I'm not okay I promise

Recording Studio

Callie gazed at the giant studio. They all were silent. Her heart slammed against her ribs. She looked around at everyone. They too looked awestruck.

“Shall we go in then?” Gerard said.

They nodded and slowly walked in. Callie looked at Frank. This was the only time Frank looked like he was going to run out the door and never come back. She edged behind him to keep that from happening.

They ended up at a dark blue door. It said “Recording Studio” Callie gulped. They stared at her, she understood what the stair meant. She knocked on the door.

“Callie. It’s a sound proof room” Ray said, she nodded and said

“Erm…. Yeah I knew that” She entered. “Hello?” She said looking around making sure the guys were following her.

A guy with a posh suite on said hello to them they smiled and sat in the empty seats.

“So, I’ve got the contract printed up for you all” He handed them a copy each “If you or your parents like to read them through and get back to me. If there are any queries then call me up,” He said pointed to the business card clipped to the top. Callie glanced at it

James Jackson

“So, first things first.” He said “Who does what?” Gerard explained

“Callie-Rose and I are lead singers but she also plays guitar along with Frank and Ray and Bob is out drummer” James nodded

“Have you guys got any songs you could play me?” He asked. They nodded.

“What? Right now?” She thought.

“Lets play… Demolition Lovers” Frank said.

“WHAT!? No! That’s the one I wrote!” Callie thought panicking.

They all stood up so she followed. The grabbed the spare equipment and begun to play. “Three, one, zero, one, three-“ Callie thought doing the introduction. She felt shaky, she felt uncomfortable doing it in front of James. James stopped them half way through

“Nice job guys! You all right that?” He asked

“No actually Callie wrote that” Mikey said. They all looked at Callie.

“Well, it seems we have a potentially good band here” He said. "You're going to be big guys" He smiled at them and the beamed back. Callie stood there blushing hard.