Seems An Awful Waste

Name?Age?Reason For Crashing?

Aurélie's P.O.V

As I stopped laughing, he regained the colour in his face, making him look twice as edible as before. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face; it’s as if his presence just glued it on.
Not that I was complaining about it.

At that moment he spoke in a soft deep voice

“Gerard” he said “I am… I mean, that’s my name”

I giggled slightly at his slip up, and then turned as red as a tomato in spring. I could still feel his gaze rested on my face whilst I was talking to his chest, rather than gawping at his beautiful eyes.

“Aurélie. Pleased to meet you.”

I stretched out my hand, making it more formal than I’d intended.

“French, right?” He asked, taking it and shaking it.

At that, I looked up, a smile slowly creeping back in the corner of my mouth.

“Yeah, that’s right. I think you’re the first one to notice. But then again, is yours not French as well?” I wondered.

Gerard’s P.O.V

"Germanic, actually," I corrected her and smiled back at her.

The elevator opened. I turned and looked at it stupidly, not knowing why I got in.

"Well, this is where I leave you." she said.

I nodded. She stepped out the doors, looking down as though disappointed and the guilt I had felt before washed over me in fresh waves.

"Do you come here often?"

"Once a week." she replied, smiling sadly.

'My god, I wonder what's wrong with her?' I wondered.

"Maybe I'll see you soon?"

"I hope." she said.

The elevator doors closed. And feeling thoroughly down hearted I pushed the button for the ground floor.

Aurélie’s P.O.V

He corrected my mistake just as the doors opened to my floor. I looked at him one last time.

“Well, this is where I leave you.”

I said softly, a hint of disappointment ingrained in my voice.

I looked down, shoving both my hands in my pockets, feeling his gaze settle upon me once again as he said

“Do you come here often?”

I looked up and smiled.

“Once a week.”

I wanted to hide the bitterness of my answer behind my smile, but I know I failed miserably, as I saw his eyes widen slightly. I thought

‘Yeah, I know right? What the fuck’s wrong with HER?’ but said nothing.

“Maybe I’ll see you soon?”

“I hope so.”

I said walking off to the car park exit, mentally kicking myself for not asking him why he was there…

Oh well, I’ll find out sooner or later.


Gerard’s P.O.V

The doors slid open again to reveal the heavily packed waiting room. I sighed and made my way back towards my room.
I lay on the bed, once again trying desperately to interest myself in the ceiling. Un-surprisingly, it didn't work.

Remembering Frank's many phone calls I switched my phone back on. And sure enough I didn't have to wait long before it vibrated and then started playing my ringtone, 'She-spider' by Mew. 'Frank' once more flashed across the small screen. I sighed again, and pressed 'answer'.

"Gerard?" he said.

"Frankie?" I whispered, my voice cracking, tears leaking from the side of my eyes.

"Gee? What's wrong?"

I can't bring myself to answer, shaking my head, even though I know he can't see me.

"Do you want some company?" he asked softly.

'Yes!' I thought desperately but was still only capable of inarticulate sobs.

"I'm coming. I'll be there as soon as possible." He hung up.

I curled up, hugging my knees to my chest, letting myself cry.