Let's Take a Moment to Reflect on the Past Few Years of Our Lives

Chapter 3


"And you're sure you don't even wanna come for a little bit? Just to see gandma and grandpa?" I asked my mother over the phone.

I was going to move back to America. I had wanted to do it for a long time, but for some reason I'd never gotten round to it. Somehow my grandparents had been able to buy the house I grew up in for me to live in, so when I started my work placement I would begin paying them back. I already gave them the deposit. I was currently waiting for the plane, so my mom wouldn't have been able to come now anyway, but I thought I could maybe convince her to actually join me later. I shouldn't have asked because I knew what she would say.

"No, Allie, I need to stay and look after your grandpa, you know he's got no one else." I sighed. I did know. But that wasn't the real reason because he was always trying to get her to go visit my father's parents. She just always made an excuse. She didn't want to be reminded of my dad I guess.

"Okay mom, well I guess I'll call you at Christmas then. I love you mom," I said before hanging up. I sighed to myself. I wasn't coming back here for Christmas. I just couldn't. Another Christmas with my mom feeling empty...I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew it was selfish of me...but I just really couldn't do it. It was a hard time for me right now. It was the beginning of December. A couple of weeks and eleven years ago, my dad died. But at least I could feel closer to him in America. I'd finally found out why my grandparents were so distant when I was a child. It was because I reminded them of the son they lost. But they were sorry and wished they hadn't done that, because I was their only grandchild. So they were awesome at helping me figure out moving over there and everything.

Finally it was time to board the plane and I left England behind. Left my mom behind. Left Erica behind. Well...that wasn't entirely true. Erica was going to be flying out for a couple of months in the summer, the plane tickets were booked, so this was one friend I knew I would keep, and we would call each other on my birthday that was fast approaching.

Who knew, maybe I would bump into my best friend and everything would be okay again. He would be twenty five in December. I would be twenty three. I really did miss him.

Then I smiled to myself, a secret little smile. What if I ran into Alex? That would just make my year.


I was round at my parents house, the house I had grown up in, when I noticed some vans outside next door.

"Hey, mom, what's with all the vans next door?"

Mom came to my side and looked out the window. "Oh, that will be the new neighbor I'd imagine. Someone's finally moving in. They took down the for sale sign a few weeks ago. I might invite them round for Christmas if they're new to the area and don't know anybody else."

That was my mom, always inviting people over. Of course, I hadn't minded when it was Allie. I was kind of upset though, someone else was moving into my best friend's house. To Allie's house. I think mom radar picked up on it.

"Oh sweetie, what's the matter?"

"It's just...well it's Allie's house isn't it? I always used to hope she and her mom would come back. It's just been so long."

My mother smiled at me and stroked my hair like she always had done when I was upset. "You never know, she might still come back. But whoever moves in, you never know if it's a girl that might take your fancy. I would quite like you to settle down someday you know."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Mom, you know no ones like Allie."

She gave me a sad smile. "I know sweetie, but Allie's moved on. You were kids. She'll always be your first love, but there has to come a time when you let her go."

I shook my head. "How about if I ever find someone who makes me feel the same way Allie did, even though we were kids, then I'll have her down the aisle before you can bat an eyelid, okay?"

My mother smiled and patted my back/ Oh Allie, why couldn't you remember me? Maybe next time we were in the UK I could find her again.


"Yeah, I just got off the plane, I'm gonna take a walk I think," I told my grandparents over the phone.

"No darling, you can't do that!" my grandpa exclaimed. "It's a long walk from the airport to that house! It'll take you awhile! Especially with that heavy luggage! I'll come and get you."

I rolled my eyes, even though he wouldn't see because we were on the phone. "It's one suitcase with wheels and a pull along handle, and a rucksack. I packed light, I'm just gonna buy stuff as I go along."

"But it's the least we could do as we won't be here for Christmas or your birthday!" My grandparents had always gone to Hawaii for Christmas. They offered to take me with them, but I declined. And they would be leaving on the fifteenth, which was tomorrow, my birthday being the sixteenth, go figure.

"It's fine, honestly, I don't mind. It'll be nice to just get used to the place again."

"But we won't see you until January!"

I laughed at his worry. "Yeah, and I'll still be here! Please, it's fine. Just remember to call me on my birthday and Christmas, okay?"

They promised and I started the walk to my...home? Yeah. My home. I would be spending Christmas alone. Well, maybe not alone. I still had the picture of nameless friend. That would be enough.


"Happy birthday Alex! Half way to fifty, man you're getting old!" Jack teased as we sat in my mother's basement. It was just me, Jack, Rian and Zack. They were all here for Christmas to see their families, and they were spending my birthday with me too. They wanted to take me out to a bar, but this year I really wasn't feeling it. So we were having a friends and family gathering I guess.

"Oh gee, thanks Jack. It'll be your turn one day too!" I said flicking popcorn at him.

They all looked at each other as I got lost in my thoughts again. "Alex, are you okay?" Rian asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

Again, they exchanged looks and elected Zack to talk. "Look, since we came back from the UK you haven't been...yourself. It's just weird. You barely drink anymore, you never want to come out partying, I mean fuck Alex, you haven't even hooked up in the past few weeks! What the hell is wrong with you?"

I sighed. "Her. She's what's wrong." They all knew who I meant.

"Dude, come on! You were kids! You haven't seen her since-"

"I did see her Jack! At the meet and greet! She was there! But she...she didn't remember me," I confessed and put my head in my hands.

This time Jack spoke more softly. "That could have been anyone. Maybe she didn't remember you because she doesn't have reason to. She was just a fan. She wasn't your childhood friend. You need to move on."

I laughed sadly. "Yeah, that's what my mom said."

"Then maybe you should listen to her, dude," Rian said.

I knew they'd take her side. Again, I sighed. But we got my new guitar out and played a few songs in the basement of my parents house. It was always a good thing, always made me happy.

Eventually the guys left, probably annoyed with my being so unsociable. I was too depressed. So I just stayed playing.

I didn't even hear my mom over the noise of amps telling me the neighbor had arrived, and I just knew I had to go to that old swing set like I had with Allie every year.


On my way, I passed the swing set I used to visit often with my friend. I smiled as I passed them. Knowing we were too old now, and I wouldn't find him here. So I carried on walking, soaking in all of Baltimore before reaching my home sweet home. I sighed at the familiar wood of the door and turned my new key. My grandparents had gotten all the furniture moved in, so I didn't have to do anything. They even bought me all the appliances I would need and stocked up my fridge, freezer and cupboards. I didn't pause to admire the familiar living space, I just headed straight up to my old room with the seat underneath the window and dropped the bags.

I smiled to myself and unpacked everything I would need, even my All Time Low posters. But I saved the most important thing for last. The picture of myself and that boy. That went on the table right next to my bed. His birthday was in December, I'm sure it was. We used to have joint celebrations sometimes...maybe he would come back for his birthday if it hadn't already some around, and maybe then I would meet him again. If his parents still lived here, that is.

And that gave me an idea.

I changed out of the comfortable flying clothes and changed into skinny jeans, but kept the All Time Low hoodie and added a leather jacket. It was fucking freezing out there. I dragged on some gloves and made my way downstairs, not bothering to lock the door because I would only be introducing myself to my neighbors, if they were different that is. If they were the ones I used to know, then it would be a different matter.

I smiled as I recognised the old familiar house I had spent half my childhood in. I shakily walked up the path, hoping to god that they were the same old neighbors, although it would be embarrassing to have to ask their names. I was so nervous, more nervous than I had been meeting All Time Low. But eventually I plucked up the courage to knock on the door after slowly walking up the path.

I held my breath for a few minutes before the door opened to a familiar face.

She looked so familiar. "Hi...erm I'm the new neighbor...well not really new...I used to live there when I was a child, and if you're the same woman, then I used to spend a lot of time with your son. My name's-"

"Allie!" she finished for me, a huge grin on her face and eyes lighting up, pulling me into a warm hug. I remembered these hugs. "You came back! Oh he'll be so happy! We were just talking about you last week actually!"

My face lit up this time. "Really? That's awesome! I know this is rude because I just came back and all...but is he in? I really want to see him, it's been so long!"

She grinned and nodded, telling me to wait while she got him. She let me stand inside. I would have gone into the living room, but I kinda felt like that would be invading their space. I'd only just came back. After a few minutes she came back to me, a frown on her face. "He's not here, he was in the basement a few minutes ago...he had his friends over, but they left. He may be at that park you two used to go to all the time. It was your birthday celebration remember?"

I nodded, but then that would mean..."Wait, it's his birthday? Like today?" She nodded. I groaned. How could I have forgotten that? "Okay...right, well in that case I need to go find him! Can't have him alone on his birthday! Tell Peter I said hi!" Yes, that's right, his dad's name was Peter. I started to remember, maybe it was being back here.

Isobel smiled at me. "He'll be so happy to see you. You have no idea how long he's waited for you to come back."

I looked down at my feet, smiling small. "I don't know, maybe about as long as I've waited meaning to come back."

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine. Go find him Allie, and then bring him back. The cold could affect his throat." I nodded, but I thought that was kind of strange. Did he have some sort of condition now that I didn't know about when we were kids?

But nonetheless I smiled and hurried to go find my best friend. I was finally gonna see him...on his birthday. And maybe we could be friends again. I wanted him with me for my birthday. He had no idea how much I had missed him.
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I just really love this...I don't care if it's crap tp everyone else, I just love it :')

ANYWAY thanks again for reading guys! Last one for a while today! Got a ton of work to do. I might post again tonight, depends. Hopefully I will! Let me know what you think! I LOVE YOU ALL!