Seems An Awful Waste

I'm Not Afraid To Fall.

Aurélie's P.O.V

As he stepped inside the elevator with me, I was watching him in the corner of my eye. He stared at me for a few seconds with him mouth slightly open before making any noise.


I jumped slightly at the fact he was addressing me, and turned around to face him. I flashed a shy smile in his direction before feeling the blood rush to my face. He was so much more beautiful up close. He had a sweet round face, a small thin nose with gorgeous brown eyes I couldn’t stop staring at. I tore myself away from them for a second, looking at the floor, absolutely red in the face to reply.

“H- Hey” I managed to spit out.
I wasn’t sure if he’d heard me, so I looked up to find him still looking straight at me.

Gerard’s P.O.V

She mumbled something directed at her shoes, which I didn't catch. Then she looked up at me, I could see she was blushing and her dark hair falling into her blue-grey eyes. I opened my mouth again. And my phone rang.
I pulled it out of my pocket, unable to tear my eyes away from hers and pressed 'answer'.

"Gerard, what the hell?" Frank demanded down the speaker.

"Why are you in hospital? Why did you hang up on me?!"

"Frank. I can't talk right now."

"Why not?" he demanded.

"Stop calling me. I will call you back,"

I snapped, hung up and turned back to her, this time it was my turn to blush.

"Boyfriend troubles?" she asked.

My mouth fell open. Why did everyone think that?!

Aurélie’s P.O.V


As he answered his phone, I took time to stare at his face again, not really listening to his conversation until he said a name. ‘Frank…boyfriend?’
He was too pretty to be straight, surely. Well it was worth a try to ask.

Snickering to myself I asked.

“Boyfriend troubles?”

I saw the expression on his face change quite rapidly from guilt to downright shock, which made me laugh.
And I don’t mean a little shy girly laugh, I mean a proper laugh.

I hate my laugh. I sound like a winded donkey...

Although, as I heard what I said, I have to admit, I though it did sound pretty ridiculous as well.

Gerard’s P.O.V

She was laughing at me. And I couldn't wipe the look of shock from off my face.

"He's not my boyfriend,"
I said. It was all I could think of to say. Then my phone went off.

Again. I pressed 'ignore' and turned it off.
She stopped laughing, finally. I felt myself slowly fading back to my normal colour.

"Gerard," I said.

"I am.. I mean that's my name."
The red crept back into my face. 'Gerard I am?' I though to myself. 'Smoooth.'

She smiled slightly.

"Aurélie, pleased to meet you"

"French, right?" I asked.