More than it seems.

Fantastic. But not us.

It felt fantastic. Cam's smooth, cherry-smelling lips making contact with Brandon's lips. Brandon had sat there before, resisting the awkward temptation to kiss Cam. But...since she did it first, why not? Plus, the kiss put many, many butterflies in his stomach. But Brandon couldn't help feeling that something was definetly off. Cammie was Brandon's friend right? Then, Brandon remembered, someone had been staring at Brandon from behind and had creeped Brandon out intensely.So, was the kiss Cammie was to get the stalker-person to stop glancing?

Thinking about it, if a kiss to Brandon made the stalker stop stalking then, wouldn't that make the stalker a female? Brandon sat there, kissing Cammie, piecing this little by little.

Cammie pulled back, blushing. Her brown eyes glanced at something behind Brandon, supposedly the stalker chick. Cam looked back at Brandon and smiled. Brandon noticed something for the first time, a piercing.Other than her ears, of course. This piercing was on her tounge. You wouldn't find that every day.

"Welp, she most definetly stopped staring," Cam confirmed. Then, she took on a dead serious expression. "You realize that, that kiss was nothing more than to get that girl to stop staring. Right?" Brandon shook his head and called for the nearest waiter over to get their check.


Walking back to the room, was almost torture. Well, for Cammie. Even if she didn't want to admit it. Brandon just walked beside her, staring. He wanted to get into detail with Cammie. Just in case. But, the more Brandon stared at Cammie, the more she reminded him of Annie.

They looked strangely alike. Too much alike to be even possible. There was still a lot of Cammie that Brandon never knew about, and there was a lot of Brandon that Cammie didn't know about. Brandon thought carefully. If he got off at the same stop as Cammie, where was he going to go? For sure, Cammie was going to leave him with a "goodbye" this was only a four-day thing. A four day trip.

Brandon stared at her framed glasses, her reddened hair, her fierce, yet friendly expressions. So much like Annie. Brandon's heart throbbed. So much like Annie..., Brandon thought.

Lingering behing Cammie now, they can be almost identical from this view. Cammie was rushing to the room the same way Annie was rushing to class. Brandon shook off this feeling. The feeling of remembering the past. It was bad for his health to remember Annie. Especially...

Cammie quickly opened the bedroom door and waved for Brandon to enter the room quickly. Sighing, Brandon fast walked. "All right, all right." He said. Cammie was waiting for him at the door, rubbing her arms. Brandon was standing too close to Cammie. His chest and neck was near Cammie's face. Brandon slightly bent down to whisper in Cammie's ear.

"Go on, I got the door." Cammie looked up at Brandon and stared into his eyes. He nodded his head and smiled.

She was fast to go run to her bed and snuggle into the -pretty sure warm- covers. Cammie reminded Brandon so much of Annie. And he couldn't help thinking, if Annie was here...

" Hey Brandon, can you like, stop the cold from coming in here?" Cammie said, inturrupting Brandon's thoughts. Thankfully.

"Haha. You make it sound like I have some magical powers of some shit." Brandon laughed and walked to the bathroom.

First, Brandon was looking for some toilet paper, but glancing around the bathroom, he grabbed the bathroom towel instead. Hey, there were plenty towels. Missing just one wasn't going to kill anybody.

Brandon marched next to do the door and ran his hand along the cracks of the door and felt the breeze coming through. Brandon then proceeded to shove the towel he retrieved through the cracks to seal it.

The winter breeze was coming in through the windows from the outdoor hallway and into the room. The breeze didn't seem to stop no matter what. Brandon turned and looked at Cam then gave her a shrug of his shoulders.

" I don't think we can do anything about this, Cam." Brandon said after finally giving up on trying to stop the breeze. Silenty, Brandon thanked the breeze to keep him occupied. He was going to need as much distractions as ever to rid him from Annie. Espcially since Ann-- Cammie was there with him.

"Mhhhm," Cam said from her bed, wrapped in a blanket, looking like a mummy. Brandon assumed she didn't do cold. Brandon sat by the door, staring at Cammie; he couldn't help it. It felt like he was drawn to her. How her cheeks are red from the cold, how she would shiver once in a while, how she'd shift around trying to get warmer, how she trys to stop her teeth from chattering loudly, even though through this silencem Brandon can clearly hear it.

"Uh...Cam? You okay there?" Brandon said, getting up from the floor, edging towards Cam. Shit! Stop it you idiot! Brandon mentally screamed. Getting too close, getting too intimate, getting into this situation can resolve into that. And Brandon would like to stay far, far away from it.

" Mh--Yeah. Of course. Wh-hy wouldn't I be? Pshh--hhh." Cam said. Trying extramely hard now to stop her teeth from chattering. Brandon was now at the side of her bed, staring into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. Okay, stop it. Just get her warm. Quick and easy.

Brandon turned around and reached-- or attempted to reach for his blanket to hand to Cam. Instead, the train was at it's first stops. Stopping at a quick halt, Brandon -with his poor balance- toppled over backwards, blanket in hand, onto Cam's bed.

"What-t are y-you doi-ing?" Cam said, alarmed. Brandon felt like she felt like he did something wrong. Turning around to look at Cammie,another image of Annie popped into his mind. Fuck!,Brandon mentally screamed. It was always Annie. Annie, Annie!

" Did you just not feel the train stop?" Brandon replied. Being more on the same bed with Cam, he can just feel Cammie shaking under the blankets. Giving a sigh, Brandon stood up, pulled out the covers, and crawled into the bed with Cammie. And he was right, Cammie was extremly cold. Way colder than Brandon--Who was infact, wearing short sleeves.

This felt awkward. Wrong. And it looked wrong, too. Breathe, this is for Cammie. To help her get warm, nothing else.

"Now what the hell are y-you do-oing?" Cammie said, even more alarmed. She looked just about ready to attack. Not like punch attack, leap, aim, scratch, attack. No more like "I'm-so-fucking-ready-to-claw-your-face-off" attack. Yeah, that's the one.

" Oh shush. You act like I'm going to rape you." Brandon said, giving her the eye, a slight joking hint in his voice. " We're friends right? Friends cuddle. Especially if the friend's freezing like a frozen popsicle." Brandon reminded Cammie of her poor lack in heat.

"I...supposed so...But do anything and I swear..." Cammie started. Threatning. Brandon felt the urge totell her to calm the fuck down, he wasn't a rapist.

" Sheeeeesh. Not like I'm sleeping here. I'm just here to keep you warm. Or at least get you warm first, You icicle." Brandon said, putting an arm over Cammie's shoulder. Just feeling her cold skin against his makes him cold. This looks strange. Very strange. Like Brandon was making a move on her.

Kind of like a Lion taking advantage of it's injured prey...

"Oh my, that's cheap." Cam smirked. " But it does feel warmer...-ish. Wait... Aren't you cold?" Cam asked, concerned.

" No. Why?" Brandon replied non-chalantly. Other than Cammie making him cold, he felt perfectly fine. Physically, of course. Mentally, nope.

"What?! Are you some kind of penguin or some shit? It's freezing!" Cam said. "Oh shush. I'm turning on the t.v." Brandon reached over and retreived the remote from his side. He was flipping through the channels for a while, unable to pick. The channels were mostly boring. Well, to Brandon. Why didn't train channels have stuff interesting on it?

"Hey, let me pick." Cammie said, reaching over for the remote. Brandon quickly pulled the remote out of her reach. He wanted to pick and he wasn't going to deal with some chick flick shit.

" What? No way." Brandon said, continuing channel surfing. Nope. No chick flick shit.

"Awhs, c'mon!" Cammie said, now up and reaching for the remote much more agressively. despite her poor temperture.

" Nahs, I want to pick." Brandon said, sticking out his tounge. Cammie eyed him for a second, then leaped for it. Only, she wasn't the only fast one.

Quickly, Brandon moved out of the way, and Cam landed on the floor with a thud. He waited for a couple of seconds, expecting Cammie to pop up and scare the shit out of him, but she never came. Maybe she hurted herself bad when she landed down there. Or earned a concussion. Brandon can now feel the Train start moving again, and Cammie was still not up, attcking hime for the remote.

Hurridly to see if Cam was okay, Branon peeked over the edge of Cammie's bed. And there was Cammie, lying at the edge of Brandon's bed, silently laughing her ass off. She looked okay, unhurt. And utterly beautiful. Like Annie. Oh shit. Annie.

"What's so funny?" Brandon asked, confused. Brushing off the Annie thought.
" This," Cammie said, then tackled Brandon onto the bed once more. Damn, she's like a cat., Brandon thought as he was thrown back onto the bed--hard. Brandon realize that Cammie was still aiming for the remote. But he realized another thing, Cammie had a grip. And force. They started to struggle playfully for it.

Once in a while, Cammie would "accidently" elbow Brandon in the face and Brandon would "accidently " push Cammie off the bed once more. They were loud and crazy, wouldn't they be getting a knock on the door and behind it angery complaining people?

For the final time, Brandon pushed Cammie off the bed, who landed on her knees, and quickly stood up. Edging closer and closer to Brandon's bed, not hers. Brandon took this as a surprise and sat motionless on Cammie's bed. Eyeing Cammie's every move.

Quickly, Cammie threw the nearest pillow at Brandon. Meaning it for to shock him,obviously. The pillow hit Brandon's face hard but it was fluffy and soft. A sudden child-ish urge emerdged in Brandon. He too, grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Cammie. Probally hitting something too but whatever. Probally nothing.

"Oh you're so getting it!" Cammie said. Their laughter filled the room, exploding with feathers, blankets tossed and extreme fun.

" You started it!" Brandon said, defensively, and quickly rolled up some bed sheets and threw them at Cammie. Cammie gigled in response as the sheets bounce off of her and onto the floor beside. Probally for an hour or maybe hours, this continued. But slowly, they started to lose their stamia.

It was Brandon who gave out first. He dropping the pillow in his hand and put his hands up.
"Okay, okay, you win." Brandon said, leaning onto the nearest wall, slowly sliding down. Cammie immediatly dropped the blankets in her hands and crawled over to join Brandon; who was already on the floor, fast alseep.

It would have been a fun night and rememberable...
If only Cammie's phone was never answered...
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to edit this a lot, actually. >___< And I'd admit, I got pretty lazy..