Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

And the Countdown Begins

I awaken to someone pounding on my door while my phone goes off. “What?” I nearly bark into the phone once I figure out how to answer it.

“Are you going to answer your door or am I gonna have to bang on it for another fifteen minutes?” Megan asks.

“Sorry, I’ve only been asleep for,” I pause quickly looking at my clock, “four hours.”

“Why the fuck have you only been asleep for four hours it’s like 12,” Megan says.

“Just hold on and I’ll come get the door,” I say dragging myself out of bed before heading downstairs. “Hello,” I say opening the door squinting from the sunlight.

“Hey, can I come in or are you gonna eat me?” Megan asks with a slight smile.

“Come in; I’m going to hop in the shower really quick but make yourself at home. I never want to pull a double again but I know I’m doomed to do so,” I say gesturing to the living room.

“OK and gross,” Megan says smiling as I make my way upstairs.

I take a very fast shower then get dressed in a ¾ sleeve Batman shirt and denim capris before heading back downstairs. “OK, I’m civil now,” I explain jumping on my couch to see that Megan’s watching True Blood. “Oh the things I would do the Eric,” I say laughing.

“Speaking of doing things, what happened with you and Zacky after Brian and I left the other night?” Megan asks referring to the last time we hung out.

“Nothing really; we watched Nightmare before Christmas and then I got ready to leave,” I say trailing off at the end.

“And then?” Megan asks.

“And then he kissed my head,” I say biting my lip looking down.

“Aw Cracky kiss and stop doing that with your lip,” Megan says scrunching up her nose.

“Shut up,” I say as my face turns red.

“Holy shit you’re embarrassed! You must really like him,” Megan says looking at me oddly.

“I do,” I admit refusing to make eye contact with her.

“Then you should ask him out,” Megan says nearly blindsiding me.

“But he’s not really my type,” I say looking at her oddly.

“No he’s not which is a good thing since your type is douchebag and or an asshole, usually they’re both thrown in there,” Megan says looking at me totally serious.

“True… but,” I say stopping.

“But what?” Megan asks looking at me waiting for an instant answer.

“But we’re friends and I don’t want that to end up being super awkward and fucking up us hanging out,” I say quickly pulling something out of thin air.

“For the love of god one date wouldn’t kill you,” Megan says rolling her eyes.

“You’re not going to let this go until I ask him are you?” I ask her sighing.

“No I’m not; pardon me for wanting to see you happy with a nice guy for once in your life,” she says throwing her hands up in the air.

“Fine… I’ll do it… eventually,” I say looking at her to make sure she approves.

“I’ll give you a week’s time tops; if you haven’t done it by then I’m just going to tell him that you like him,” she says smiling.

"And the countdown begins and by the way I hate you,” I say slightly glaring at her.

“You know you love me hoe. Well I gotta go to work. Love ya, bye,” she says smiling as she stands up.

“No you don’t! But I love you, bye love,” I say laughing as I follow her to my door. I wave to her as she leaves then throw myself onto my couch hating how much the gears in my head are grinding.

Why do I have to tell him I like him? Shouldn’t he be the one to tell me first? It would be an amazing change of pace to have a boyfriend who isn’t an asshole. I wonder what that’s like; I bet it doesn’t involve nearly as much fighting as my past relationships. What time is it? God I have to be at work on a few more hours. Going back to bed sounds so fantastic I just think I’ll do it.

I pull myself up off of my couch and make my way up to my room where I lay down and quickly drift off back to sleep before having to go back to work.
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Christina's outfit