Sequel: Just Can't Let You Go
Status: Completed

One More Weekend


By the end of the day, the pain in my lower back was spreading through me like wildfire. I arranged my backpack so I could try and stifle the pain, just a bit, but it only seemed to make it worse.

Sitting down on the closest bench I could find, I leaned against the wall and relaxed a bit. The pain seemed to be taking it's time residing, but at least it was going away. I watched the student body pass by in a wave of colors. Eveyone's conversations seeming to blend together.

I saw Logan walking by with a group of his friends; all looking in my direction. "Hey, Shane," Logan said, a smile playing his lips.

"Afternoon, Logan," I replied, my Irish accent bursting full blast. The smile I had on my face seemed to disappear as I was shocked to hear it after nearly three years of being away from Ireland. It normally didn't show unless I was trying to impress someone. Logan had stopped mid-step, causing people to curse and bump into him.

I gulped and cleared my throat before smiling and looking back up at him. He seemed to be watching me very closely, as if I were some kind of science experiment. "You alright, man?" I asked, my accent gone. Logan shook his head and got out of his reverie.

"I'm ... fine," he said, his voice thick. I nodded once his way, and he moved on with the rest of the crowd.

Looking around, I was wondering why my accent came out. Who was I trying to impress? Logan? I knew I didn't swing that way, I was in love with the most beautiful girl in school. That's how I got in the relationship in the first place: my accent. Lauren was the only one I ever talked in my accent around. I didn't even talk with the accent around my parents or brother.

Shaking my head, I glanced down the hall and saw Lauren coming my way; her entire being swarmed with cheerleaders and a few kids on the basketball team. When she glanced my way, I stood up and smiled, getting a warm, loving smile in return.

"Hey there, Shane," she said, grabbing my hand in hers. I bent down and kissed her with a fierce passion. It wasn't a full-fledged make-out kiss, but more on the tender side. She gasped in surprise and kissed me back with the same passion.

I pulled away and smiled again. Looking at her closely, I took in her shoulder-length brown hair, big, bright blue eyes, the few freckles dotting her cheeks. She was absolutely stunning.

We walked out of the building, and I spotted Chase by the car. I groaned in irritation as I realized I had to take him with me for band practice since Mom and Dad were going to be going to some sort of dinner party/meeting.

"It's Thursday! You have band practice today, right?" Lauren asked as we got to the car.

"Yeah. And we're going to have company," I said, nodding my head towards Chase. "And, yes, we're going to Michael's house for practice, so you'll have the basketball hoop to keep you occupied for the next few hours," I said to Chase, who raised his arms in victory. I let out a soft chuckle as I unlocked the doors to the car.

Chase climbed into the back, stretching out in the backseat. Lauren climbed into the passenger's seat as I got behind the wheel. Once everyone was settled, I started the car and pulled out with ease, heading in the direction of Mike's house.

On the ride there, a song started writing itself in my mind, and I knew it was going to be the perfect song for Lauren when the talent show came around in a month. Smiling, I stepped on the gas as we exited the school zone, hearing laughs from both Lauren and Chase. Today was going to be a blast.