Don't Try and Fix Me, I'm Not Broken

It's Doyle, Linda Doyle

I accepted my mother's teaching offer and to add frosting on to the rotting cake she now has to stay with us. I couldn't just throw her out and tell her not to get eaten by the wolves and to come by when she wants to teach me something. So, now she is staying in one of the unfurnished extra rooms. She said something about all she needs is a roof over her head and a blanket to keep her warm. Oli almost gave her a blanket that he had infested with bed bugs and some dangerous disease that he gave to his torture victims. I barely stopped him with promises of me making him a lunch for the entire year and stolen kisses every once in a while. It was barely worth it.

Max asked over me and Oli for dinner last week and I promised him we would come, but I told Oli that if he would rather stay here and watch my mom I wouldn't stop him. He then said something about the only reason he wasn't killing her now was because I was here and if I left one of them would end up dead. So needless to say, Oli is now with Ronnie chatting in his living room, and I'm with Max in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"So she just showed up? And is now staying in your extra bed room?" Max asked while chopping some carrots.

"Yep." I replied while stirring the stew we were making.

"Wow. Of all the things to happen today."

"Yeah, and to make it better I can barely stop Oli and her from going at it like wild animals, and I don't think that George in our basement is going to keep Oli's anger under control." I said.

"Wait, George, the asshole human, is in your basement?" He asked.

"Yeah, I though I told you. Anyways, you remember that time you met me and Frank in the library and I came back looking like crap. Well, I had gotten in a fight with George and a couple other humans. Needless to say, Oli came to my rescue, and George is now hanging in my basement." I said.

"Damn, even if he is a human, that is not a way to go." Max said while dropping in the carrots and starting on the celery.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know about Oli's torturing?" I shook my head.

"Well, Ronnie told me that Oli is in like the highest level of torture class you can take with five other people at the college across town. Apparently, he has like some of the best scores ever. Why do you think he always rides his bike on odd days? That's when he has class." Max said. I stood there completely dumbfounded. I didn't expect him to be that sadistic or smart enough to be in those types of classes. Why didn't he tell me?

"Anyways, dinner is almost done. Go tell the boys to get their asses in here." Max said dropping in the last ingredients.

I walked in to the living room and the boys didn't seem to notice because they kept chatting. And about me. So let's just say I carefully listened to their conversation, okay I eavesdropped. They were talking about me was I supposed to do let it go? Ha, that wasn't going to happen.

"I don't know man. I just can't stand the site of her. Just looking at her makes me want to rip her arms out and beat her with them." Wow, nice words Oli was saying.

"Why don't you? Compared to you she isn't much of a threat." Ronnie said.

"Yeah, but if I killed her Linda would hate me. And I've already made to much progress with her to hate me."

"I've heard her talk about her mother. I don't think she would mind all that much."

"Yeah, she hates the woman but it's still her mom. If I killed her, I would always be the guy who killed he mom. Not the guy she's in love with, which I want to be." Oh my god, I can't breathe.

"You'll be that guy in time. She just isn't quick to trust people. I mean she barely talked to me at all for the first two months when I met her. The only reason I think we're friends is because of Max." Well that hurt a little. I thought it was because we actually enjoyed each other's company, but then again.

"Yeah, yeah, be patient, that's what they all say. It's just . . . it's just when she realized I was her mate I thought it would help my situation. It seemed to just back track it." Oli said running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, with her track record can you blame her? Her family hasn't really had the best time with mates."

"I know, it's just I've talked to her for like less then two weeks and I'm already in love with her," Oh my god if I couldn't breathe earlier I definitely can't breathe now. "I'm just afraid she'll never feel the same." Oli continued. Ronnie put his hand on Oli's shoulder in a comforting manner. Okay I've eavesdropped enough.

"Whatcha boys talking about?" I asked walking up to the couch. They both jumped a little and I chuckled.

"Um, nothing. What do you need?" Ronnie asked.

"Max said, and I quote, 'tell the boys to get their asses in here', so you better go if you want food." They nodded and got up, walking to the kitchen.

I grabbed Oli's arm to stop him from following Ronnie to the kitchen. I then kissed him, soft and sweet. It was a quick kiss. I pulled away before he could really react to it.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"For what?"

"Being there." I gave him a kiss on the check and walked to the kitchen. Oli quickly followed suit and grabbed my hand before we headed to the kitchen to eat.

*********** Time Lapse *************

"That was a great dinner Max. Thank you." Ronnie said giving Max a quick kiss.

"Hey I helped." I exclaimed.

"Oh, you want a kiss too? Because there is enough Ronnie to go around."

"Ew, no. I don't want your cocky ass kissing me." I said scrunching my face up. He just laughed and Oli slung his arm around my shoulders. It seemed like a normal gesture, but if you known doms you known it was a showing of possession.

"Alrighty boy, as much as I would love to spend the rest of the evening with you guys, Oli and I have to get home." I said. Everyone proceeded to say there appropriate farewells, and Oli and I walked back home.

"That was fun, but now I'm tired so I'm going to bed." I said.

"Alright, I gotta go take care of the maggot downstairs. I'll be in bed in a bit."

I kissed his check and proceeded to go upstairs. I turned the corner and nearly jumped out of my own skin when I saw my mom standing there.

"Dear god! Don't do that you scared me." I said

"First lesson of being a witch: always expect someone around the corner." She said.

"That would be helpful, if I wanted to be a witch. I don't know if you have short term memory loss or something but I asked you to teach me how to control my powers, not to turn me into a witch."

"But you are a witch, Linda."

"No, I'm half witch and half vampire. Remember? You only gave birth to me, but that's all you have really done in my life."

"You need to embrace the witch in you in order to control your powers." She said.

"No, I need to embrace my witch side so you can turn me into one. I think you aren't here to help me. I think you're here only to salvage the family name, but I can't help you. I'm just your secret little abomination."

"Your right," she sighed, " I did come here to help my family name not go into the trash because you're part of my family name. I want to help you pick the side you want to be on. Your father showed you the vampire world now I'm going to show you the witch side."

"Oh my god. That's it isn't it? You want me to become a witch! That's why you came back, so you can win this stupid war that you have with the vampires. Just let me warn you. You won't turn me. This is my life. My life is with vampires that's all I have ever known, and all I want to know."

"But I can show you the other side. The better side. Witches don't feed off of other human beings. We don't feel superior to all other beings. We are completely peaceful. We didn't start this war, the vampires did. We are just trying to stop it."

"Yeah, by killing hundreds of the evil vampires right? Do you know that the vampires might have started the war you are the ones that keep fighting. Oli's clan was completely killed, by you. They only fought to stay alive, and then you came back for his family. Did you even think that one day the boy's family you were killing would be your daughters mate?"

"No, and he wasn't supposed to be why do you think I came back for his family?"

"You knew he was going to be my mate, so you killed his family? You know you said that witches are peaceful and vampires are monsters, but the only monster I've ever seen is right in front of me." I spat.

"You will see the light soon enough, my child." I only laughed.

"No. I will never see your light. You turned it off when you left me and dad, so just do what you promised and help me control my power. That way I won't kill anyone in a fit of rage, and I will never have to see you again. Besides you were right I accept you as my teacher, but you will never be my mother." I said while walking past her to my room.

"Linda." She called and I kept walking.

"Linda Covil." She called again. I froze.

"Don't you know, Midnight, my name isn't Covil or Green. I made my own name, and it's Doyle. Linda Doyle. So you don't have to worry your name won't be dragged through the mud." I yelled back wakling away for real this time. I wasn't going to let her play with me any longer espically since I saw the picture on the wall start to move, and I don't think it was me getting angry that time.

I stayed up for a while that night. The only thing that helped me go to sleep was Oli's arms wrapped around me. I was falling for this boy. Even if I didn't want to believe it.
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This might be the longest chapter yet.