Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

It's Gonna Be Our Year

"I can't wait to meet this guy!" Cameron said, excitedly.

Cameron was on his way with Eric and Bridget to chipotle. They just finished their last class on the first year of college. Eric was the one on the driver seat while there sat Cameron on the passanger seat. The radio they put on was playing some early 2000's songs, as much as Cameron and Eric wanted to change the station, they couldn't.

"Oh my God, this is definitely my Jam!" Bridget shouted in joy as she moved her hips along to Larger Than Life by Backstreet Boys.

"Can we change the station, Bree?" Eric begged as he put on his puppy face.

"No! You can't change the station!" Bridget said.

"You're talking to the one and only Bridget Crowne, Eric Jones. Your argument will never be valid." Cameron said as Eric entered the parking lot for chipotle.

"So, who's this guy we're going to meet?" Bridget asked as she leaned in between Cameron and Eric.

"His name's Devin Cooper. He's going to be a perfect addition to our band!" Eric said excitedly as they reached chipotle, the place where they should meet up.

Just as Eric parked his car, Cameron jumped off the passanger seat and ran into chipotle followed by Eric and Bridget by his tail. Cameron found the guy they were looking forward to meet as they found themselves drown in hours of talk.

"You know what, Devin? I really think you should come to my house tonight." Cameron offered as Devin agreed.

"What about me?" Bridget pouted, feeling a little left out.

"Just join us. I mean, your mother knows us, and you've been our very good friends since we were, what? Five?" Eric said as Cameron put on his happy grin.

"Yeah, but Isn't Vivian kind of out of town, right now?" Bridget said as she bit her upper lip.

"Who's Vivian?" Devin asked in a confused look.

"Vivian is my cousin. She goes to college here in Virginia so my uncle commanded my mom to look after her. So she decided to ask Vivian to live with us."

"What? Vivian's not home? Where does she go?" Eric widened his eyes.

"Uhm, back to her father? The semester here's finished, so she's going back to Boston." Cameron explained as he sipped his cup of tea.

"Why didn't I know?" Eric pouted as he finished the very last drop of his coffee.

"Because you don't have to know everything my cousin is doing?"

"Dude, I think Eric has a crush on this Vivian girl!" Devin snapped his hand as Eric smack his head, in return.

Eric's eyes widened by the time he listened to Devin's statement and automatically smack his new friend's head. He looked a little disappointed knowing Vivian wasn't around but he was still in for the sleepover. As they finished their early-kind-of-dinner, the four of them went back to Cameron's crib, going straight to Cameron's room.

Even though Vivian was gone to Boston, Bridget didn't want to miss any second of the band's progress in the making. They were up until midnight, discussing every possible name for the band to use. The night was getting darker and they had no bright ideas on what should they name their band. Bridget was frustrated enough to went out of Cameron's room, making her way to the kitchen, made some extra snacks for her and the boys, then grabbed some DVDs back into the room.

"We should watch some movies!" Bridget grinned as she put the tray she brought.

The boys were focusing their eyes to one DVD Bridget brought, Pulp Fiction, and they all looked to each other, grinning. In no time, the boys knew what they wanted to name their band as, and they go with The Downtown Fiction.

It was around 1 am when Bridget yawned and fell asleep during the movie on Cameron's lap. First, Cameron felt a little disturbed by Bridget's sleeping position, because he is a very ticklish guy, but when he looked into Bridget's face, he couldn't do anything than rubbing every strand of her hair.

"When are you going to tell her?" Eric asked as Devin just sat there, watching his two new best friends.

"You like her?" Devin asked, as he pick his hand to Bridget.

"He loves her." Eric scoffed as Cameron rolled his eyes.

"Soon, I promise. I'll tell her I love her soon. When we get bigger." Cameron smiled as he kissed Bridget's head and lifted her up to Vivian's room.
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It's another short update but I promise it will get longer and better in the upcoming chapters!
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