell them...right Joe?”

“I already told her I would” Joe stated.

“Another parent there might make them feel better” Denise stated, Annie just nodded, looking down at her hands.

“I'll get my jacket and we'll go.”

Joe took Annie back down stairs, they found Nick and Sam on the couch, Sam almost on his lap as they made out. Annie gasped loudly, but they didn't pull away, she buried her face into her hands as Joe pulled her closer and ushered her into the kitchen.

“He's such a jackass” he mused as he released her form his grip. She gripped the sink tightly in her hands, feeling sick.

“Are you having another round of morning sickness?” Joe asked, censored.

“No.... I'm having Nick sickness.”

“That's a good one” Joe smiled. “I have to use that one some time.”

Denise then walked into the room, looking rather sickened herself.

“Having a bit of Nick sickness yourself?” Joe asked, with a smile.

“If you want to call it that” Denise stated, she was now wearing a jacket and held her purse in her hands. “Whenever you would like to leave sweetheart, I'm ready.”

“I'm ready too” Annie stated, pulling herself away from the counter.

“Oh, my keys... Joe, will you come help me find them?”

“Sure, mom” he stated, but he was pretty sure she just wanted to talk to him alone before they left. Annie was left alone in the kitchen, she heard wrestling around in the living room, she figured it was just her ex boyfriend making out with his slut of a girlfriend, just then someone walked into the kitchen.

“Did you like my text?” Sam asked, smirking wildly as she walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. “I thought you might enjoy it... You weren't much practice for him, but I'll make sure he learns proper.”

Annie fought the urge to punch her as she walked out of the room. Moments latter Joe and Denise came back.

“Let's go, dear” she smiled and Annie fallowed them through the living room to the front door.

“Where are you guys going?” they heard a voice from behind them, Annie cussed under her breath, stopping but not turning around. She hoped Denise wouldn't tell him.

'Were off to her parents house” Denise stated.

“Why?” Nick asked.

“I'm going to ask them if I can marry her” Joe stated, not sure where he was going with this Annie turned around and gave him a weird look, he just smiled.

“What?” Nick asked, standing up, leaving Sam to whine.

“Well, you know, for all those times we were alone, and you didn't know what we were doing... yeah, so thought it might be time” he gave Nick a rude smirk. Nick didn't say anything just watched as they left, he knew she had probably told him all about what he said during their fight, so he was not surprised Joe was acting that way.


“What the hell do you want now?” he barked at her.

“Don't talk to me like that” she mused, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I'm sorry” he faked niceness. “What can I do for you?”

“Were alone... wanna go up to your room?” she smirked, playing with the buttons on his shirt.

“No... I told you already, I can't.”

“You did that one might” she pouted.

“You had me competently trashed, I had no idea what I was doing and you knew it.”

“I thought you wanted me that night....” she pouted still.

“I was upset about my break up with Annie... an you knew that and you took advantage of that... and I won't be acting in the manor ever again... so if you want sex then go find some random drunk dude” Nick stated. ”And quite with the fake pouting, its really annoying.”
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Chapter 11, you all hate Sam don't cha?? Please comment!! :D