More than it seems.

So much like her

Upon opening the bathroom door, there stood the girl Brandon had earlier met. Cammie. Cam for short. She looks...Intrigued, shocked. Brandon had to admit, she was cute. She had perfect curls in her long burning red hair, dark brown eyes,and pink-ish lips. And she was wearing an off-the-shoulder shirt, jean shorts, a long crystal heart necklace, and a beanie for a hat.

"Erm...I was thinking, want to catch some dinner later?" Cam had asked. The words were like music to his ears.

"Yeah, sure. You know where to find me," Brandon said.

"Oh yeah, of course. I'm totally going to call you when your across the room," Cam said teasingly. Brandon stepped out of the bathroom and walked into their bedroom. He eyed the bags near one bed and his bags near the other.

"So I'm guessing this is my bed?" Brandon asked, slightly unsure.

"Yep, I guess." Cam repied. Brandon moved towards his bed and layed face down on the soft matress. Soon, he drifted off to sleep.


Brandon awoke by someone shaking his shoulder. Automaticly, he grabbed the person and pushed them onto the floor. It was only then when he realized it was Cam he pinned to the ground.

"Cam what are y-" Brandon started.

"Oh nothing! Just trying to wake a friend from his slumber to go get some dinner but instead is tackled onto the ground like I actually done something," Cam said sarcasticly.

"Sorry," Brandon said as he helped her up. "Reflex," he added shortly after.

"Haha, yeah. You're oweing me at dinner," Cam said giving him her wink. Brandon walked slowly to the bathroom to wash off. In there, he realized that he didn't look "dinner" like. He spent at least half an hour staring into the mirror figring out what would look "dinner" like. Then there was a light knock on the door.

"Brandon! Are you trying to pick an outfit or something? You look fine. I'm starving. Let's go!," Cam said through the door. A smile appeared on Brandon lips. It was as if she can read him like a book. Hmm.. Does Cam even like books? Or was she one of those "non-readers"? Hmm.. Brandon figured he should just ask at dinner. Seems right.

Brandon opened the bathroom door, and his heart nearly skipped. The memories of her rewinded in his mind. Brandon grabbed onto the frame of the door to catch his balance. Seems like Cam didn't notice. Slowly, his heart beats were going back to normal.

" You're seriously too slow," Said Cam, jokingly hitting Brandon's side.

"Wasn't my fault," Brandon repied.

" Oh really? Then who's? The mirror's?"

"Yup. Pretty much." Then, they both laughed. Brandon pushed aside the thought of her and followed Cam to the front door.

It's okay, thought Brandon Cam's not her.


"So, what's your favorite color?" Brandon asked Cam. "Hmm.." She said while twirling her dark-red colored hair around her index finger. Then she stopped.

"C'mon you can't guess? It's the color of my hair," Cam said, pointing out the obvious. Brandon chuckled.

" Sorry. I'm horrible at asking questions," Brandon said, running his hand through his hair. Cam only smiled, leaned forward, and put her chin in her hands, elbows on the table.

"Then tell me a story. Who was your first love?" Cam said. Brandon heart throbbed. "D-do I hav-ve to?" Brandon managed. Cam simply nodded.

Brandon's face darkened. " Okay.." Then, he started.


I saw her in the halls. Her beautiful gold-ish, light brown looking hair, her creamy-colored framed glassed, her everything made my heart beat faster. It was love at first sight. As stupid as that was. Her name was Annie. Just plain Annie. [she didn't have a last name]. Swiftly, she turned to me.

"Uh...Excuse me, can y-" She started. I ran. I know, I know. Call me a chicken. I just ran away from my love at first sight. Lame.

Out of breath, I ran to the guy's restrooms stalls. Shutting the stall door behind me, I slumped back against the wall, catching my breath. I slammed my hand against my forehead.

"Shit!" I mummered. I am such a chicken. Okay, time to go out, and make a move. Wait. Apologize too. Say that I needed to take a piss.


"So...Did you talk to her after that?" Cam asked.

"Meh..." Brandon replied.

I found her in the hallway, way after the bell had rung. She looked...lost.

"Urmm... You need help?" I asked. Building my confidence.

"Yeah! Thanks. I need help to my first period." She handed me a piece of paper. I barely directed her, but she got the point. She thanked me--even hugged me, then left. I stood there, shocked. Heat rising to my cheeks, and smiled.

"So why is it 'meh'? You helped her, she hugged and thanked you. What's wrong?" Cam questioned. Brandon took a deep breath.

" She ended up in the hospital." Bandon replied.


I felt great. It was a hot and summery day and fantastic. Me and my crush are already on hugging terms. I passed her in the halls, avoiding her gaze [Damn it, you!] and then, I saw it. Before I got to look away. Her skin was pale, she looked sickly and she was wobbly. I ran to her, ignoring my butterflies. And pulled Annie into my arms.Panic struck me. She was burning hot.

"Help!" I screamed. How can people not notice this angel's pain?! And the rest, was a blurr. A nurse came to her, took her away from me, an ambulance was called and she was taken to the hospital.

"Okay..You took her to the hospital. Wouldn't she most likely fall for you then?! You saved her life." Cam asked. Sympathy writing her whole face. Brandon put his face in his hands. Why was he telling her this? Was it because Cam was the splitting image of Annie? Only different hair color and facial expressions?

"I wish.. If only.." Brandon started.


I visited her at the hosiptal, two days after that incident. I had bought her a dozen of roses and a piece of vanilla cake. Slightly fastwalking, I went into her room. She looked...Beautiful...Only, she was hooked up to some machines. But she was awake and alive. That's all I needed.

"Hey Annie," I said softly. She nodded slightly, she looked confused.

"I brought you some cake...And some roses" I said, handing them to her, blushing. She smiled and boy, could that have made my day. If only for the next few words she said.

"...Who are you...?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm starting to like these cliff hangers. :D
You guys should keep in mind; Annie and Cameille look alike.
I don't know. But I have a feeling I'm going to do something about that fact.