Status: Updating as much as possible :)

Come With Me

Last I checked, I was a ***ing wreck. (Ian's P.O.V)

I want to go back to wales. Everything was so, simple back then. Scotland's just fucked with my mind... Coming to think of it, when I found out I was gay it was back in Ponty... Lee used to make jokes about it, he never left my side though. Sticking up for me, always reassuring me when I felt down. Alright Ian, you need to make a decision. Lee or Sean. It's now or never.

Knowing me being caught up in my own thoughts and mumbling to myself, I walked straight into Lee. "Shit, sorry bout that." I pulled back to see tears sliding down his cheeks. "Lee! What's wrong?" He wiped some tears from his cheeks and stared at me. "You were with Sean, weren't you?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm the worst boyfriend ever." I sighed and caressed his cheeks. "I'm sorry, but a second ago, just before I knocked into you. I decided that I need to stop fooling about, and pick someone."

"Don't tell me, I already know. Sean." He choked, his short temper rising.

"No! I was thinking about how it was in wales. I miss when it was me and you running around, not giving a fuck. Even when we first moved here it was alright. Just all the stuff with Sean is stressing me out, and I'm moving on." Lee's face lit up as he hug tackled me, winding me slightly. "Lee. Get. Off..." I wheezed, as he pulled away.

I pulled out my phone and typed in Sean's name. "E, what are you doing?"

"Doing what's right." It rung 3 times before Sean picked up. "Hey Seany, I need to tell you something..." I gulped. "Oh, um okay. What is it?" I shook and looked at the ground. "I-I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'm doing what I think is right... I miss everything in Wales. Nothing's like it used to be, I think it's better if we stop these feelings for each other."

"E, you don't have to if you like him a lot..." Lee mumbled from my left.

"Ian, listen to Lee." Sean shouted from down the line. I frowned and stopped shaking. "I'm doing what's best for me. I'm continuing to date Lee, and I'm sorry. Nothing's going to wash over that. I'm sick of the little love games, the back and forth between me and Gavin. We can remain friends, but nothing more. Have a good time with Gavin."

"Ian please. I love you and Gavin." Sean cried.

"Well, that's the fucking point. Handle a relationship with one person, but you want two. It's over, I'm done." I slid my phone down as Lee looked at me worryingly. "Oh not you too." I groaned and walked over to some benches and plonked myself on the seat. I felt Lee's hand brush over mines, before sitting on my lap and leaning his head on my chest. "Lee, I'm going to wales in a few days... Back to Ponty."

"What?!" He screamed at me, pushing me down on the bench.

"Not permanently! Just, 2 weeks. Although, my mam's giving me the decision to move back... I want to, badly. But, Lee I need you with me."


My phone blared out in the middle of the car. "Hello?" I shouted over the noise of the engine. "Ian, why aren't you in school...?" I could picture Sean frowning in the corridor... Shit. "Erm, Wales." I mumbled, looking over at Lee who had his fingers laced around mines. "WHAT?!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and blinked once, making my mum laugh. "Calm down, we're going on holiday. Why the fuck would you care anyway?"

"Get the cheeky bugger telt!" My mum shouted, keeping her eyes on the road, I also laughed at how welsh she sounded.

"Mam! It's that Sean boy."

"Exactly, tell the silly bugger where to go for making you miserable." I looked down at my phone, Sean had hung up straight after that. "What? I was telling the truth. We're almost here anyway." I looked out the window to see the sign for Ponty. I squeezed Lee's hand tighter and squealed slightly. "E, calm the hell down. Lee are you sure you're alright about staying in our old house?"

"You fucking kidding?! Of course I'm alright. Brings back great memories."

We pulled up outside my old house and I was the first out, dragging Lee behind me. My mam can get the suitcases I guess. I ran into the house where my uncle was. A round of hellos and being told my room was the same. I squealed again and ran upstairs. "Fucking... Hell... E WAIT UP!" Lee wheezed from behind me, knocking me into my room. "Shit, sorry I thought you ke- OH MY GOD YO- YOUR ROOM'S THE SAME!" He pulled me up and hugged me, crying into my shoulder.

"Lee, why are you crying?"

"I want to be back here. I want to live here. I want to just forget Scotland. I mean we'd miss Jocko, Jamie, Stu and Mike but... Let's just enjoy this fortnight away." He stood on his tip toes and lightly kissed me. "Are you over Sean?"

"What do you think?" I laughed at him and walked around my room. It was quiet for a minute, Lee still standing still. "Yes. I'm over Sean. Fucking hell, get over here." He slowly walked over, to find our bean bags we had when we were 10. We had completely covered them with permanent marker. Lee frowned slightly and lifted his up. "I never took them with me. I forgot to, and my uncle never visits so..." I shrugged as Lee turned his over, displaying the bottom of it.

"Look at it carefully." He pointed to a spot where there was really small writing. I squinted my eyes to see, until I finally read what it said. All around it was markings saying 'Lee' or 'Ian' sometimes a few drawings of dinosaurs, then in a little spot. 'I love Ian.' Lee rubbed his arm before I pulled him into a hug. "I wrote that the week we left here..." I grabbed a pen that was lying around the room and wrote on my bean bag. 'I love Lee.' "Is this you just noticing?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Okay it is, I guess coming home made me realize."

"You sounded extremely welsh."

"Well done, I am welsh." I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. "Wanna go to the park and piss about?"

"The hut?"

"Hopefully it's still there." I smiled, took Lee's hand and dragged him downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long long one. And I apologize for the shit quality of this. I just, don't know XD
Title: Bite My Tongue - You Me At Six (Feat. Oli Skyes)