The Space Chronicles

Chapter 2 - Keith Starr

The ship flew down and made a crash landing on the planet. Everyone stumbled out to see a startling sight. They were in the midst of a huge city. It was a sight they would remember.

Nearby they could hear squabbling from what appeared to be a club. Aliens walked past without any consideration. Then suddenly a man was plummeted through the window. He got up and dusted himself off. He had short scruffy brown hair and wore a space captain’s uniform. On his left leg was a holster for a gun.

“Damn they’ve nicked my gun!” said the man running back in. There was a riot from inside before he came crashing back through the window again, this time with a pistol in his hand.

“Excuse me,” asked Segmath to this man, “Do you require any assistance.”

“Give me one second,” replied the man, “I’ve lost my captain’s badge.”

He went back in once more, but this time Segmath followed him. The club seemed to be in a riot with fists flying everywhere. One man tried to grab Segmath but he was soon flung into a nearby table.

“Alright then, I thought I told u to get lost?” said One particularly fat alien with a firm grip on the man’s jacket.

“You’re going chuck me out the window again aren’t you,” asked the man. The alien nodded and flung him out of the window. The man got up and walked back in looking at Segmath.

“Right, want to give me some assistance now?” he asked. Segmath nodded. At that point the alien got angry and drew its very long space shotgun-type weapon.

“That I didn’t expect,” said the man. The man then kicked a table that flew in the air and safeguarded Segmath and him from the attacks of the alien. Bang! Went another shot from the powerful gun.

“That’s enough losing for today,” said the man, “By the way my name is Keith Starr, in case you were wandering.”

Keith got up with his pistol in his hand. He took aim and shot at a light on the ceiling it fell and crushed the alien. Keith walked over and grabbed a badge off him with a picture of an eagle on it

“Don’t mess with guns,” he said putting it on his uniform.

“Who are you?” asked Segmath. Keith looked at him and smiled brightly

“I am the legendary Keith Starr,” he replied, “Captain of the Big Sneeze.”

“A ship?” enquired Segmath, “Because we require assistance in that area.”

“We?” asked Keith looking around.

“There are three of us,” said Segmath, “I am Segmath with my partner Dannon and there is a princess called Azuka.”

“A princess?” said Keith, “I’ve always wanted to work with royalty.”

“There he is,” came a distant voice behind the bar, “He killed our boss.”

“I accept this mission,” said Keith, “Now let’s get out of here as quickly as possible.”

A gang of aliens emerged from the bar and ran after the now sprinting Keith Starr. They started to fire their guns at him as he and Segmath took some dark alleys.

“I’ll lose them,” said Keith jumping up onto a nearby ladder, “You get the rest of your crew.”

Segmath nodded and ran off to get the others. Keith began to climb up shortly followed by the gang of aliens. Eventually he reached the top of the building and was ducking bullets as he ran along it.

“Your dead Keith Starr,” said an alien that had emerged on top of the building. Keith looked down to see a ship filled with water. Keith grinned.

“Oh no,” said Keith, “What ever you do please don’t throw me off the edge of the building because of my fear of heights.”

“That’s a good idea,” said one alien to another. They grabbed Keith and tossed him off the edge of the building. Keith landed unharmed in the ship filled with water.

“Better try next time gentlemen,” shouted Keith to them, “Look to the stars and you shall find me, Keith Starr!”

Keith then got out of the ship drenched and ran off to find Segmath and his crew. Keith’s clothes had an automatic drying system on them and dried off nearly immediately.

“I love this universe,” he said admiring them.

Keith soon met up with Segmath and his crew. Keith took no time in kissing the hand of Princess Azuka and seemed to completely phase out Dannon. Keith then led everyone to a dock where his ship was.

It was an old piece of metal with engines attached to it. On the side it had faded words ‘The Big Sneeze’ Keith seemed pretty proud of it and gave it a pat.

“She’s beautiful isn’t she?” Keith said to himself, “Had her for ages.”

“Is that you Keith?” asked a voice from the inside. The front of the ship opened up and out came a man with blue skin and orange hair. He wore a tank top and green trousers.

“This is my first mate Celio,” said Keith, “Been with me for years.”
“What exactly is going on?” asked Celio to Keith. Keith merely game him a smirk and led everyone inside.

“So then where is it you want to go?” he asked.

“I am uncertain,” replied Segmath. Azuka pulled out the piece of scroll and unravelled it. It was half of a map.

“Whoa!” said Keith, “What do we have here then?”

“It is a map to the lost planet,” said Azuka.

“You mean the planet with the treasure of a thousand kings,” enquired Keith. Azuka nodded. Keith looked to Celio and stood up, “It is my duty to escort you there myself your highness.”

“We must find the other part of the map first,” said Azuka and Keith sat back down.

“I know who could find,” said Keith jumping up, “To the Planet of Polanda!”

“No-one would be alive on that planet,” said Segmath, “I used to transport Crylonian criminals to it.”

“Is that so,” replied Keith, “I know someone who lives there and I’m willing to put a wager on it.”

“I do not bet,” replied Segmath. Keith started to cluck like a chicken at him which annoyed Segmath.

“Okay,” replied Keith, “If someone lives there then you owe me a favour.”

“Fine,” replied Segmath. Keith then closed the doors.

“Zookie,” Zookie then emerged from Azuka’s shoulder. Keith jumped up in surprise.

“Aaahh!?” he said, “Flying yellow monkey!”

“Oh this is Zookie,” said Azuka. Zookie then flew over to Keith to cuddle up to him.

“I hate yellow flying monkeys,” he said

“Why?” asked Azuka. Keith wandered about this for a moment.

“I’m not sure,” he replied and took his seat once more. The ship blasted off with a puff of smoke as it made its way to the cold planet of Polanda.