How My Sister Became a Werewolf and How I'm Dating the Alpha

Chapter 16

A bright light shone in my eyes. Why won't it go away? I tried to bat it away, but I was too tired.


A warm body pressed against me. I snuggled closer to it. It felt warm. Safe.


I'm so tired. When will I ever feel better?


... ... ...


Light streamed into my eyes. I could tell this time that it was sunlight.

"...Audric?" I mumble. My lips feel like steel ton weights.

"I'm here Julie." He whispered into my ear.

"I'm so... tired, Audric. I don't feel very good."

"I know, dear. Just go back to sleep." I fell asleep to him stroking my hair.


"Julie! Oh my gosh! Is she alright?!" I think that’s... Is that Mom?

I struggle to open my eyes. Why are they so heavy?


Someone was holding my hand. I felt rested. Way better than I have the past hours/days/weeks. My eyelids fluttered. "Julie? Are you okay? Can you hear me?" That was my Mom's voice. What was she doing here?

"Mom?" I whisper, opening my eyes. I'm on Audric's bed. She really shouldn't be here. She hand me a cup of water. I drink it gratefully, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm so glad you're awake. They said you might not make it. I was so worried." She grabbed my hand tighter. I could tell she was holding back tears.

"I feel a lot better than I did before. Is Dad here? Jenna?" I ask, attempting to sit up. Mom pushes me back down.

"Your father is downstairs... Jenna is... Well we're not sure where Jenna is. Audric and his friends searched everywhere for her..."

"Jenna?! What happened to her?!" I shout, struggling to sit up. This time I evaded Mom's hands and immediately felt dizzy. I swooned.

"You need to stay lying down. The doctor was very strict about that. He was mad enough already that we didn't bring you to the hospital. Julie! Stay down!" She was using her 'Mom' voice, so I obeyed.

"I need to talk to Audric then!" Mom looked like she didn't like the idea of me talking to Audric, but she sighed and got up and left. Audric walked in a few minutes later.

"Hey, Julie. Your feeling better?" He sat down at the edge of the bed and put his hand on my leg. It sent shivers up my spine.

"Yeah. Why are Mom and Dad here?" I ask, looking at him. He had a black eye and scratches down his arm.

"We couldn't very well tell them the same thing we told them last time..." He replies.

"So they know? About the werewolf thing?"

"Some I guess... They know about werewolves already since your family is an ancient hunter of them, so we told them that all of us are werewolves, including Jenna. They said that they suspected that. We didn't tell them about the vampires. They don't remember the attack on the house, just that you were taken. I told them the 'burglars' scared you and so you ran off, fell down a hill, hit your head, and bled out a lot. Not a very good lie, but it convinced them."

"What happened to Jenna?" I ask softly.

"Some other vampires kidnapped her while we were rescuing you. We're not sure where she is... I'm sorry Julie."

"Abe isn't dead, is he? He took her didn't he?"

"Yeah. Most likely."

"I have to go find him." I struggle out of the bed. I was feeling better. I thought I could get up and walk. I was way wrong. I fell against the bed and Audric picked me up and set me gently on the bed.

"Julie, I promise you that my wolves will search everywhere for her." His voice calmed me. I lay back against the pillows.

I wasn't calmed for long, rage boiled up in me again. "Audric! How can you say that! You know that Abe will never show himself! Or her for that matter!" I shriek, shoving him. I think he was more surprised at my physical contact, and that's what sent him falling to the floor. "You’re just saying that so I don't freak out! You would just rather leave her there for dead! Wouldn't you?!"

"Julie calm down!" He picks himself up off the floor, oh so gracefully I might add, and looks me straight in the eye. "Yes. I was just saying that so you don't freak out. Did you not think that I didn't know this would affect you?! I want you to be happy! Of course I looked for her! I, myself, even looked for her! Abe took her and left! He just got up and left! There's no trace of him anywhere! My wolves can't find him! I can't find him! Even the other wolves can't find him!" I could hear the frustration in his voice. The others downstairs could probably hear him too.

I was shocked. I never heard him yell at me before. "So what am I supposed to do now?! Am I just supposed to go back to school and act like nothing is wrong?! Act like this psycho vampire guy isn't going to stalk me?! Act like he doesn't have my sister?! He said that he wants me Audric! He wants me to become a vampire!” I didn’t tell him the whole ‘Abe’s going to use me as revenge thing’ because that might just make the situation worse. I didn’t want him going all protective of me when I could be out looking for Jenna. “Maybe if I bargain with him he'll let Jenna go!"

"Julie! You can't be the hero every time your sister is in danger! Just sit back for awhile and let the wolves search for her!" I could tell he was putting his 'I'm the Alpha you listen to me' power behind every word he said.

I can't believe he just said that! I will not abandon my sister, "1 week. If you don't have a lead by then. I'm going to find Abe. I know he'll come to me once I'm alone."

"3 weeks." He bartered.

"2 and a half."

"1 month."

"What you went up! You can't do that!" I shout.

"Either 1 month or I hold you here and not let you leave till we find Abe and kill him." His voice was stern. I could tell he meant every word. I'm sure he would very much like to hold me here and never let me go.

"Fine." I grumble.

"Now lay back down. Get some sleep. I promise I will do all that's in my power to find her and eliminate Abe." He pushed me gently, but forcefully, back down against the pillows, and walked to the door. Before he left, I could faintly hear him say, "There is now way I am going to let him turn you..."


29 days later.

29 days my parents have known that I hang out with werewolves.

29 days since my fight with Audric.

29 days since I've seen my sister.

29 days since I promised I'd give Audric 1 month to find her in.

Less than 1 day till I go find Abe myself.

"Julie, please give me more time. We have it narrowed down to where Abe is." Audric pleaded.

"No! I told you one month. It's almost been the month. Tomorrow, I find Abe myself." I say, trying to copy his 'stern Alpha' voice. I think I did a pretty good job.

"Julie, sweetie, maybe you should listen to him. He will find her." Dad told me, trying to stay calm. We were all sitting in the living room. Mom and Dad on the couch, me on a chair from the kitchen, and Audric filling up the Lazy-boy chair.

"You don't have to rush to her rescue, Julie. Audric and Craig will find Abe and save Jenna." Mom replied, trying to convince me. Craig was the Alpha of a neighboring werewolf Pack who was helping with the search.

I was unconvinced. "No. I'm going and none of you will stop me. You promised Audric."

Audric looked tired. He probably was tired. I have to admit he had been working hard to find Abe's hiding location. I also have to admit he's done a good job of narrowing down the search. I, once again, have to admit he almost had me convinced to give him more time. Poor Audric.

This hurts me almost as much as it hurts him.

I have to go. None of them understand that. Abe will not come out of hiding until I'm alone.

He's just using Jenna as ransom for me.

Ugh. Jenna. What have I gotten myself into?