Status: New story

How wrong we were to think


Gerard's POV


I looked up. Frank was snoozing on the sofa beside me and Mikey and Alicia were sorting out furniture. Frank's cell phone was buzzing away on the table in front of me. I was curious and nosey. I carefully leaned forward, trying not to wake Frank, and picked it up. It was a text. I glanced at him, and flipped the phone open, and gritted my teeth. Dan. I opened the text, and frowned. I thought they had stopped seeing each other?
It said- Hey Babe. Missing U so much.
Wanna come round tonight?
U dun have to tell G.
Dan xxx (Bert?)

I nearly smashed the phone. That fucking sly bastard. I wanted to fucking smash his face in. Frank was mine. No one else could have him. He belonged to me. I decided where he went, what he did, who he saw. And Bert was one of the people who he definetely was not allowed to see. I glanced at sleeping Frank for a moment, then texted Bert back.

Ok. I'll be there 8.30.
Luv U

I deleted the sent message and Bert's message, so that Frank wouldn't find them and get suspicious, and then I put his phone back down. I put my arm around Frank, and kissed his nose. He opened his eyes, and smiled at me. "Hey there, gorgeous," he breathed, stroking my cheek and kissing my top lip quickly. He sat up, and glanced at the clock. "Hey, did my phone buzz or anything?" He asked worriedly, making me suspicious. Had he expected Bert to text him? "Not that I'm aware of," I lied smoothly. Frank nodded then smiled at me.
"Okay, thanks," he cuddled into me. "I love you so much Gerard,"
I put my arms around him. "Hmm," I replied, kissing the top of his head. He was faithful, wasn't he? He wouldn't have gone and met Bert without letting me know...would he? I was going to ask Frank, but I didn't want him to be suspicious. I was already hatching a little plan in my head. I smiled at the thought of what I was going to do to Bert. He would pay for trying to take Frank from me. My Frank. Fucking mine. Like I said, he didn't belong to anybody else but me, and that would always be the case. I'd rather Frank was dead than with another guy. Seriously. I'd rather see him fucking messed up and bloody and hacked to bits than kissing somebody else (Again). Besides, there was something pretty sexy about the thought of Frank hacked to bits. Covered in blood. Me havign sex with him covered in blood. Now theres a thought. In fact, I was almost drooling.
"Gerard?" Frank brought me back to reality. He looked scared.
"You're hurting me," I realised I still had my arms around him and was squeezing him tightly. Probably too tightly. I abruptly let go
"Oh... sorry...s-s-orry Frankie," I mumbled. He moved back a bit and shook his head. "Nah. It's okay..."
I kissed his forehead. "Were you expecting someone to call you?" I wondered.
Frank looked slightly awkward. "Um... maybe my Mom? I dunno, just... never mind," he shook his head and cuddled into me, "Doesnt matter. I don't need anyone else, I have you,"
"D'aww," I cooed, cuddling him. But I couldn't ignore the fact that I knew something suspicious was going on.
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