Status: Completed

Whiskey and Cigarettes

You're Too Beige

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I never took into consideration what Ben had to say. I thought it was silly; just a good friend trying to make another happy. But I did start to notice things more between Danny and I. Like when he'd stand so close to me that I could feel his breathing on my neck, or when we were walking side by side and his hand would brush against mine, or when we sat together on my couch watching horror movies the night before Halloween with the rest of the gang, and I was blatantly scared of Freddy Kruger, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held my left hand with his left hand, and I instantly felt better.

I brushed all of it off, thinking my mind was merely playing tricks on me. There was no way this guy, a rock star who did whatever the fuck he wanted whenever the fuck he wanted, would change his ways for me. Nope. I refused to believe it. I refused to believe that I had any sort of feelings for him as well. It was just impossible.

"Are you going to the show tonight?" Lux asked, walking into my room around noon.

"Yeah," I shrugged, pulling my comforter over my shoulders. The October air was oddly cold in California, and we were trying not to use our heat for as long as possible to save money.

"I thought you had to work," she smirked as if she knew something I didn't.

"I called off, because Danny asked me to go." I replied with the truth, knowing it'd be used against me. Danny actually begged me to go tonight, and I honestly could not say no. Tonight was their Halloween show. Everyone was going to dress up. The boys that attended were obviously going to be various scary things, while the girls were various slutty things.

"Oh," she just grinned, sitting down at the foot of the bed, facing me. "You like him, huh?"

"Don't even start," I sighed, brushing my fingers through my hair. "You, out of all people, know that I don't date anyway."

"Things can change," she shrugged. "Anyway, I never had time to costume shop, so let's get Rex and go."

An hour later, the three of us were at a costume shop that James had suggested us to go to. Apparently, that's where he had gotten his costume.

"What is James being anyway?" I asked as I fingered through the women's costumes.

"A weird skeleton thing," She replied. "He has a fancy skeleton suit costume, and then he wants me to do his make up super wicked." She quickly explained after that she had a matching costume that was just more feminine than his.

"Do you know what any of the other guys are being?" Lux asked, picking out a few costumes to try on.

"Nope," Rex laughed, sitting on a big, comfy chair.

I picked out a few costumes, trying each one on in the dressing room, until I finally decided on a cheetah costume. Lux ended up picking out an Alice from Alice in Wonderland costume due to the fact that she looks exactly like the cartoon character version. We left the mall by four and headed to our homes, dropping Rex off at hers on the way.

The show started at nine, doors opening at eight, but the girls and I didn't plan on showing up until about eleven, because Asking Alexandria weren't playing until midnight. Rex came over to our house at about nine after she did James' make up before he went to the venue. Rex, Lux, and I pregamed in my bedroom as we got ready for the show. I sat in front of my full length mirror with a bottle of Smirnoff Green Apple Twist Vodka, taking shots every few seconds. Rex sat next to me concentrating on her skeleton make up. Lux was in the bathroom fixing her hair.

Out of the fact that cheetahs don't wear make up, I decided to keep mine quite simple, using a light gray, shimmery eye shadow, a peach blush, and a pink lip gloss. I left my hair down, the curls falling to my mid back. Rex applied her skeleton make up to only the right side of her face all the way down to her chest, and it looked extremely good. On the left side of her face, she applied a smokey eye shadow with a bright red blush and lipstick. Lux used pale colors and straightened her hair, looking almost identical to the character most people associate Alice in Wonderland with.

"When are you and Danny going to get together?" Rex asked as she took a drink from my bottle. I just glared at her through the mirror before pushing myself off the floor to pull on my costume over my matching tan bra and thong. "Oh come on, Bay. He is smitten by you."

"Shut it, Rex. All of you are being ridiculous. A boy like that does not get smitten, especially by a girl like me."

"What do you mean a girl like you?" Lux asked from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys know exactly what I mean."

"What? A pretty girl with some daddy issues?" Rex replied. I just sighed, fixing my hair and putting the hood of my costume on over top of it. "Bay. You can trust him with all the bull shit that has happened before."

"He's exactly like every other guy," I argued, sitting down on my bed, watching Rex straighten her hair.

"No, he's not. He's completely different. He wouldn't ever leave you like your dad did or Kevin." I cringed at my ex-boyfriend's name. "He wouldn't ever even think to treat you like Kevin did."

"But he is exactly like every other guy," I replied. "Ben even said his body count is well into the 100's."

"That's how he used to be," Lux tried to explain. "He hasn't slept with anyone since you showed up."

I didn't reply, but I've always believed that no one ever changes. I wanted to tell them that, but I was tired of arguing. They'd have a reply for anything I had to say.

Ten minutes before midnight, the three of us climbed into the back seat of a taxi cab. We were let in the front door of the venue, stumbling from our slight buzz. We found our way to the balcony, taking seats on stools that had a perfect view of the stage as well as the bar, just in time for Asking Alexandria to come on. We were screaming our lungs out, singing along to the music, dancing in our seats. We were probably the loudest ones there, other than the boys of course. The boys kept pointing and laughing at us enjoying ourselves. We were plastered by the end of the night.

The boys' costumes were great. Danny was a pirate, Ben was a werewolf, Cameron was a vampire, and Sam was a zombie.

After the show, we met the boys backstage. There was going to be a party at the venue for anyone 21 and older, and we were all planning to attend.

"You guys look great," Rex grinned, pecking James on the lips.

"And the show was awesome." Lux high-fived Sam.

I just grinned, my stupid drunken grin as Danny walked towards me with his arms spread. I didn't even care that he was super sweaty. I fell into his embrace, laying my head against his chest. He still smelled good. "It was really great," I mumbled into his vest.

"Are you even going to be able to stay awake for the party?" Ben had asked, walking up to us.

"Of course!" I giggled, throwing my hand up in the air. "Of course." They all laughed at my drunken antics, before dispersing back into the venue.

Danny stayed behind, still holding me. "Let's sit down," he suggested, leading me to the couch.

I obliged, sitting next to him, leaning into his chest. We sat like that quietly for what felt like an hour, but was only a few minutes. My head was swimming, and I could feel the alcohol settling in with each passing second.

"Everyone thinks you're in love with me," I blurted out after the thought had been rolling around in my head since we sat down.

He chuckled under his breath, pulling me in closer. "Not in love, but I do really care about you."

"Stop it." The alcohol in my system made me seem childish.

"Why?" he asked, taking my hand in his as he played with my fingers.

"I'm not girlfriend material."

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone just leaves me."

He took my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, turning my head to face him. "I will not just leave you."

"Mhmm, you will." I was just being stubborn because of the alcohol, and I think he realized that because all he did was smile and press his lips against mine.
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I have a love/hate relationship with this chapter. Tell me what you think! Not updating until I reach 10 comments. Please and thank you!