Status: working on

Friends to Lovers in Time

Friends To Lovers In Time

When we got back to her house we got ready for the day( I got a text from jack saying we gotta go to the mall. We get in my car(my car We looked for were Alex's car was parked and then we went and found the boys in no other then the food court. "It's about danm time you girlies show up." Rian yells at us as hes given me a hug. After the boys were done eating we decided to go walk around. We pretty much had to walk weird Jenella,Alex,Jack (jack want to stnad next to alex to) and Zack,Me,Rian were behinde them and we had our arms hooked together. We did realize that it was 2:00 and the boys were have a gig before we had school tom.

Jenella and Me went back to my house and got ready for this gig in Alex's backyard.( me and jenella)( the boys). I got a text from Zack saying "Aubree get your big ass here!! <3 zack" i texted him back "Zack i don't have a big ass! I'm not coming cause your mean <3 Aubree" "I sorry I won't say it again. <3 Zack" I was smiling threw the hole time we were texting. Zack n I texted all the way till Jenella and I got to Alex's to help set up. We got there to help set up and as we were I could keep my eyes off of Zack. "Aubree Im gunna push you in the pool." Alex said to me. I wasn't paying any attetion so i got push into Alex's pool."YOU JACKASS WHAT WAS THAT FOR. NOW IM ALL WET AND YOUR GUNNA HAVE A BLODY NOSE!!" I yelled at him. I was chaseing him around till I started to get cold."NOW I'M COLD AND HAVE NOTHIN BUT WET CLOTHS!" I yelled at him again.

Zack finally grabed me "Hey comeon i got some cloths in Alex's room you can use come." he told me. We went up to Alex's room and he got me some cloths( "Thankz Zack your so sweet." i told him while i hugged him."Aubree your welcome. Your sweet to" as we were hugging i was sivering."Aubree do you want my sweatshirt?" "Not unless your gunna need it for the show then CAN I USE IT." he took his sweatshirt off. It smelled just like him. "Aubree we should go out back now i've gotta play soon." we walked back there and we were holding hands. We get out there and he let go."Aubree I sorry." Alex yeld at me "I forgive you Alex." They start to play and Jenella and I are in the front I kept my eyes on Zack, He would look at me to and smirk."Aubree are you and Zack a thing yet? You know if you don't tell him how you feel he might get a diff girl n then you'll be jello. You need to tell him if you haven't." i knew she was right but i was scared to tell Zack. Who wouldnt be hes so hot and im so not.Jenella dropped me off at my house "You know im right and you should do that soon." I walked in to my house n went to bed thinking about Zack and sleeping in his sweatshirt