Should I Go on With This Arranged Marriage?

Nick's Merry Christmas. Brian's Nightmare

Brian’s P.O.V.

I stayed on my room for almost three days, since I saw the letter. I kept the paper, though and still reading over and over it until now. I only walked out, to ask Tess to buy me beers and that’s it, I’d locked myself into and drink all the alcohol. I also took the reserved keys on my room so that nobody can open it for themselves.

Three knock banged my door, but I ignored it. “Brian, what’s happening to you?” oh there you go, Mom. “Brian open the door please.” I just ignored all of them

Finally the knockings stopped and I drowned myself with my new lover. This piece of bottle I’m holding at. She’ll never leave me, right?


Dominique’s P.O.V.

I’m sitting again here at Haner’s dining room. All of us are waiting for Brian to go down; Amanda came up to get him. She came back in a while still with no Brian at her back.

“Marco, he just won’t open the door. I’m afraid something will happen to him.” she said nervously playing with her fingers.

What could’ve happen to him? Do another slash on his body. He is really stupid if he do that again.

“Dominique did he tell something to you, over the phone?” I shook my head in response. “Three days ago he told me he would just buy something, but he came back slamming all the door holding two bags of beers and that’s it, he locked himself in.”

“We don’t talk, really.” I replied. “Don’t you have any other keys to his room?” she shook her head as well. “How about his bandmates? Maybe he could’ve told them something.” I picked my phone from my purse and searched for Jimmy’s number. I dialled it and waited for three rings before he finally answered.

“Hey, Jimmy.” I said standing up from the chair and heading for the backyard.

“This is not, Jimmy. Leanna here. And why are you calling my boyfriend?” a girls’ voice answered.

“I’m Dominique, Brian’s friend. I just want to ask Jimmy, if Brian has told him anything.” There was a small silent.

“Dominique, no, Brian hasn’t talk to me since the tour has ended. Sounds like a problem again.”

“Yeah, Jimmy. It is. He locked himself up for three days and Amanda is worried as hell. And for the record he took the other keys of his room with him.

I heard him a deep sighed from the other line. “I’ll bring the boys with me.”

“thanks.” with that he hang up.

I walked back to the dining room where everybody has worried face. “What did he told you?” Amanda asked before I even reached the table.

I shook my head. “But he’ll bring the boys here.” I paused. “uhm… maybe you should have your dinner now. Please don’t worry yourself that much. Everything will be fine.”

“I can’t be not worried!” Amanda suddenly burst in tears. And Marco came to comfort her. “I already lost a son. I don’t want to lose what’s left to me.”

“I’m sorry for that.” Marco apologizes.

“Maybe we should go ahead for now.” Dad said and Marco just nodded.

We started walking out the door to the car. Mom was already in and so does Dad. “uhm… Dad, Mom, I think I should stay.”

“Why? I thought you have to meet your friends.” A little late won’t hurt right?

“Yes, but I think they’ll understand me. I just don’t feel easy.” I said scratching the side of my head.

“okay, then.” Mom replied and they took off.

I put out my phone again and composed a message. ‘Don’t pick me up; I’ll just go by myself. I’m gonna be a little late. Sorry, personal reason. Hope your parents will understand.’ I send it to Tom.

I’m on my way to get inside when a car stopped infront of the house. Matt, Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy all came out.

“What happened?” Matt asked pulling his glasses off.

“I don’t know, nobody really knows.” Is my confused reply.

“By the way Nick, you look classy.” Zacky smirked.

I rolled my eyes on him. “Not the right time for that. Please, guys talk to him. Amanda just burst out crying.”

We all walked back in. “Jimmy, please help my Brian.” Amanda called as soon as his visible to her.

“I will” he replied. They started walking upstairs, didn’t follow them cause I know there’s going to be a lot of screaming and cursing with them but instead I walked to Amanda and Marco.

“I’m really sorry.” I said, looking down my feet.

“No, I should apologize for shouting.” Amanda said already on a calmer voice.

“I’m really sorry, though.” I said again. But something came across my mind. I thought Brian was their only son? “Isn’t Brian, was only child?”

“Dominique, sweetie.” I heard Marco sounding just like my Dad. “Brian did is our only child now. He had an older brother, Rian’s his name. He died, when Brian was just three and Rian was seven. He was… He was kidnapped by some of our, let’s just say, villain. You know my work.” I can see that he was blaming himself for that.

I nod in understanding. “I’m sorry for you and Rian.” So, I wasn’t really meant to Brian, but instead Rian? What was he like if he’s still alive? I think he’d be nicer.

“It’s okay.”

“I gotta go.” I said standing when I saw the clock on the wall, it says 8:30 and I’m so late.

“Okay, careful, young lady.”


Just ten minutes of riding the cab, I finally reached Tom’s house. I paid for the cab and quickly stepped inside their open house. There’s a party and pretty much all the people here look really classy. I looked at myself. I don’t look bad, though. I’m wearing black one-shoulder dress and that matched perfectly with my embellished platform.

“You don’t look bad.” I heard someone say, coming from no other than Tom.

“I doubt that, though.” I said as he snake his arm on my waist.

“You look just fine as them even in your short shorts and a tank top.”

We entered the house and people started looking my way. “Why are they looking at me?” I whispered on Tom.

“Because you’re beautiful” he whispered back.

“No, really. Why? They are glaring now.” I whispered back eyeing a group of girls, from the far corner where I and Tom are standing.

He looked the way I was looking at. “That girl is daughter my Mom’s friend. She’s wanting to date me, since Junior. Too bad, I have my eyes glued over you since sophomore.” He smirked at me and kisses my head. I think it’s really sweet when he kisses me on my head. “Come on, there’s my Dad.” He pointed and we started walking towards his Dad.

“Excuse me.” Tom excuses the middle-age woman who clearly wants to hook up with his Dad for some penny. How did I know? I don’t know. I just felt it. “Dad, This is Dominique; Dominique my Dad, Henry.”

“Oh, what a beautiful lady.” He said grabbing my left arm and giving a peck on it. Oh, he’s Italian, partly, right?

“thank you. and I’m sorry for being way too late.” I smiled.

“Don’t worry. It’s all fine. For a lovely lady like you, the wait is worthy.” He smiled back. “Tom hasn’t smiled to anyone earlier. He probably wasn’t in the mood.”

“Dad, stop it.” Tom replied.

“Okay, okay, enjoy the rest of the night, yuppies.” I giggle as he referred to ‘young people’

“Nice to meet you.” I said before he left. “You got a really cool, Dad. He seems funny.” I turned back to Tom.

“Yes, He is. That’s why Mom used to be a lot jealous; he could flirt with just anyone any gender. He even used it for some business deal.”

“cool.” I replied.

The rest of the night went good. Tom never left my side, which makes the group of girls earlier, glared at me even more. I just smiled at them. There’s nothing more you can do but to smile to those who frowned on you, right?

“I’ll show you something.” Tom said gently pulling my hands to his. I didn’t ask, I just let him pull me. We passed inside their house, and then the dining room next is the kitchen, then two closed doors, until we passed another door which leads us to what seems to be the backyard. It was really dark until, Tom reached for the switch.

My eyes fall in love with mesmerizing little light that hanging on tall trees all over the place. “Oh my god.” I whispered to myself. Tom pulled me to what looks like a bridge. We stopped at the middle of the bridge and he gently pulled my waist to him and I put my hands on his neck. Slowly, we dance on the music coming from the other side of the house. We stayed that while for a while just looking at each other’s eyes.

“This place is beautiful.” I whispered.

“The right place for a goddess like you.” he whispered back.

Slowly, our lips touched. The kiss was very passionate and I could feel the heat of love from his lips. I kissed him too with every love I have from him…

He took away from the kiss and whispered. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, way too much…” I replied.

He smiled and walked to the other side of the bridge and picked a little basket. He walked back and gives it to me. “Merry Christmas.” He smiled but I didn’t take the basket because of a sudden movement I saw. He lifted the white sheet and saw a milky caramel coloured puppy. Maltese it is.

“awww, thanks you so much, Baby.” I said and kissed him again
♠ ♠ ♠
Dyed my hair back to black two nights ago. Now it's red again.
I honestly looked older with black hair.
