I'm not okay I promise

Nervs? Or My Chemical Romance?

Callie-Rose woke up on Sunday feeling sick. Her and the guys had arranged a band meeting. Gerard asked them if she could join. They said she could. Maybe she was just nervous. Callie was scared about what they would say about her singing and playing the guitar. She could do it in front of Gerard. The real thing was… her father had been in a band. Doing exactly what she was doing. But she couldn’t face singing in this state. She grabbed her covers and hid under them. He mobile rang out.

“Fuck off” She yelled. She let it ring off. She relaxed. Then her mother yelled


“WHAT?” She screamed back at her

“PHONE! IT”S GERARD! PICK IT UP, UP THERE!” Her mum said. She got out of bed and got the phone.

“What you mong?” Callie said to him

“Whoa! What’s wrong with you?” He said

“Not very well.” She said

“Bollocks. You’re just a lazy twat.” Said Gerard

“No. I don’t feel good. I can’t come today.” Gerard sighed.
“I’m coming over.”

“What! No you bloody well aren’t!” She yelled at him. “Gee you can’t! Gee!” He hung up.

If she was going to make herself look ill she had to stay in her pyjamas. Callie jumped in bed and stayed there.

“CALLIE!!! GERARD IS HERE!” Her mum yelled

“SEND HIM UP!” Callie shouted back. The ladder came down. She hid under her covers.
“Fucking hell Callie!” Gerard said grabbing her quilt and pulling it back.

“Get the fucking hell up!” He grabbed her ankles and pulled her off her bed.

“Hey! Gerard! I’m ill you bastard.” She yelled at him

“You don’t seem ill to me!” He said. Callie stood up. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

She sighed; lay on her bed pulled her covers over her head again. “Callie-Rose! Tell me please. You can trust me.” Gerard walked over to her bed and got under the covers with her. She turned the other way. Her eyes filled with tears.

“Callie pleases.”

“My dad.” She begun “Played the guitar and sung in a band.” She stopped a tear trickled down her face. “And you know.”

“Callie? Are you crying?” Gerard asked her.

He put his arm around her waist. Callie turned around and hugged him. “Do you not want to come?” she let go from the hug and looked into his green eyes.

“I-I dunno. Yes. No. I dunno.” Callie said.

Gerard wiped her tears away. He was getting closer to her. She didn’t want to kiss him. Not while she was crying about her dad. It felt wrong. She turned away and got up.

“I’m going to come Gerard.” She said.

He stood up and righted his hair. She would have hugged him, but she was afraid he might try and kiss her again.

“Wait downstairs. I’ll be there soon.” She grabbed some clothes put on her converse and didn’t bother putting make up on. She grabbed her mobile and her guitar in its case and walked out.

“I’m going out mum,” Callie yelled. She and Gerard walked out the door. “Where is this band practice then?” she asked

“Frank’s house.” They walked along the road. Callie was really nervous. She looked at Gerard. He smiled softly. After a about ten minutes of walking they’d arrived.

“You’ll do fine. You’re really good. Plus, they’re all your friends. They wont laugh at you or be harsh.” Gerard said.

“To be honest.” Callie confessed, “That’s not what I’m worried about” He looked at her in confusion.

She walked to the garage door. They knocked on it. And it slowly opened. Not wanting to wait Gerard and Callie walked under it where they saw Bob, Ray, Mikey and Frank there.

“Take your fucking time don’t you!” He said. They looked at each other. “Come on then! Lets start.” Frank hurried them on. They all plugged their instruments in.

“What did Gee teach you?” Bob asked her.

“I’m not ok.” Callie said nervously. “Gerard sung with me though.”

“Ok. Do you wana do what you did when you practiced?” Frank said. She nodded. Gerard counted in.

“1,2,3” She started playing.

“Well if you wanted honesty, that’s all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it’s better off this way. For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took, Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?” They sung together “I’m not okay. I’m not okay. I’m not okay. You wear me out”

And the final chord was played. All in all, she enjoyed it. Gerard looked at her he walked over and hugged her. Callie had a broad smile on her face.

“Wow. You’re amazing!” Frank said to her “We could use you.”

“Welcome to My brutal romance!” Mikey said

“Thanks. Can I make a suggestion?” Callie asked. They all nodded “What do you think about My Chemical Romance?”

“Hey! That’s fucking good.” Gerard yelled.

“All in favour of changing the name to My Chemical Romance” all six of them put their hands up. “It’s settled then.” They all beamed at Callie.