Status: Active =] comments are welcomed <3

I Think Its Arrogance

Tear Stained. In The Rain.

It’s been a month since the first day of school. I loved Tuesdays. It was the day that I didn’t have French with Ace. He had told me that he was in a band. He was the Drummer of the band with his friends Eli Jacobs and Sam Brookes. They called their bad Revenge. I told him that I had a band of my own that consisted of Shelby Kruz, Aston Burns and Clarice Richards.
Clarice actually started the band. She named it Stone Hearts because it was shortly after her breakup with Sam Brookes. It was a very messy breakup. She wanted to seem like she was strong, which resulted in the name of the band. Clarice and I never really were friends before the band. She held auditions for the lead singer. It was a Friday night and I had absolutely nothing to do. I ended up getting it. Who would have known?

I looked around Aston’s basement. We were in almost a diamond formation. Shelby and Clarice were on both sides of me but about 2 feet behind me. Then I saw Ashton at the drum set . I turned back to the clutched the microphone stand with both hands as I sang into it.

“I know I've been holding it in,
The way I feel about you.
Something I've been dying to say,
But I don't know how you'll take it.
Oh. Please don't go.
You should know.”

I looked back quickly to Clarice. She quickly smiled at me before looking down at her guitar. I turned back and grabbed the microphone stand.

“These three words
I've been holding back
Trying to fight
Imma let em out
These three words
gotta let you know
Here I go”

I took the microphone out of the stand.

“Go screw yourself
I've had enough yeah
now we're done
Go screw yourself
Not gonna lie, yeah
It was fun
But go screw yourself”

I walked behind Clarice and put my arm on her shoulder.

“Feels good just to get it all out
it's so not overrated
U can't keep puttin me down
And getting away with it
Oh now I know
The way to say”

I walked back over to the microphone stand.

“Go screw yourself
I've had enough yeah
now we're done
Go screw yourself
Not gonna lie yeah
It was fun
But go screw yourself”

I walked up to my boyfriend, Jess, who was sitting on the couch that was on the side of the room. I grabbed his hand and pulled it so that he was standing.

”Guess I thought I knew you
Now I know I couldn't have been more wrong
I had a feeling it would go this way
And I waited, waited way too long to say
to say, These three words
To say, these three words”

I pushed him on the chest to make him fall back on to the couch. I walked back to the stand and put the microphone back where it belonged.

“Go screw yourself
I've had enough yeah
now we're done
Go screw yourself
Not gonna lie yeah
It was fun
But go screw yourself”

“Clarice.” I turned to her and smiled. “That was a kick ass song.”
She looked down trying to hide that her face turned red. “Thanks.” She had always been shy.
Jess came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “You sounded so amazing babe.” He whispered in my ear. I quietly giggled and pressed my head up against his chest.
Ashton got up from the drum set. “Clare. I can’t believe that you wrote that! It was amazing.”
Clare giggled a little bit then brushed it off. “Oh come on guys. It’s a song. No biggie.”
Ashton shook his head. “Clare. You’re ridiculous.”
“Oh quiet you.” She laughed.
“Really Claire, it’s a great song.” Shelby added.
“Oh hey Claire, feel my shirt.” Ashton said randomly.
Claire looked at him for a second and then cautiously put her hand on his stomach to feel the shirt. “Why do I need to feel my shirt?”
“Guess what material it is.” He laughed.
“I don’t know...? Cotton?” She asked
“I think its Boyfriend Material.” He said and winked at her.
“Oh. Is that a different kind of cotton?” She asked seriously.
“Um… yeah…” He responded. He was clearly defeated.
I laughed and then looked up at Jess. “Jessie. Can you bring me home now?”
“Sure babe.” He laughed.
“Bye guys!” I yelled. I walked closer to all of them with my arms open signaling that I wanted a group hug. They all walked to me and we all hugged.
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow!” Clare said.
I smiled at her and turned to leave. Jess intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked through the doors. “You know what?” Jess said to me once we got to his car.
“What?” I said as I put on my seatbelt.
“Well. My parents are out for the night… And I was wondering if you wanted to have some alone time?”
I bit my lip and looked at him. After a moment I smiled and nodded my head.
“Awesome.” He smiled

Jess put his arms around my waist as he pressed his lips to mine. He gently picked me up; I immediately secured myself by wrapping my legs around him. He brought me to his room and put me on the bed. He sat next to me and began to kiss me again. He pushed me gently to make me lay on the bed. I needed to stop this before it went too far… He was on top of me. I felt his hands travel to the bottom of my shirt and start to slowly pull it up.
“Jess.” I whispered. “No.” he just ignored me. “Jess.” I said a little louder. He still didn’t move. I pushed him off me and he fell on the floor.
“Bitch.” He yelled as he got up from the floor. “We’ve been together for 6 months and you just pull this shit?” he grabbed my and pulled me into a sitting position.
“Ow. Jess! That hurts!” I cried.
He raised his hand and backhanded me. I brought my hand to my stinging cheek. I was terrified when he got like this... I started shaking. As soon as he turned away from me, I ran. I ran as fast as I could out of that house. It was raining but I didn’t care. As long as I was away from him.
My face was tear stained but you could barely tell because of the rain. I walked for about an hour. I had no clue where I was going, nor did I care. I heard music. It was coming from the park...? But it’s raining…? I walked to the park to figure out what was going on. Under the big gazebo there was a band playing. There was a huge tent that was on the side of the gazebo where about 200 people where. What was going on?
I walked to the gazebo and tried to figure out who was playing. Whoever they were, they were amazing. I walked to the back of the crowd of people. I couldn’t believe it. I pushed through the crowd until I was up front.
My eyes connected with the drummer.
It was Ace.
♠ ♠ ♠
wello =]
i really hope that you like this =] also before you murder me, i know that Claire did not write that song. Avery did. Comments would be loved <3 please? i need help. with ideas and stuff. ya know.
Oh lala. loads of drama. what do you think will happen next? ;]
[ Heres the real song ]