I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Nineteen

Progress exams. Who needs em?

The following days that made up the rest of the week consisted of these waste of time, question filled pieces of paper.

I felt exhausted by the time the weekend was finally upon us.

"Cady darlin'? Door for you!" My mother called up the stairs. We had never seen eye to eye but, since I've become friends with the guys, she's started being a lot warmer towards me.

Put it this way; you'd never of caught her calling me 'Darlin' a year ago.

I opened my weary eyes slowly, almost falling out of bed when I saw the time; 11:30am.

Zach was picking me up to go to the beach, well, now.

Throwing my Nightmare Before Christmas dressing gown over my black and grey pajamas I almost flew down the stairs.

Zach stood, looking rather uncomfortable, in the center of the living room, his hands deep in his pockets. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw me.

"I'm so sorry," I blurted out "I overslept. The exams made me so tired. My alarm didnt go off and-"

I was cut off by him raising his hands. "Cady! Don't worry!" He smiled softly.

"What should I wear?"

His smile progressed to a grin as he shrugged. "I dunno! Something pretty?"


I emerged from my bedroom half an hour later.

Hoping what I picked out passed for 'pretty'.

A silver starred black, thin, hoodie with 3/4 sleeves adorned my torso. A black pair of shorts clung to my legs with a pair of flip flops to match on my feet.

Beneath I wore my black 'pirate' bikini. A silver skull decorated the right breast of the top. A similar skull was also on the left side of the bikini shorts.

"Very pretty," Zach smiled when he saw me.

Once I had picked up my 'beach bag' - containing a large towel, sun lotion, my cell and my purse - he slipped his hand into mine and lead me to his car.


"So, what're we gunna do today?" I asked once we had picked an acceptable spot away - but not too far - from the other beach visitors.

Zach shrugged "Whatever."

"Well this was your idea!" I laughed "You must have had something in mind!"

"Ah," he said, interrupting me as he turned to lay on his side to face me "That's all my thinking done. It's your turn!"

Adjusting my towel beneath me I sighed "Well, what do you usually do when you come to here with the others?"

Zach chuckled "Matt and Val make out. Johnny and Jimmy start some sort of fight. As we came before Syn met Kirsti, he'd be off trying to score chicks. While me and Leana sat in the shade listening to music."

I giggled "And thats it?"

"Well, we'd sometimes play truth or dare..."

He stopped when a smirk slowly grew across my features.

"Okay then," he sighed.

"Yay!" I squeaked "I'll go first; truth or dare?"

His nose scrunched up in thought as he tried to pick between the two words. "Truth."

"Why did you first ask me out? Y'know when we went to the movies with Brian and Kirsti."

His face changed slightly for a couple of seconds, only to be replaced by his usual soft smile almost as quick "Cause I thought you were cute," he answered, his voice almost a whisper "Now you; truth or dare?"

Ready for whatever he was gunna throw at me I smirked "Dare."

"I dare you to get your septum pierced ," he said, flicking my nose lightly.

"I will if you will."

"I'll take that as my next go."

"You do that."

He grinned, extending his hand out for me to shake "Deal. Now; truth or dare?"


He propped himself up on his elbow, leaning over me so his ear was pressed to the palm of his hand. "I dare you to be my girlfriend."

I stared at him, my heart pounding, waiting for any sign telling me this was a joke.

He twitched his eyebrows slightly, as though urging me to answer.

The corners of my mouth tugged into a smile as I whispered "Okay."

It wasn't the best of acceptances but I didn't care. As soon as I'd spoken he pressed his lips against mine in our first proper kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Lisa and ResueMe

Cause they're awesome and they left comments :)
