Compaired To This Hell Is Looking Good

Chapter Seven - Say Goodnight Las Vegas -

I buried my face into my pillow cring as loud as I wanted. I went over the conversation I had had with my parents in my head. How could they? How dare them? What made them think that I would let them? I was outraged! I was frustrated! And I was sad and disappointed... It just didn't make since, but then again what did these days? "We have decided to move! Isn't it wonderful?" My mothers words drilled into my head. "We won't have to live in this place anymore, and don't worry honey you'll make new friends I promise."

New house, new friends, new town, hell maybe even a new STATE. I wanted none of it. I wanted to stay right where I was. With Ryan and Kali and even Andrew. Everything was just starting to even out. How was I going to tell them? How could I expain why when I don't even know. I had a pretty good idea that it was Ryan though, but who in history moved their daughter because of a boy, a boy that that daughter happend to like, maybe even be in love with (ha, I said it!).


After an hour of cring and talking to my self about the situation I went down stairs to get the phone. I was going to go to Kali's and get away from those mean and evil others in the house. I wouldn't stay in the same house with them tonight, I repeat, WOULD NOT.

All I had to do was tell Kali it was an emergency and she said to come over a quick as possable. Have I mentioned how much I love that girl? She can always tell when something is wrong with me. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.


"What? Your moving?! No! Nononono!" Kali yelled at me. "I won't let you! What are your parents thinking? Your not even threw your jr. year! They're just gonna move you right in the middle of it? Have they freaking thought this threw?" Kali said getting really worked up.

"Take it up with them, you know I was recently asking myself those same questions." Just with more profanity... I had passed the worked up screaming stages, I was numb. I felt like a puppit, someone was saying things and it seemed to be coming out of my mouth, but I was braindead. "I don't know what I'm going to tell Ryan." I said silently. I wasn't sure if Kali had heard me till she wrapped me up in the same kind of hug I gave her when I found out about her and Andrew.


Kali had fallen asleep. I looked up at the clock and saw it was 3:30. Then I looked out of Kali's window. You see Kali's house is really and apartment and Kali and her family lived in the penthouse, the top floor, and you could see all of the bright lights of Las Vegas, Navada. Which was exactily what I wanted to see at the moment. When I was little I used to wonder if the big casinos had fights about whose sign was bigger or whose was brighter. "Goodnight Las Vegas," I whispered to no one in particular, "who knows when I'll get a view like this again."
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Well. Yeah. Lexi is moving, it's a big thing for her. Sorry I'm just kinda out of it today... feeling kind of blue, so I'm not really into it. comments are nice.