Status: Complete

The Randomest Collection of Stories about Pretty Much Anything You Can Create a Story About

Chapter Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix

(The following story, just like in the last chapter, was written in colored pencil. Except this time, it’s orange because I wore down my green colored pencil and I’m too lazy to get up and sharpen it during study hall. So now it’s orange. And then it started being so annoying I switched back to pencil in the middle. So that’s it. So the end.)

Well, you all may be wondering, WTF is a Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix? In reality, is the name of Lady Gaga’s “LoveGame” remix when it was remixed by Marilyn Manson (seriously, look it up).

But in REAL reality, it is a story of love, life, and NEVER giving in. We are the Black Veil Brides. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! Sorry. I zoned out. But seriously, here is the REAL story.

Ok, so once upon a real time, the Roach was rolling in a rolly chair down the street, when she suddenly saw…A DOUGHNUT FILLED WITH BROCCOLI ON THE GROUND!!!!! She immediately bent to pick it up, but she fell flat on her face and couldn’t get up! She needed Life Alert but SHE DIDN’T HAVE IT!!!!! (epic fail, even MY Grandma has Life Alert…seriously.)

So a substitute teacher was called. Her named was Mrs. Buttface Gorilla (thank you to my bro for that name). Mrs. Buttface Gorilla had some anger issues, and so she exploded on small children whenever she wanted.

Today she kept babbling on and on about the Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix, and no one knew what she was saying. So she took the 1st period study hall on an illegal field trip technically classified as kidnap.

She took the people to a Chinese restaurant in the ghetto part of town and shot heroin up everyone’s arms (haha. Kurt Cobain.) and everyone came back to school all high on drugs.

Then Mrs. Buttface Gorilla (once again, thank you Bentley) was arrested and put in a cage, and then she started what is now known as the Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix, and then when she was released, she opened a Chinese restaurant in the ghetto part of town. His co-owner was Marilyn Mandon. He still scares me. And always will. Every since I saw him on TV and Beautiful People got stuck in my head. Dammit, now it’s stuck in my head again. Anyway,