Seems An Awful Waste

It All Started Here You Know?

Aurélie's P.O.V.


“I’m afraid everything you’ve heard is true miss…- “

“Aurelie. It’s French.”

“Oh, yes, Miss Aurelie. It’s a beautiful name.”

“Thank you.”

I stayed silent until he said those words.
You know…
Those three words everyone says…
When you’re dying I mean.

“I’m so sorry.”

There you go.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I stared at the hospital ceiling. There was a crack that nearly ran from one side of the room to the other.
It had been hours since Mikey left. Since I'd had anything to do. Since I'd had any human contact. Usually I didn't mind not having any human contact, but at that moment, in that place...
I hate hospitals. But then who doesn't?
A nurse bustled into the room. I barely glanced at her.

"How are you feeling today... erm..."

"Gerard," I told her icily.

"Gerard?" she finished.

"I'm fine." I still wouldn't look at her.

She looked down, as though ashamed to look at me and left. Angry tears formed in my eyes.
When the hell was I gonna get out of there?

Aurélie’s P.O.V


I stepped out into the main part of the building, looking around, spotting a few people coughing up their lungs and others running around to the operating rooms; but there was someone there who really caught my attention.

He was sitting in a separate room from the rest, on a small blue chair. I tilted my head to the left to see him more clearly, and as I did so, he looked up. I froze for a second, loosing myself into his big brown eyes. He looked at me as if he was wanted to scream out… angry waves emitting from his body.

I quickly broke the contact after realising I was staring at him, walking out as fast as I could. I wanted to get to my car, get home, and cry on my bed until my eyes hurt.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I sighed, the frustrated breath escaping my body quickly. I clenched my fists and looked out the clear glass wall that separated my cell from the waiting room. A girl was watching me, a strange, upset expression on her face. Why was she staring at me? I wondered. I titled my head slightly to the left and frowned as she left. I hope it wasn't me who hurt her feelings. Suddenly, guilt swamped my mind. I watched her red and black hair swinging low down her back as she practically ran out the hospital. Was it my fault? I tipped my head back again. And wished everything would go away.

My phone vibrated from on the side table by my chair.