Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 24

Wrapping Paper's eyes got as big as saucers. "What?" She yelled in utter dubiety.

"He signed the adoption papers and everything. You get to come back to California with us." I could barely contain my gaiety. I got to keep her, my Wrapping Paper was going to be my new sister. 

A smile pulled at the corners of her lips and she tossed her little arms around my neck. "Oh, thank you, Chrisy." She was shaking with excitement. "I can't believe it!" 

I regarded Nick over my shoulder and he smiled at me. He had been in on the plan for us to adopt Wrapping Paper. "Well, believe it, Honey, because it's happening." I stated, choking up, I had become so attached to the girl, I just couldn't imagine going home without her. Dad never would have agreed if it ha been anyone else. She was just so intoxicating, he had fallen in love with her just as fast as I had. 

The body heat of the little girl wrapped around me. I felt so safe and secure with her there. I was hard not to when she was sweet like candy and loved me a lot. 

"Come on, Wrapping Paper. We should go say bye to everyone." I piloted her towards the living room where everyone was waiting to say their goodbyes. 

We went down the row of kids and some, such as Henry, looked like they couldn't care less. Then, there were others who looked like they were going to truly miss her. A few even had tears in their eyes. 

As we reached the end, Nick ran up to us. "Wrapping Paper, I have something for you!" He pulled something out from behind his back and handed it to the girl. 

It was a piece of wrapping paper folded delicately in a square. Little smiling reindeer, with lights tangled in their antlers, filled the page. "What is that?" I inquired. 

Wrapping Paper took it delicately in her hands. "You kept it all these years?" She said in wonder. All I was, was confused. 

"Of course I kept it." Nick declared. "It's all you have left of your family. 

"What is it?" I demanded. 

Nick glanced at me, as if he only just now realized I was there. "It's the wrapping paper she was wrapped in when she was delivered here." He stated this matter-of-factly. 

Then I realized, that little piece of paper was the reason for her nick name. The reason for all the ridicule that she faced. But I suppose it was something from her birth parents and if I was her I would probably cherish it. 

"Nicky, thank you so much!" She flung her arms arounds him and he stooped to her level to return the hug. A single tear ran down his cheek. 

He pulled away and grabbed a stray sharpie from a table. He scribbled something on Wrapping Paper's arm. It was a phone number. He pretended to scratch his face, but I knew he was really wiping away a tear. "Promise that you'll call me all the time when you go to California. I couldn't bare it if you left and I never heard from you again." 

"I promise, Nicky." She looked so conflicted, she really loved him, but she wanted so badly to go home with me. 

He smiled, a sad smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Bye, Wrapping Paper." He said, somber. 

"I love you Nicky." She looked up at him with teary brown eyes. 

"I love you too, Kiddo." 


We pulled into the driveway of my house and Wrapping Paper looked flabbergasted. "You live here?" I nodded my head. "But it's so-so-so BIG." 

"Yeah, do you want me to show you to your room?" 

She nodded in awe. I led the way. 

I took her upstairs and down the hall to the guest room next to mine. The blue walls smiled down at her as she stood with her mouth agape. "This is our room? It's so big for only two people." 

"Nope, this is your room only." 

She gasped, "Really?" 

"Really, one one condition." I grinned slyly. 

"What is it?" 

"You have to tell me your name."

She glared at me and beckoned me to come down to her level. I crouched down and she placed her mouth against my ear and whispered. 

"It's Robin."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhhhhh, so close to the end! So chapter 25 is going to be posted at midnight! HOpe your as excited as me!