‹ Prequel: Slave to Destiny
Status: Same story is posted by me on Quizilla under the username ParentalAdvisory4382

Puppet to the Crown

Chapter 20


Chapter 20

“You are an idiot,” I growled venomously at my brother no longer feeling any pity for him. He should have known better than to talk to witch, better yet fall in love with one.

Nathan moaned loudly in distress while crushing his face in hands. Honestly he looked absolutely pathetic. Sighing I wrapped an arm around his shoulders allowing him a little bit of comfort. “You know dad is going to kill you right?” I told him humorously.

“No shit,” he retorted.

“When did you even get a chance to talk her? I mean dad watches us like a hawk.”

“Well you haven’t been the only one sneaking around lately,” he muttered accusingly. “Where have you been?”

My lips were sealed on the topic. How was I going to solve this problem? How was I going to help my brother when I was just as lost as he was? Things had changed the summer, and I wasn’t sure if they were for the better. “Nate I’m scared for you. Witches aren’t to be trusted. They think they are above werewolves and vampires. Why would they take an interest? Why would one love you? What if it is a trap?”

My questions were met by a deep, degrading glare from Nathan. It was rather unusual for Nathan to suddenly become so angry. Normally he was the most laid back out of my siblings. “Look I love her and I want you to help me,” he explained to me.

“How can I help you?”

“I know you’re leaving the castle. If you tell me how I won’t turn you into dad,” he summed up his offer for me. The little prick was blackmailing me. My own flesh and blood!

“Real nice! You wouldn’t actually tell dad, would you?” I knew the answer, but I had to make sure he wasn’t bluffing. He seemed on the edge about the entire situation.

His eyes were glazed with anger as he snapped at me, “You would keep her from me? You would deprive me of the woman I love!” I had never seen him so angry in my entire life. His eyes were glittering with tears. I never thought I would see my brother so emotional over a girl.

“Nate, you have to understand. She is dangerous! She could kill you. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you to a witch. They are bad new. They are always up to their own little tricks,” I tried to reach my hand out to comfort him only to have it swatted away.

Tears were openly sliding down his cheeks as he stared at me. “Harmony isn’t like that,” he whispered thoroughly hurt.

“Okay,” I told him feeling myself cave, “I’ll show you how to get out of the castle. But you can’t tell anyone! I would be in so much trouble if anyone found out.” His eyes widened in surprise. He looked like an innocent child adorning a shy smile on his face.

“When?” Impatient much.

“Tonight,” I muttered shoving him roughly off the couch. “Now leave me alone.” With those kind words Nathan dragged himself up off the couch and sauntered out of my room. I noted the slight skip that had developed in his step after learning that he might actually get to see his witch girlfriend.

Quickly I drew the conclusion that I would have to meet Harmony and evaluate her. Even if I told Nathan that I was going to help him, it didn’t mean that I thought it was alright. I was going to find out everything about her. As I sat there thinking the situation through I figured out that there was only one person I knew of that could help me. Daniel.

Darting out of my room, I ran down the corridors headed for the dining hall. My father, Daniel, and Edmund normally took breakfast together. I knew I could trust Daniel. Heck he probably already knew considering Nathan couldn’t seem to get her off his mind for more than a second. Daniel had a way of keeping secrets for people. He kept my mother’s identity a secret up until the end of the war.

It was not surprising in the least to find the three men scattered around the long oak table that was cluttered with an assortment of breakfast dishes. Upon my approach they dropped into silence. A small smile graced my lips as I took a seat by Daniel. “Good morning,” I announced.

I need your help. The thought was repeated over and over in my head as I shoveled food onto my plate. My father smiled at me before continuing his conversation with Edmund. Daniel was no longer focused on his friend’s words though. Instead he sent me a questioning glance.

Nathan is in love with a witch named Harmony.

Daniel tilted his chin slightly in a nod. He already knew.

Have you met her?

He shook his head to the side. He had never met her, which means he’d never gotten a chance to hear her thoughts. What if they weren’t as innocent as Nathan presumed. What if? The questions were spilling into my mind.

Don’t think about Axel. I don’t know why I thought it. Suddenly through the confusion and the worry the thought came to the front of my mind like a knife cutting through the cloud of chaos.

Daniel’s head shut in my direction. He looked completely and utterly alarmed by the thought. He was openly ignoring my father and Edmund. ‘Who is Axel?’ he mouthed to me.

Shit. I had no idea what to do. I tried to block the fleeting thoughts of me walking through the streets. I tried to forget about Axel saving me from the bloody man. I tried to erase the memory of Axel leading me into his headquarters. I tried to pretend like Axel wasn’t the criminal that my father had been talking about the night before.

“What the hell Emily?”
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It would be SUPER cool if anyone who had a wattpad account got on and fanned me or voted for my story Slave to Destiny. I'm reposting it on wattpad and I would love it if you took the time to vote for it even though you already read it. :)

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been super uninspired.