30 Day Letter Challenge

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

Ello. I would first like to say sorry that I'm probably not the daughter you wanted. I'm sure dad doesn't mind that I listen to metal/rock music, and that I like to wear band shirts a lot, but I know for a fact it gets under your skin, mom.
You always ask me why I don't wear this or that, why I only wear mascara and eyeliner. You also always ask me why I never hang out with my friends. Well, that would be because I have all I need on the trusty laptop that pretty much doesn't leave my room. Sorry 'bout that. I am perfectly content with watching interviews of my favorite bands or playing games all day, probably fucking up my eyes so that their worse then they are now.
Another thing that goes along with that is that I don't have a boyfriend, and probably won't until high school. Well, I have had a boyfriend, thank you very much, he just was an ass. We went out for like two months. I wish I had a boyfriend, I really do, it's just that most of the guys I know are either dick heads or scared of me. Except Zack. But he likes someone else, actually in his grade, so I figure I have no chance.
Another thing that really pisses me off about you guys is when you get all in my face about my guitar. Yes, I still play. Just not so that you hear. Yes, I am serious. Maybe I just don't want to play guitar in a band. God knows I can't sing, so I figure I'll learn bass and drums, in that order, since bass is like guitar and costs less than drums. And also because I see myself sucking at drums. But that is a completely different topic!
Also, I'm not 5 anymore. Please get that through your heads. Yes, I still love you, but just because I don't want to watch TV or go to the store with you anymore doesn't mean I don't love you. I'm 14, I'm not stupid. I could probably live on my own if I had a steady job and knew how to cook. Which I can't. I burn water. Getting off topic!!
Also, please don't freak out about school. I'm in all advanced classes and haven't had a 'C' on my report card yet. I actually got straight 'A's first quarter! I just want to not take honors Geometry next year. Math and Science are my worst subjects. Except I think I'll do good in Biology. It's Physics and stuff I don't get. GETTING OFF TOPIC AGAIN!!!
Sometimes I think I have ADHD. I know I get that from you mom. Also, sometimes I feel depressed. Like when you point out that I'm not the skinniest. Saying I'm not fat, but I could stand to lose some weight does NOT make it sound any better. I'm 14, of COURSE I will say that I think you're calling me fat. Because you pretty much are.
Fuck you.
Love, Hannah.
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